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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System-Novel

Chapter 519  Battle on the surface, war behind scenes (part 5)
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Chapter 519  Battle on the surface, war behind scenes (part 5)

Needless to say, but the silver armored Freya was in awe at what just happened a moment ago.

'Certainly, both me and that crazy woman are in horrible states, but whatever little energy she had managed to wring out shouldn't be weakened enough to be countered by a mortal and that sword isn't a Promise treasure so how did he…'.

She was surprised by how destructive were those white flames, that the masked youth used, but could still put its effect on the fact that they contained a strong light element, which was a weak point of the monstrous mermaid.

He also wasn't restrained to be forced to use a specific weapon to inflict damage to the monstrous mermaid, unlike her, which is why she created a plan to finish Karla in a single strike.

Daimon was going to initiate the attack and then she was going to add all the energy she had left, into it, for that she even used a lot of her reserves when fighting the sea abomination and supplied energy to the protection she casted on Daimon, the idea was to look weakened so that Karla lowered her guard.

But then the situation completely went of tracks, and she now no longer was in control of what was happening, because she didn't know what will the masked youth had in his mind, but she was sure that the black sword he wielded was dangerous.

While Freya was lost in her thoughts, Daimon heard Narasha's voice in his mind.

'Disaster is actually "full" for the first time, ever since we became partners, seems like I'll be managing things for a while since it's going to sleep in order to digest what it ate'.

Ever since Narasha became Daimon's soulmate, Disaster and her were completely separated, and she was no longer affected by the whims of the capricious sword.

That being said, while Narasha was a good girl and always cooperated with Daimon, Disaster only took the initiative when it was interested in something, or when Daimon fed it with small quantities of his mana or battle aura.

Besides that, Daimon was still able to use the devour ability of Disaster, but he output was greatly reduced, luckily Daimon learned how to "bribe" the capricious sword, by letting it drain his enemies out of their energy and vitality, which somewhat increased how much Disaster cooperated, that was the result of eight years of training.

Of course, if he wanted to, he could have forcefully dominated Disaster by stealing its energy, since his lazy ass magic core actually seemed to have held a grudge towards it, but he chose to take a different approach, not for Disaster, but for Narasha who had to live inside of it, still it paid off since Disaster became more cooperative due to that.

'Okay, be on guard, we aren't finished here yet', he inwardly said as he flashed towards the monstrous mermaid, and kicked her on the stomach, sending her flying downwards, until she clashed on the ground.

Now the three enemies were laying on the ground, with serious injuries on them, next to each other.

Daimon descended from the sky and Freya who came out of her daze, when she saw Daimon casually hitting Karla, followed him but Daimon didn't pay her much attention, he instead walked towards Karla who was spiting blood after receiving that attack and then aimed Disaster at her neck.

"I'm pretty sure you know how this works, you are going to tell me everything I'm not aware off by yourself, or I'm going to force the truth out of you", he said.

Karla spat on the ground as she replied.

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"You are a tough one huh, you can act all high and mighty but for me you are nothing but a speck of dust, by the time you find a way to kill me or escape this planet, everything you know would have turned to ashes… aghhh!".

Cutting the monologue of the now aged mermaid, Daimon stabbed her left shoulder with Disaster, she surprisingly didn't have any vitality left, which didn't make sense as she was still alive, but Daimon then resorted to the old reliable Demon Light, and that's what made Karla scream.

Ignoring the mermaid who was screaming while trying to take out Disaster's blade out of her shoulder, just to realize the sword didn't move an inch no matter how hard she tried, Daimon turned to see Freya and then asked.

"You are involved with her, so tell me, what did she meant with that?", there were too many missing pieces and Daimon wanted answers.

Freya sighed in response before saying.

"I can't tell you much, it's not like I don't want to, I'm tied by a curse and the same applies to her, that is also the reason as to why she couldn't kill me even when I was imprisoned inside that star, until that trident came to light once again… unfortunately the object needed to kill her it's not in this planet".

"The other solution I know off, is to kill every single member of the human and Ghoul races, which is why that crazy woman incited a war at the end of her words, the silver armored woman clenched her hands, which made the monstrous mermaid who was still screaming, regain some composure.

"Hahaha, that's right, so what if you were stronger, you can't change anything, obediently watch by the sides, like the rest of the trash!", she screamed as she forced her own arm to be cut off by Disaster by jumping backwards.

