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Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 561-570
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Chapter 561: Another Bet

“You old dog, finally couldn’t wait to look for trouble, right?”

His gaze narrowed, playfulness was reflected in Chen Xiaobei’s eyes.

‘I’m well-prepared to deal with you! There will be tons of disciples pouring in when NeZha and Hong Hai’er make their presence known on stage! Let me mess with this old dog!’

Chen Xiaobei: @Lei Zhenzi, I know you are here! Come out now!

Lei Zhenzi: Ugh… Welcome, Fourth Uncle Chen! ??

Jiang Ziya: Fourth Bro Chen! This is not the time to joke around! Explain NeZha and Hong Hai’er’s current situation to me right now!

Chen Xiaobei: Why do I need to explain their current situation to you? You have to know that I’m volunteering to help you guys! I don’t owe you guys shit! Don’t you dare talk to me in such a rude manner!

Jiang Ziya: I… Alright. Fourth Bro Chen, can you please tell me about their current situation?

Chen Xiaobei: Not too bad. I will not make your life difficult if you talk to me politely! Both of them are doing well. Everything is under control. Sooner or later they will get many disciples!

Jiang Ziya: Sooner or later?

Chen Xiaobei: I shall not leak this divine secret to others! ??

Jiang Ziya: Fourth Bro Chen! Why do you have to mess with us? I was informed that the both of them are having fun with the mortals! Dancing and singing all day long! They do not look like they are working on the mission!

Chen Xiaobei: Who told you that singing and dancing do not help with the mission?

Lei Zhenzi: Do you really think both of us are morons? How can singing and dancing help with recruiting disciples?

Chen Xiaobei: Don’t believe in me? Shall we bet again? @Jiang Ziya, are you joining us?

Jiang Ziya: Ugh… Hold on… Let me consider for a while…??

Lei Zhenzi: I need some time to consider about it as well…??

The two of them lost the bet last time. Considering the trauma that they had in their mind, it was only natural that they were afraid to bet with Chen Xiaobei again. The truth was both of them were actually together right now.

“Fourth Uncle Jiang, I thought you have foreseen that NeZha and Hong Hai’er are about to face hardship? Why didn’t you bet with Chen Xiaobei?”

Standing on the cloud, Lei Zhenzi asked while frowning.

“I did foresee the future. However, fear kicked in when I saw Chen Xiaobei’s confident look. I’m afraid that something unexpected might happen.”

“It was this morning you peeked into the future, right? I don’t think any unexpected events will happen in such a short time! Do you want to peak into the future once again?”

“No way! I can’t do it too frequently! I do not have the guts to peak into the future too many times!”

“Fourth Uncle, you mentioned it yourself that time frame is just too short! I don’t think anything bad will happen to us! Chen Xiaobei is acting confident because he knows nothing about the future! He does not know our plan at all!”

“It actually makes sense. Shall we bet with him again?”

“Let’s do this! Why not?! It is a guaranteed victory since you have predicted that NeZha and Hong Hai’er are going to face earthly hardship!”

“Okay! Let’s head back to the group!”

It was after all the both of them lost their bets to Chen Xiaobei last time, that was why they were so eager to take back what they lost!

Jiang Ziya: We have thought about it thoroughly! We are going to bet with you again!

Lei Zhenzi: That’s right! I must take back my Thunder Pool Tesseract! ??

Chen Xiaobei: Alright! Everyone, please be our witness! @Everyone

Though no one dared to say a word, everyone was definitely watching this conversation. With conversation history as proof, Chen Xiaobei was not afraid that they would break their promises.

Chen Xiaobei: Lei Zhenzi, I will return the Thunder Pool Tesseract to you if I lose the bet! What if I win the bet?

Lei Zhenzi: I will give you a Somersault Cloud if you win in this bet! I acquired this item recently! The value of this item is comparable to the Thunder Pool Tesseract!

Last time, Lei Zhenzi thought he could fool Chen Xiaobei with some low-grade items. In the end, he was being punished for acting like a smartass. With that lesson in mind, the Somersault Cloud should be very valuable.

‘I thought the Somersault Cloud is Monkey King’s skill? How did it become a real cloud?’ Chen Xiaobei wondered.

Suddenly, he received a private message from the group.

Monkey King: Brother, you can agree to bet with him! The Somersault Cloud that he owns currently is made of Divine Prosperous Cloud! Though it has no offensive attributes, you can still travel tens of thousands of miles with it! This is definitely an incredible item for you!

Chen Xiaobei: Thank you, my brother! I understand now!

Returning to the Red Envelope Group.

Chen Xiaobei: Alright! My bet with Lei Zhenzi is set in stone! @Jiang Ziya, what do you want to bet with me?

Jiang Ziya: My bet is really simple. Two hundred thousand merit points. I think you can afford that, right?

Chen Xiaobei: No problem! I have two hundred and sixty thousand merit points with me! We can even increase the bet if you are keen to do so!

Jiang Ziya: That is not necessary! Let’s just bet two hundred thousand merit points! I do not want the Prime of Tongtian comes looking for me and accuses me of bullying you! Other than that, let me be clear. You have only ten days! You are supposed to show us that NeZha and Hong Hai’er manages to recruit disciples through dancing and singing! It is not counted if they recruit disciples through other means! The number of disciples that they need to recruit is no less than thirty thousand people!

Chen Xiaobei: Great. I have no problem with it! All done!

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei left the chat group and drove to Xiang Shan Film Base. Somewhere around heaven, Jiang Ziya cast a spell to open two monitors to observe NeZha and Hong Hai’er.

“This time, we will surely win! It’s a must!”

Sitting aside, Lei Zhenzi mumbled and he did not blink his eyes.

At the film base.

“What’s going on with Qincheng? Why is she not answering my call?”

After parking the car, Chen Xiaobei walked into the film base. Considering that Wenyuan had different small-time roles to play in different movies, she definitely could not come out with any time to accompany Chen Xiaobei. In the end, he had to head to the shooting scene of Grand Tales of Tang Dynasty alone. Fortunately, Shi Haoxiang was not in his path – an argument could arise if both of them bumped into each other!

Soon, Chen Xiaobei managed to locate the spot where NeZha, Hong Hai’er, and Lin Nan practiced their singing and dancing.

“Bro Bei! Why are you here?”

All three of them stopped their practice and ran to Chen Xiaobei. They could not wait to share their stories and experiences with him. To summarize, they talked about the effort that they put into practice and how Zhang Wen guided them. The most important thing was Zhang Wen promised them to let them perform in a reality show that was to be broadcasted on Fruit Channel seven days later!

‘Fruit Channel is a very popular TV channel! They can definitely become famous if they perform well!’

Chen Xiaobei was very confident in their performing skills. He even started to imagine the three of them becoming super famous!

‘By that time, Jiang Ziya and Lei Zhenzi would definitely cry out loud! Hahahaha!’

“Oh right! Where is your Sister Qincheng?” asked Chen Xiaobei.

Chapter 562: All Were Shocked

“A guy called Zhuang Bufan sent someone to ask Sister Qincheng to have lunch with him!”

NeZha quickly said.

“Zhuang Bufan?!”

Furrowing his brows, Chen Xiaobei could sense something dangerous was about to happen to Song Qincheng. She had no idea about Chen Xiaobei kicking Zhuang Bufan while he was riding a horse. Seemingly, inviting Song Qincheng for lunch was part of his wicked plan!

“He didn’t even invite us for lunch! He is definitely not a good guy!” Hong Hai’er complained.

“Don’t tell me nonsense anymore! Did Qincheng mentioned where is she going to have lunch with Zhuang Bufan?” Chen Xiaobei asked, like an ant in a hotpot (1).

“We have no idea…”

NeZha and Hong Hai’er shook their heads in unison as they did not pay attention to it earlier.

“Brother-in-law! I know! They did not mention where are they supposed to have lunch together. However, I heard them mentioning that Zhuang Bufan was changing his clothes at film base one and they asked Sister Qincheng to wait for him there.” Lin Nan said.

“Great! You are one reliable guy!”

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei dashed to film base one after tapping Lin Nan on his shoulder. He was glad that he asked Lin Nan to become a performer at this film base. Considering that this lad had been through a lot of hardship, he always kept an eye out at his surroundings. It could make up for NeZha’s and Hong Hai’er’s reckless trait.

At film base one.

This was where they shot Ling Yue the Heroine movie. Earlier, Zhuang Bufan took some time off to recover from his injuries. The whole filming crew was forced to take a break as well. Today was the first day they started filming again. At the back of the film base was where the where the props room located. No one would come here in the afternoon; making it the best place to do something naughty!


Someone locked the door once Song Qincheng stepped into the room. There were around thirty people standing in the room – wearing the same green martial arts attire. Judging from their look, one could know that they were martial arts practitioners. Within the crowd, two young men were sitting on the chairs and talking about something. One of them was the superstar, Zhuang Bufan. The other guy in green martial arts attire was obviously the leader of those practitioners.

“Master Zhuang… What is happening?”

Her brows furrowed, Song Qincheng could sense something was not right.

“You know Chen Xiaobei, right? I brought you here to lure Chen Xiaobei into my trap! I have to kill him today!”

Zhuang Bufan said in an arrogant manner.

“Xiaobei… Did he mess with you?”

Clearly, she knew Zhuang Bufan pretty well. Those who messed with him in the entertainment industry would be tormented greatly!

“Say no more! Call him and ask him to come here right now! My palms are itching! I want to slap his face really bad! Hahaha!”

“My cell phone ran out of juice! And, I will not make this call no matter what!”

“Not going to call him? Hmph?! Remember what you say! Bro Wu! Do you mind having a taste of this woman with me?”

Zhuang Bufan put on a lecherous smile and looked at the person that sat beside him.

“Of course, I don’t mind! 3P is awesome! Hehe…”

With his eyebrows raised, Bro Wu was eyeing at Song Qincheng’s sexy body. She wore a white-laced shirt today – bursting at the seams. A red short skirt was paired with the shirt, showcasing her long and elegant legs; making her extremely seductive. Set aside Zhuang Bufan and Bro Wu, everyone around her was drooling. Only eunuchs would not be attracted to a masterpiece like her!

“Song Qincheng! I’m going to ask you one last time! Are you going to call him? I’m going to ask all the brothers to have fun with you after me and Brother Wu get a taste of you! You are going to experience a 30P sexual encounter if you still refuse to call him!”

“You shameless bastard! Just quit asking me to call him! I will never make this call!”

Though she was afraid of the thing that was about to happen to her, she had decided that she would never betray Chen Xiaobei.

“Hmph! I have given you a chance and you did not appreciate it! Someone! Bring that woman to me!”


Immediately, two men in green attire went towards Song Qincheng.

“Do not come near me! I will bang my head on the wall to kill myself!”

With her heart thumping fast, she would rather commit than get raped by Zhuang Bufan.

“Hehe… Go ahead and bang your head on the wall! You are a real masterpiece. I believe there are a lot of people that can’t wait to ravage your body even after you kill yourself!”

A lecherous smile surfaced on Zhuang Bufan’s face.


Song Qincheng was disgusted by Zhuang Bufan. Knowing that he was always a shameless and despicable person, did not realize that he would go to that extent! Only madmen could say something so disgusting.

“Lady! Just come over here!”

Before she realized it, those two men in green were standing in front of her and prepared to drag her.


Seeing that she was about to be pushed towards Zhuang Bufan by them, tears streamed down her face. Her face filled with despair indicated that this situation was worse than death!

“Hehe… Such a top-quality masterpiece! I have always wanted to indulge in a woman like her!”

Zhuang Bufan rubbed his hands in with glee. All those men in green were looking forward to enjoying Song Qincheng after Zhuang Bufan and Bro Wu had a taste of her. They did not mind losing ten years of their lives if they were able to try such an exquisite gem like Song Qincheng,


Suddenly, a loud noise could be heard from the entrance. The giant steel door was dented by a kick and fell on the ground. Immediately, dust filled the air and the ground shook slightly.