Clenching her teeth to endure the excruciating pain, Karla extended her remaining hand and her severed arm turned into a clear stream of water which divided in two parts, one was absorbed by the decrepit mermaid, while the other went to… Adam.

"No, stop her!", Freya immediately reacted, she became a silver flash and used the white cross bow to hit Karla, the attack landed making the ribcage of the mermaid explode in a mess of blood and flesh, unfortunately the mermaid grinned as the wound healed on the spot, not only that but she returned to her younger appearance.

And the bad news kept coming, Adam who was out a second ago, suddenly got up, his blond hair slowly painted white as a yellow halo appeared above his head, the trident that was piercing his chest was forcefully expulsed out of his body, and then a single white feathered wing sprouted on his back.

"Cruelly torturing up a woman in front of me, what an idiot", Adam's voice was surprisingly calm, his sword which had escaped his hands earlier, flew all over from the other side of the battlefield, to reach return to his side.

The second sword which he used to shot those white rays of light had become lifeless gray, but the light hero got a replacement in the form of the trident of the storm that was now being covered in a dim yellow light.

"I bet you didn't expect it right, tough boy, my race doesn't die due to aging nor we get sick, so if we give our essence to someone, regardless of their state they'll make a full recovery in a matter of seconds, and we'll recover not too long after, this is the wall that a nobody like you can't surpass no matter how strong you become!".

While the mermaid has gotten quite talkative, Adam was strangely calm and composed, he pointed his sword and the trident towards Daimon before saying.

"Come, I assure you the result will be different this time".

Daimon who was wielding Gram as he changed Disaster's form the moment Karla cut off her own arm, charged towards Adam.

"Clang!", spars flew all over the place as Gram clashed against Adam's sword, as well as the trident, but not only he wasn't pushed backwards, he rolled the trident with his hand and then thrusted it, aiming at Daimon's chest, his sole wing shone and particles of light mana were absorbed it.

Adam's body was propelled frontwards, forcing Daimon to stop the clash, since he couldn't block the trident that was about to pierce his chest.

"It won't be easy anymore", Adam wasn't willing to let the enemy that has made him lost so much, out of the hook so easily, the halo above his head rotated and yellow ray of light was shot from the prongs of the trident.

"Judgement Light".

Daimon swinged Gram, deflecting the rays of light, Gram had the capacity to manipulate light, regardless of its nature, be it mana or battle aura, as long as it was light element, Gram could affect it.

Surprisingly those yellow ways of light weren't made of battle aura, but solely by mana, in other words, Adam a knight was manipulating mana like a mage!

As amazing as the previous was, Gram deflected those light rays but Adam took the chance to charge towards Daimon, his body turned into a light yellow meteor, despite the short distance, he gained an insane amount of momentum as the next clash between his sword and Gram, suggested.

"Booom!", the clash released a thunderous shockwave that made the air vibrate, Adam who had gotten taller in this state, once again pushed Daimon backwards.

"It's futile, I don't know how you were able to be both a mage and a knight, considering that such a thing doesn't exist in Neptune, but in my Archangel form my realm equals that of my enemy, plus I gain the ability to enhance myself turning the mana in the atmosphere into light mana".

'Now die as a payment for forcing me to use such an expensive trump card!', thought Adam as she turned into a stream of white light that shot towards Daimon, appearing above him as he swinged his sword downwards, he planned to behead the enemy and exhibit his head to those three girls that dared to trick him earlier.

Daimon who was semi closing his eyes due to the blinding light released by Adam's wing and halo, suddenly took a 180° change of expression, from "panic" to a ridiculing smile as he said.

"Oh no, of only I would have known that heroes are prompt to random power ups when getting their asses handed by their opponents, oh wait…", Daimon's voice was momentarily cut, when Adam's sword "reached" him, just to pass through him.

'Afterimage, no wait, that was a spatial move...'.

Adam's train of thought was interrupted when Daimon's figure blinked, appearing behind of him in a fraction of a second.

"I of course knew and counted with it", Daimon then casually grabbed Adam by his neck and then smacked his face against the ground.

Killing a hero is not easy, those bastards are like pests that would come back stronger, by random situations, but an easy way to deal with them was to not only crush them with force, but also destroying their fighting spirit, and judging by the lifeless gaze in Adam's eyes, Daimon's plan was a success.