“W-What the hell is happening?”

Everyone had a bewildered look on their faces.


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Another two muffled sounds echoed in the air. The crowd could see a shadow dashing into the room and stopping beside Song Qincheng. In the next second, the two men in green that were about to push Song Qincheng forward were tossed to a great distance. Both of them were two hundred and eighty pounds grown men. After flying in the air for around ten meters, they landed on some tables and chairs – crushing them in the process. A footprint was embedded on both of their chests.

The combination of a bruised chest and broken ribs caused them to cough out a mouthful of blood. Immediately, they passed out before they could say anything. With such heavy injuries, the two of them would become crippled even if they regained their conscious.

“T-This man is ruthless!”

Shocked to the core, they could not believe that the man crippled two grown men in split seconds!


With an excited look on her face, Song Qincheng ran into Chen Xiaobei’s embrace. Her despair had vanished into thin air. Fear had no place in her heart anymore.

Translator Note:

1. Ant in a hotpot – Agitation

Chapter 563: A Terrible Tragedy

How did you appear suddenly? I thought I was going about to be pushed into a hell hole!”

Song Qincheng hugged Chen Xiaobei by the waist tightly with her face in his chest – fearing that it was just a dream and he would disappear if she let him go.

“Because I’m a god! After predicting that my Sister Qincheng is in danger, I teleported here immediately!”

With a smile on his face, Chen Xiaobei stroked Song Qincheng’s head to reassure her.

“You are the best! I love you so much!”

Song Qincheng stood on tiptoe and planted a gentle kiss on Chen Xiaobei’s lips. Like a girl that just received a handful of candy, a sweet smile could be seen on her fair and elegant face.

“Motherf*cker! Two of you are about to be killed by me! How dare you put on a romantic show in front of us?!” Zhuang Bufan roared furiously.

“Kill me? Have you forgotten the way I dealt with you last time?”

Chen Xiaobei had an amused look on his face as he did not even regard the people that stood before him as worthy opponents.

“That was in the past! If your eyes are working well, you should see that I have some help with me this time! You might freak out if you know the identity of the person that is going to help me to defeat you! Everyone here is disciples of Qingwu Faction! They are a hundred times more powerful than my bodyguards!” Looking fearless, he said that in an arrogant tone.

“And, this person that sits beside me is the young master of Qingwu Faction, Wu Jiechao! He is a ten thousand combat power Jianghu elite! You village boy! Do you even know what combat power is?”

“Hehe… He sounds really powerful! However, I’m really curious about something. Do you think this young master Wu has the balls to challenge me?”

“What a joke! Asking young master Wu to kill you is easier than killing a dog!”

Zhuang Bufan was really confident that Wu Jiechao could defeat Chen Xiaobei easily. Wu Jiechao did not expect that the person that Zhuang Bufan asked him to kill was the legendary Chen Xiaobei! With his second uncle in mind being really polite towards Chen Xiaobei and his ability to concoct pills that were better than Huangfu Mumin, Wu Jiechao’s heart started to beat rapidly. Gulping, he shivered in fear.

“Bro Wu! Why are you still standing there? Go and crush that bastard! Don’t you worry, just beat him to death! I will bear the responsibility!”

“Bro Zhuang, I think we should let it slide…”

Terrified, Wu Jiechao took a peek at Chen Xiaobei. He would not dare to mess with Chen Xiaobei even if he had a hundred balls!

“Let this slide?! Bro Wu! What the hell are you talking about? Have you forgotten that you are friends with my brother? Cripple that bastard if you still want to make money with my brother! If not, I will complain to my brother about you!”


Stuck in a dilemma, Wu Jiechao wanted to kill himself right now. Last time, he wanted to cripple Chen Xiaobei and his second uncle broke one of his legs and arms! It would be suicidal if he decided to attack Chen Xiaobei again.

‘I think I should retreat…’

Immediately, Wu Jiechao made up his mind. He would rather upset Zhuang Bufan than Chen Xiaobei. Just when Wu Jiechao wanted to say something, he saw Chen Xiaobei shake his head with an ice-cold look.


He realized that he and Qingwu Faction’s disciples had offended Chen Xiaobei by violated Song Qincheng, so there was only one way to calm Chen Xiaobei down.

After regaining his composure, Wu Jiechao asked, “Bro Zhuang! Tell me! How do you want me to deal with that bastard? State your wish and I will make it come true for you!”

“That’s better! I want you to break both his legs and arms! Then, bring him to me! I want to smash his face!”

“Okay! Not a problem!”

Immediately, Wu Jiechao stood up and lifted the chair that he sat on earlier.

“Xiaobei! That guy is a Jianghu elite with ten thousand combat power! Can you defeat him?” Song Qincheng asked nervously.

“Wow… Ten thousand combat power is really powerful… I don’t think I can defeat him…”

With an amused look, he glanced at Zhuang Bufan and asked, “Don’t you think it’s too much that you want to break both of my arms and legs?”

“Is that too much? Not only do I want to break your arms and legs, I want to smash your face and crush your pride as well! Messing with me is worse than death!”

“Okay! You pretty determined! Don’t blame me for not reminding you that I will pay you back double the thing that you want to do unto me!”

“Motherf*cker! Quit the tough act before your death! Bro Wu! Just kill him now!”‘


After nodding and standing her ground, Wu Jiechao smashed the chair that he lifted earlier on Zhuang Bufan’s head.

“This… What the hell is going on now?”

With a baffled look on his face, Zhuang Bufan could not figure out what just happened!


The sound of a chair breaking apart could be heard by everyone.


Zhuang Bufan squealed like a pig. Blood started to gush down from his head. Seeing stars, he almost passed out.

“What an arrogant and na?ve son of a bitch! How dare you offend Master Chen?!”

Earlier, Wu Jiechao had made up his mind that he would never upset Chen Xiaobei no matter what. The only way to calm Chen Xiaobei down was to give Zhuang Bufan a good beating.

“Master Chen?”

Zhuang Bufan, Song Qincheng and the rest of the Qingwu Faction’s disciples were left in bewilderment. The way they looked at Chen Xiaobei had completely changed! Nobody would have thought that Wu Jiechao was extremely fearful of Chen Xiaobei.

“Mercy… Master Chen… Mercy…”

Zhuang Bufan wailed in agony. Clearly, he knew that if Wu Jiechao was afraid of Chen Xiaobei – everyone else would respect him and became his allies. He would have been killed if he chose not to beg for his life!

“Begging me to let you live? Too late! I told you earlier that I will double the payback! I will not break the promise!”





Without waiting for Chen Xiaobei to give any instructions, Wu Jiechao channeled True Qi to his body and step on Zhuang Bufan’s arms and legs – crushing them instantly!

“Everyone! Listen to me! Come and beat him up and smash his face!”

Wu Jiechao gave out an order to his disciples. Every single one of them did not dare to question the order. Immediately, some of them strode to Zhuang Bufan, grabbed his hair and started to slap him non-stop. There were around thirty people that took turns to do so. At the end after everyone was done slapping his face, both his cheeks were swollen with no teeth left in his mouth. They were all scattered around the floor.

“Master Chen, are you happy now?” Wu Jiechao asked in a soft tone.

“I remember he mentioned earlier that he wanted to cut off my manhood!”

“No… No…”

Zhuang Bufan’s lower body shook involuntarily. His heart almost jumped out from his mouth.

“Did you guys hear Master Chen? Do it now!”

Blood was boiling in those Qingwu Faction’s disciples’ body. Immediately, they gathered around Zhuang Bufan. Dozens of legs were aimed at his crotch.





With multiple kicks landing on his crotch, it was difficult to watch!

Chapter 564: The Secret of Yamata-no-worochi’s Scales

“Oh… Oh… Oh…”

The sound of a chicken being slaughtered filled the room. With his face smashed to a pulp and his manhood damaged, Zhuang Bufan joined the eunuch squad.

“Wu Jiechao… You son of the bitch… How dare you beat me up… I will definitely ask my brother to destroy your Qingwu Faction!” Zhuang Bufan said while gritting his teeth. His body trembled violently.

“Y-You can’t blame me for what happened to you! Blame yourself getting involved with someone you shouldn’t have!”

Sensing fear creeping into his body, Wu Jiechao knew that the Zhuang Family was definitely powerful enough to destroy his faction if they decided to do so!

“Explain no more… Expect death! All of you here are going to die…”

“Are you sure you want to seek revenge?”

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei strode towards Zhuang Bufan with his gaze narrowed and stared at Zhuang Bufan with an ice-cold stare.


Immediately, Zhuang Bufan took a deep breath. He felt that he was targeted by death himself – his life could fade away anytime. This was a huge threat! Clearly, Chen Xiaobei was contemplating killing Zhuang Bufan to make sure no one knew what happened to him!

Through observing Chen Xiaobei’s facial reaction, Wu Jiechao could guess Chen Xiaobei’s intention. Immediately, he said, “Master Chen! We should just kill this bastard since we have already crippled him! The one that took part in beating him up today will definitely not say a word about what happens to him!”

The disciples of Qingwu Faction nodded their head promptly after hearing Wu Jiechao’s plan. Earlier, all of them took turns to slap and kick him. With him leaving here alive would be a huge threat to everyone!

“No… No… Please… This is all my fault… I promise you guys that I will never seek revenge… I swear…”

Immediately, Zhuang Bufan’s wet his pants after he realized that he was about to be killed. The arrogant vibe he once had was gone. Chen Xiaobei would definitely kill him if he continued to behave that way.

“Hmph! Shut the f*ck up! We are not stupid enough to believe you!”

Wu Jiechao shouted. He then changed his tone immediately and said, “Master Chen, why don’t you escort your wife out of this place first? Leave him to us. We will make sure everything is cleaned up after you leave!”

Qingwu Faction was one of the factions in Jianghu. To them, killing someone was like having meat at home. However, Chen Xiaobei shook his head, his expression unreadable.

“No. Don’t kill him first. I can still use him.”

“Right… Right… Right… I’m still very useful. I will do anything you want me to do as long as you don’t kill me!”

Although his words sounded sincere, his heart was filled with hatred.

‘I’m going to kill your whole f*cking family if you don’t kill me now!”

“Master Chen! The way the Zhuang Family deals with stuff like this is extremely ruthless! He is going to be a huge threat to us if we let him live!” said a worried Wu Jiechao whose brows were furrowed.

“Don’t worry about this. You guys should make a move first. Be careful. Do not let others see you leave this place.”


Wu Jiechao did not dare to disobey Chen Xiaobei’s order. He then nodded his head and made his disciples leave promptly. After they left, Chen Xiaobei looked at Song Qincheng and said, “Qincheng, you should leave as well. Forget about what happened here.”

“Okay. I will listen to you!”

Song Qincheng was a smart woman. She knew this was not the right time to hang around Chen Xiaobei. With her head nodded, she said, “You must be careful… Call me after you finish whatever you need to do here… I will wait for your call no matter how late it is…”

“Mr. Chen… Bro… Grandpa! What are you going to do to me? Please… I beg you do not come near me… Just say whatever you want to say while standing there… I beg you…”

With his body trembling non-stop, Zhuang Bufan almost wet his pants again. Though Chen Xiaobei promised that he would not kill him, his smiling face made Zhuang Bufan feel really uncomfortable.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m going to feed you something and you will completely forget my existence.”

Chen Xiaobei then took out the Mengpo Soup from his treasure chest. Immediately, he fed Zhuang Bufan a mouthful of it. He was too lazy to measure the appropriate amount to feed him.


Right after the burp, Zhuang Bufan looked puzzled. With a tone of surprise, he asked, “Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here… Why are there so many injuries from my body… So painful… Argh…”

Before Zhuang Bufan could finish all the questions that he wanted to ask, Chen Xiaobei landed a kick on his face which made him pass out instantly.