"Crack!", not only the hard metal ground cracked due to the impact, Adam's skull probably cracked a bit too, as well as his face, especially because Daimon kept smacking his face against the ground, until a puddle of blood had formed below him and Adam was no longer resisting.

"Did you really believe that I only crushed you earlier because I had double realms, while you only had one, if I so wished to, I could have busted your head open with that attack, but that would be letting you go too easily, besides you never really affected me so the honor of ending your miserable life isn't mine… no, there is someone who deserves it more than me", said Daimon as he took Adam's sword and shoved it on Adam's right leg, while he used the trident to pierce his left arm, pining him against the ground, so that if he tried to escape he would thorn his body apart.

"Also, this really doesn't go along with a bastard like you", added Daimon as he grabbed the wing on Adam's back, his hand exploded in Demon Light and then using his enhanced monstrous physical strength, he thorned the thing out of Adam's back.

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"Aghhhhhh!", whether due to what Daimon said or the fact that the wing was pulled out from him, Adam screamed as he smacked his head against the ground until his eyes rolled backwards, his body unconsciously made it so he fainted, to prevent the shock from killing him, not that it mattered since Daimon wasn't going to kill him, there were a couple of girls who came to mind, to have the honor, besides his instincts told him that this was the best choice.

After making sure that the light idiot wasn't just feigning, while mustering strength to strike back, like earlier, Daimon nodded and then turned to see Karla who was froze on her spot a few meters away.

"Oh well, where were we again?", he said.

"What did you do to me!", the mermaid yelled as se observed her still missing arm, even after so "much" time, her bleeding hadn't stopped and she didn't feel her arm coming back, she now realized that she couldn't heal that wound, in other words, her arm was gone for good.

Freya who was keeping her in check while Daimon fought against Adam, stood in front of Daimon just in case the mermaid tried to something out of desperation.

"I was wondering why I didn't get a notification to obtain a portion of the experience I needed for my mission, if I destroyed that cross bow, but it seems like what was important were the bolts, not the cross bow itself, maybe that's why Disaster wanted me to slash you down", casually said Daimon

Though it sounded unrelated to the current situation, judging by the expression of horror on the face of the now "beautiful" mermaid, this time she was truly scared, while Freya on the other hand was radiating a happy sensation.

"Y-You used the bolt to forge that weapon, what are you to that bitch, how the hell did you find that!", exclaimed Karla as she stepped backwards, her previous arrogance was nowhere to be seen.

Just like the trident was needed to kill Freya for some reason, apparently the bolt that was melted into that trashy shield, in Aurora's treasury, which Disaster destroyed and Daimon took advantage of to increase his abilities with long range weapons, was the weapon selected to be able to kill the mermaid, apparently the capricious sword had gained that property.

Though Daimon was sure that Disaster could have done the same, with or without it, it is true that only now that the black sword directly cut Karla, she suffered a lethal injury, since even after her dark energy was drained out of her, she could still cure herself, but now she couldn't.

Feeling a real death approaching her, the mermaid weighted her options and then a cunning light flashed through her eyes.

"Wait, you are already so strong like you are, form a contract with me and you'll obtain powers you can't even imagine, unlike that uptight bitch, I'm free to choose a host, ah right, you don't know about it, there are chosen people who are called system…".

'Hey, don't go try steal other people's hosts you bitch!', Evangeline's angered voice echoed in Daimon's mind, as she saw the mermaid trying to get Daimon to form a contract with her.

"If she dies, will you be freed from that curse?", asked Daimon to Freya.

"Mm, the curse requires the two of us to be alive, that's why she wanted to kill me at first, but then she gave up and instead aimed at killing every member of the two races, which is when I started interfering here and there", said Freya.

"Oh, do you have the same information as her, and more importantly are you going to tell me everything?", asked Daimon once again.

"…", the silver armored Freya remained silent for a second, before she nodded.

"Yes, if that bolt came to you one way or another, you are supposed to know the truth, I swear over my existence", she said, surprisingly Daimon could feel the link that was created when one made a soul oath, Freya could do it without a tool mediating.

"No, get away from me, I'm so close, I can't die here…", Karla turned around and tried to run, but then Daimon appeared in front of here and then the next thing she saw was darkness, as her head was separated from her body by Disaster's blade.

As her body started decomposing, Kerroll rumbled, as many parts of the planet were trembling simultaneously, making the humans think that the Blood King who escaped from the moon was going wild.