“I’m going to let you live. I believe the Zhuang Family will come and look for me to buy pills to cure your injuries! By that time, I will be able to make another huge score! Maybe, something surprising would pop out as well! Hehehe! A Taiyi Life Enhancement Pill sells for three billion! I wonder if they will purchase it. Ahahaha…”

Chen Xiaobei left the film base after he kept the Mengpo Soup back into his treasure chest. It was best for him to stay at home for a few days since he just caused a huge stir in Jianghu. On the way home, Chen Xiaobei called Song Qincheng. This woman had been through quite a number of hurdles in her life. After hearing Chen Xiaobei’s explanation, she still managed to maintain calm and continued to do what she was supposed to do. Knowing that Chen Xiaobei was safe and sound, she even flirted with him through the cell phone – making him want to turn back and have sex with her.


Back to Bei Xuan Faction.

Li Xiang had been waiting for Chen Xiaobei to return for quite some time. There were no outsiders in the faction. Both of them were sitting opposite each other in the common area.

“I like to get things done fast. Just speak your mind! We shall discuss further if I’m capable of helping you. If there’s nothing I can do about it, I will definitely not tell others about it!”

“No problem!”

Li Xiang nodded his head. He then took out a scale that was as big as his palm from his pocket. The scale was grayish silver, with its edges clearly displayed and there was a sharp hook at the back! Upon seeing the scale, Chen Xiaobei was filled with excitement. Earlier, he acquired a scale that was exactly the same with this scale from killing a blood descendant.

“Mr. Chen. I think you are quite familiar with his scale, right? Some time ago, I assigned a blood descendant count to assassinate you. He possessed a scale that was the same as mine!”

“Yes. I have it with me. I heard that is the scale of Yamata no Worochi! Is that true?”

“It’s true! This is not an ordinary snake scale. This is a map to the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang!”

“Emperor Qin’s tomb? Isn’t that located at the garden of Terracotta Warriors and Horses? It was discovered by the government quite some time ago. What map are you talking about?”

“The Terracotta Warrior and Horses that you know of is only the tip of an iceberg! It is not that easy to unveil the entire legendary emperor’s tomb!”

“The secret of the tomb is hidden in this scale?”

“That’s right! There is a total of nine similar scales! Gather them together and a map would appear and guide us to the core of the tomb!”

“I’m confused… Why is the secret of Emperor Qin’s tomb recorded on a monster in Japan?”

Chapter 565: Hidden Ancient Faction

“Have you heard of this person named, Xu Fu? This person was the best alchemist during the Qin Dynasty and also Emperor Qin Shihuang’s most trusted doctor! During that time, Emperor Qin desired for eternal life! In Xu Gu’s book, he mentioned that there were three islands named Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou in the middle of the sea. Deities were supposed to stay in those three islands.”

“After that, Emperor Qin started to work on a fleet. Xu Fu was assigned to bring thousands of young boys and girls to set sail to these three islands with various items that were needed daily. He was supposed to ask for a divine pill recipe from the deities.”

“Somehow, Xu Fu and the rest of the people arrived on an island. The island is called Japan now! He then set up his self-proclaimed anarchy and stayed in Japan until the day he died – never to return to China!”

“With that being said, the ancestors of the Japanese were actually people from China?”

Chen Xiaobei was left in bewilderment after hearing Li Xiang’s explanation.

“That’s right! Before Xu Fu set sailed to Japan, he used to concoct pills for Emperor Qin at a place with perfect fengshui! After that, Emperor Qin wanted to build a tomb for himself and the place that he chose was where Xu Fu concocted pills! So, Xu Fu was asked to move out of that place!”

“Legend has it that Emperor Qin killed tens of thousands of people that took part in building his tomb to make sure the location of his tomb was kept a secret! In other words, Xu Fu became the second person that knew the location of the tomb other than Emperor Qin himself. After that, he decided to engrave the location of Emperor Qin’s tomb on nine pieces of scales! He wanted the future generations to look for an opportunity to enter the tomb!”

“Sometime later, Xu Fu’s family returned to China. However, the secret was leaked and his whole family was assassinated by someone from Jianghu. Eight out of nine scales were distributed among some powerful people in Jianghu! Only one out of nine pieces was delivered back to Japan!”

“So are you trying to ask me to gather all nine pieces of scales and enter the tomb together? This is like looking for a needle in a haystack! Where are we supposed to start?”

“That assassination ended for a few centuries. All those eight pieces of scales had changed owners multiple times since then! However, as a blood descendant, I have eternal life. After spending a few decades of time, I finally located all eight pieces of snake scales!”

“Hmm? Tell me more!”

“Other than the two pieces of snake scales that we have right now, Xuanjian Faction possesses another three pieces, and Mount Shushan Faction possesses another three pieces. I have talked to them about it earlier. They agree to explore the tomb together if we manage to locate the ninth piece of snake scale!”

“Mount Shushan Faction? D-Doesn’t that faction exist only in films?”

“Well… It’s not as magical as how they describe them in the movie. However, Mount Shushan Faction does exist. They are known as the hidden ancient faction. You should know that their strength is no weaker than Xuanjian Faction. No one really knows about them because they choose to stay hidden! This world is bigger than you thought! There are a lot of things that exist without ordinary people knowing them! Ancient factions like Mount Shushan Faction is one of many ancient factions in this very Jianghu. Once they reveal themselves, even Xuanjian Faction has to surrender the title as the most powerful faction in Jianghu!”

“That… That is amazing!”

It seemed that Chen Xiaobei was mystified after what Li Xiang told him about the hidden ancient faction. Initially, he thought Xuanjian Faction was the pinnacle ground of Jianghu. He never expected that this faction was only one of the steps that led to the true pinnacle ground of Jianghu! It seems like, he still had a long way to go!

“You don’t have to care too much about those hidden ancient factions. All we need to do right now is to look for the ninth piece of snake scale!”

“Are you saying that we should depart to Japan to look for it? Actually, I’ve been planning to travel to Japan for quite some time now.”

“What a coincidence! We should fly there as soon as possible!”

“Can’t do that. I have to wait for at least seven days before leaving Dragon City!”

Seven days later, NeZha, Hong Hai’er, and Lin Nan were supposed to perform in a reality show. This reality show was broadcasted by Fruit Channel. The result of the bet with Jiang Ziya and Lei Zhenzi would be revealed on that day as well. Leaving Dragon City without settling this matter would make Chen Xiaobei felt uneasy.

“Seven days… Um… To be honest with you, the king of the Deathbane Family had given me an order earlier to kill you. I’m afraid that he will lose his patience if I drag any longer!”

“Oh? That’s easy. All you need to do is show him my head, right?”

“I can’t do that! Mr. Chen, you are my partner. I will definitely not kill you!”

“I’m not asking you to kill me. I know how to craft a super-realistic mask. All you need to do is look for a head and put on the mask. Then, you can hand in the assignment without questions raised.”

“I’m afraid that won’t work… A mask cannot fool the king of the Deathbane Family!”

“Don’t worry. My mask is extremely unique in this world. He won’t be able to spot any flaws on it. I will hand you a head tomorrow morning. After that, you can start to plan our trip to Japan. Seven days later, we shall discuss everything in details!”

“Okay… Alright…”

Li Xiang nodded his head in doubt. After five hundred years of waiting, he finally came across a golden opportunity to meet this special individual, Chen Xiaobei. Leaving him with no choice but to trust in him fully.

After that, Chen Xiaobei went and look for Feng Qingyang. He passed the manual for Art of Disguise to Feng Qingyang right after he finished concocting pills last time. By now, the Demonic Icy Spirit should have mastered this skill. Feng Qingyang was asked by Chen Xiaobei to craft two masks – one of them was his face and the other one was an old-looking mask. After giving the order, Chen Xiaobei then asked Yap Liangchen to purchase another batch of ingredients to concoct more pills.

Just like when he first started selling the spicy sticks to the deities, Chen Xiaobei already had a group of regular customers to purchase his pills. Through their help with advertising the pills, the orders would definitely increase. Seeing that there was some extra time, he decided to concoct some extra pills for himself or sell them to earn more money.

With the experience that he gained last time, the process of concocting pills went really smooth this time. All he need to do was wait three days after putting all the ingredients in two separate cauldrons and injected the well-controlled Transmogrifying Flame into the cauldrons.


He rubbed his hands and left the house where he concocted pills. Immediately, he retrieved an alcohol bottle from his treasure chest. Inside the alcohol bottle was the crimson worm that he captured last time. Seemingly, this weird looking worm did not like being locked inside the bottle. It gritted its teeth and glared at Chen Xiaobei.

“Voodoo… Modern science can no longer explain its existence… It seems like I have to ask those deities in the group…”

However, he did not enter the Red Envelope Group immediately – fearing that something bad might happen to him. He went to his group that he created for his close brothers and uploaded the picture of the crimson worm to the group.

Chen Xiaobei: My fellow brothers! Anyone familiar with voodoo here? Please help me to check out the species of this worm.

Chapter 566: Taiyin True Deity

Chang’e: Such a terrifying bug. It scares me! I’m going to go offline first.

Xiao Tianquan: God Chen! How dare you send this to the group? Luckily there are no outsiders in this group. If not, you would be in big trouble!

Chen Xiaobei: What do you mean by that? It’s just a voodoo worm, right?

Yanwang: I don’t think you know much about it! A voodoo worm is considered as evil being! You should know that voodoo is forbidden from being practiced in the realm of heaven! Those who practice it secretly is defying the will of heaven!

Chen Xiaobei: No way! This sounds really serious! It is no wonder that all three medical books that I studied last time mentioned only about the way to cure an illness that is caused by voodoo. No information about practicing the art of voodoo was recorded inside the books!

Xiao Tiaquan: Just don’t touch it!

Yanwang: That’s right. Do not go down to the path of evil. If not, the path of righteousness will exile you!

Monkey King: Well, I don’t like what you just said! What is evil? What is righteousness? A long time ago, I made a mess in the heavenly palace, disrupted the feast of Immortality Peach, and destroyed cauldron used to concoct pills! I was regarded as an evil demon back then! Now, I’m one of the deities in heaven! Is there anyone in the heavenly realm that has the guts to exile me?

Xiao Tianquan: That is because you are extremely powerful. No one in their right mind would pick a fight with you.

Yanwang: True. There is literally no one who could defeat you in the heavenly realm! That was why you could do whatever you wanted last time!

Monkey King: The things that you guys said are getting more and more annoying! Brother Xiaobei is the closest disciple of the Prime of Tongtian. In the future, he will become even more powerful than me. So, he can do whatever he wants as well – restricted by no rules!

Xiao Tianquan: The thing that Monkey King just said actually made perfect sense… God Chen is special! So, he should be treated specially!

Yanwang: I agree with you but none of here knows much about the art of voodoo!

Chen Xiaobei: It’s not necessary for you guys to worry over the path that I’ll take! This worm is not that important to me. I will dissect it if I can’t get the answer that I want.

Monkey King: No! Do you know why voodoo is forbidden?

Chen Xiaobei: I have no idea…

Monkey King: That is because voodoo came from ancient witches! One can do anything they liked they practiced voodoo! In the end, the heavenly realm had no way to limit it. Fearing that voodoo might overtake magic arts and replace it, the authorities decided to ban voodoo and classified it as a forbidden art!

Left puzzled, Chen Xiaobei’s mind was filled with thoughts.

“My Sifu once told me that Pan Gu’s consciousness split into three after he created heaven and earth. His blood transformed into twelve primordial witches! In any case, the twelve primordial witches were only slightly weaker than Sanqing! Voodoo is their legacy! I will definitely become more powerful if I have the chance to learn voodoo!”

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei went back to the group after he put some thought into it.

Chen Xiaobei: Brother Monkey! I will definitely not give up on this voodoo worm after hearing the thing that you just told me! I wonder who in the three realms is an expert in voodoo?

Monkey King: I’m not too sure about this as well… Don’t worry… Let me help you to ask around!

Shaoba Xingjun: Errhem, forgive me for interrupting your conversation. Actually, I know a person who is an expert in voodoo.

Chen Xiaobei: Tell me now! What are you waiting for? ??????

Shaoba Xingjun: My friend is not in the Red Envelope Group. Go and type in Taiyin True Deity and add him as a friend. Tell him that I’m the one that introduced you to him.

Xiao Tianquan: What?! Are you talking about the Taiyin True Deity?

Yanwang: Add him as a friend. Is that a good idea? ??

Monkey King: Just feel free to add him as a friend! However, all of us here must keep it as a secret! No one is allowed to say a word about this!

Chen Xiaobei: Is this deity scary? ??

Monkey King: Taiyin True Deity was a friar during the dark ages. He used to help the witches fight against human beings. Emperor Xuanyuan was injured badly by his Taiyin Apocalyptic Divine Seal! However, he suffered from some serious injuries as well. In the end, he was forced to go through the reincarnation process! There was no news about him after that. I did not realize that he had already completed his time as a human and became a deity again!

Hearing that, Chen Xiaobei was baffled.

‘Emperor Xuanyuan is one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors and he is also the core member of the heavenly realm! It seems like Taiyin True Deity must be extremely powerful since he managed to injure him! Hurting the heavenly realm’s reputation was the reason why everyone is afraid of him.’

Chen Xiaobei: I understand. Let me try to add him as a friend now! Thank you so much, my brothers! I’m going to send a wave of Hundred Fruits Dragon Dick Moonshine to you guys! @Chang’e, get ready to grab some Red Envelopes!

Those who managed to grab them were really happy.

Chang’e: God Chen! You… I’m a lady… Do you really think I will snatch this kind of alcohol and drink it? ??

Chen Xiaobei: ?? I don’t have any good things with me right now. I will definitely make it up to you when I see you next time!

Chang’e: Hehe… You don’t have to make it up to me… Chinese New Year is coming soon. Just remember to give me a big Red Envelope during the festival! ??

Chan Xiaobei: No problem! Expect a big Red Envelope from me!

Yanwang: God Chen! What is this? Hoes before bros?

Xiao Tianquan: That’s right!

Monkey King: Hoes before bros is not good, Brother!

Chen Xiaobei: Am I that kind of person? All of you here are my good brothers! I will make sure everyone gets a big Red Envelope!

Everyone: ??????????

Having to leave the group chat and regaining his composure, Chen Xiaobei typed in the name ‘Taiyin True Deity’ into the search bar.


[Taiyin True Deity has agreed to add you as his friend. You can start chatting with him now.]

Chen Xiaobei: Hello, Taiyin True Deity. I’m a friend of Shaoba Xingjun. There is something I want to ask you.

Taiyin True Deity: Hmph! Why is Old Wang not here? Has he forgotten about me after he became a dog in the heavenly realm?

Chen Xiaobei: Old Wang is carrying out an assignment in the lost land. I’m afraid he is not available to talk to you right now.

Taiyin True Deity: What?! Went to the lost land? What kind of assignment? Tell me quick!

Chen Xiaobei: A three realms assignment given out by the Primordial Lord of Heaven. He wants us to recruit disciples.

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Taiyin True Deity: Recruiting disciples? Could it be… The apocalyptic event is coming? Hahaha… The apocalyptic event is finally coming! Time to make some big changes!

Chen Xiaobei: The Apocalyptic event is coming? Big changes? Can you explain all these to me?

Taiyin True Deity: Don’t you know about the apocalyptic event? I’m sorry but I’m not allowed to disclose it to you! I will be punished if I tell you right now!

Chen Xiaobei: It’s okay if you choose not to tell me. My Sifu told me that this is not the right time for me to know about it as well.

Taiyin True Deity: Who is your Sifu? It seems like he is quite knowledgeable! I would love you teach him a thing or two when I have the opportunity to meet him!

“Damn! This deity is pretty arrogant! Face-slapping moment incoming!”

With his eyebrows raised, a playful grin could be seen on Chen Xiaobei’s face.

Chen Xiaobei: My Sifu is the Prime of Tongtian!

Taiyin True Deity: Nonsense! How dare you make up something like this! Apologize to him right now! If not, I will not let you off the hook easily!

Chen Xiaobei: Seeing that you respect my Sifu a lot, I shall show you proof.

Chapter 567: The Swarming of Hundreds of Thousands of Deities

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei took out his Scripture of Heaven and Earth and snapped a picture of it. He then sent it to Taiyin True Deity. Half a minute later, his cell phone started to buzz non-stop.

Taiyin True Deity: Scripture… Scripture of Heaven and Earth! You are really the disciple of the Prime of Tongtian!

Taiyin True Deity: God Chen! Please forgive me! I blame myself for not knowing it! I’m really sorry that I offended you earlier!

Taiyin True Deity: God Chen, are you still there? Please don’t get angry at me!

Looking at the cell phone screen, Chen Xiaobei felt like laughing out loud.

‘This deity’s attitude towards just changed within seconds! From kid to God Chen! I really doubt that if he was the one that injured Emperor Xuanyuan, the one that put fear in all the deities in heaven! Speaking of which, the reason behind him changing his attitude towards me is all because of my Sifu. I shouldn’t make his life difficult.’

Chen Xiaobei: I’m still here! Taiyin True Deity, you have misunderstood me. I’m not angry! ??

Taiyin True Deity: That’s great! The Prime of Tongtian is after all the deity that I respect the most all this time! It is so rare that I get to meet his disciple! I was so afraid that I offended you earlier!

Chen Xiaobei: Don’t worry. I’m a guy with a big heart. However, why do you have so much respect for my Sifu?

Taiyin True Deity: During the primordial ages, Sanqing wanted to recruit disciples. Laotzu’s Renism and Primordial Lord of Heaven’s Chanism set up some really strict criteria to recruit the disciples that they desired. They look down on unorthodox practices. Monsters and demons were not even put into consideration!

Taiyin True Deity: But, the Prime of Tongtian was one of the deities in Sanqing. He held on to his principle, that with education there is no distinction between classes and races. With this principle in mind, he started to recruit disciples on a massive scale! With that being said, a phenomenon called, hundreds and thousands of deities came swarming when the Prime of Tongtian gave a lecture! That was the prime era of Jieism!

Taiyin True Deity: As for me, I admired the Prime of Tongtian for as long as I can remember! I have always wanted to join Jieism! If it wasn’t for the changes in my fate, we can now call each other Shixiong!

Chen Xiaobei: Hundreds and thousands of deities came swarming when the Prime of Tongtian gave a lecture! I never expect that such a thing happened in the past!

Taiyin True Deity: That’s right! Jieism was extremely powerful! However, the Prime of Tongtian was tricked by the Primordial Lord of Heaven during the League of Gods War! If not, the Prime of Tongtian would be the one that rules all three realms!

Chen Xiaobei: Tricked by the Primordial Lord of Heaven? Is it like what I heard about the story where the Primordial Lord of Heaven asked three Heaven Saints to work together to destroy the Godkiller Formation?

Taiyin True Deity: It was real. However, the real reason that caused the destruction of Jieism was the dirty plots and schemes! The glory of Jieism ended. Even the Godkiller Formation was taken away. In the end, the Prime of Tongtian was left with a cow and a sword. Even the Verdant Petal Sword was seriously damaged… What a tragedy…

Chen Xiaobei: I can’t believe that all these happened to my Sifu! He did not tell me any of this!

Taiyin True Deity: That was the past. There’s no need to look back anymore! Let’s focus on the future! All revenge shall be sought during the upcoming apocalyptic event!

Chen Xiaobei: That’s right! My Sifu once told me to steady my footsteps and walk towards the future with no fear in mind! I will definitely not disappoint him!

Taiyin True Deity: Let’s get back to serious business! God Chen, why did you come looking for me? Just tell me and I will definitely try my best to help you!

Chen Xiaobei: I’m going to send you a picture. Please have a look at it.

Taiyin True Deity: That is the descendant of the Spirit Sucking Voodoo Worm. It has become so weak after hundreds of generations! Voodoo worms like this are useless…

Chen Xiaobei: Little did you know, from where I’m at, this worm can cause Jianghu elites to lose their spirit and lie on the bed for a long time!

Taiyin True Deity: If that’s the case, I can hand you a book called Beginner’s Guide in the Art of Voodoo! Just take it and read it. Let me know if you have any questions or desire to learn some higher-level voodoo!

Chen Xiaobei: Okay! Thank you in advance!

Taiyin True Deity: You are most welcome! You are after all the disciple of the Prime of Tongtian. In other words, you are my brother!


[Congratulations! You have snatched a Red Envelope from Taiyin True Deity! You have received a book called Beginner’s Guide in the Art of Voodoo. It has been stored in your treasure chest!]

‘With Sifu’s reputation, I just received a Red Envelope out of nowhere! This is awesome! Taiyin True Deity is actually quite a good deity. I’m going to send him a jar of Hundred Fruits Dragon Dick Moonshine to strengthen our friendship!’

With a smile on his face, Chen Xiaobei sent a Red Envelope to Taiyin True Deity promptly. Exchanging Red Envelope was always a good way to start off a new friendship.

“Alright! Now, I can start to learn some art of voodoo!”

Without wasting any time, Chen Xiaobei retrieved the book from his treasure chest and started to read it. Basically, this book taught the readers to raise voodoo worms and some simple voodoo spells. Since this was just a beginner’s guide, Chen Xiaobei mastered it with his Scholar Heart in a short period of time.

“The voodoo worms that were being recorded in this book have no apparent effect on deities. And, it’s easy to grow them too! I just need to use the available medical ingredient on earth to grow them!”

After mastering the basics of raising voodoo worms, Chen Xiaobei put some serious consideration into it.

“Next, I need to pick the right species to grow. All I need to do is follow the book! Which one should I pick?”

“Medical ingredient sniffing voodoo worm – it can travel literally anywhere in this work to look for rare medical ingredients!”

“Eavesdropping voodoo worm – can be planted inside a human body. Through controlling the mother worm, I will be able to listen to everything that the host says!”

“Mother and baby heart-attaching voodoo worm – by planting the son into one’s body, it will grow and stick to the host’s heart after three days. Killing the mother means the son will die together with the host!”

“This is nice! I’m going to choose this!”

His mind was enlightened. He then said, “Planting the baby worm into the enemy’s body is equivalent planting time bomb! I can kill the enemy whenever I want by squashing the mother worm! This is a must-have item when you want to kill someone!”

After making up his mind, Chen Xiaobei went to the medicinal market, flower market, and bird market. After buying all the medicinal items that he needed, he went and bought some centipedes and leeches. All the medicinal items contained poison to a certain extent and the bugs would serve as the mother worm.

In theory, a person could use a special medicinal formula to cause the bug to go through mutation. With the help of Spiritual Qi, the bug would gain a special ability after going through mutation. The special ability was called, Heart Linking Kill. After that, the mother worm could give birth to one baby worm. This pair of mother and baby worm could kill only a person.

“The special formula is recorded in the book. As for Spiritual Qi… I’m well prepared!”

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei took out three South Pole Spiritual Jade Fruit seeds from his treasure chest. He had always wanted to look a suitable place to plant this spiritual fruit. Now that he had set up Bei Xuan Faction, planting them here would be really safe. No one would know about it. Upon finding the suitable spot, he planted all three seeds and poured some Heavenly Fertilizer of them. He then watered them right after that.

“I should be able to harvest the fruit if everything goes smoothly. In other words, I will be able to grow my first batch of mother worms after five days!”

With his eyebrows raised, he was really looking forward to it.

“Hmm… Who is going to be my first lab rat? Hehehe!”

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. It was Madam Diana!

Chapter 568: Medicinal Formula Makes Me a Shareholder

“Hell, Mr. Chen. It’s been quite some time since we last met. How are you doing?”

Madam Diana was very polite – displaying gracefulness and reliability.

“I’m fine. Thank you for your concern. May I know the reason for this call?”

“Do you still remember the project that I mentioned to you last time when we met at the film base?”

“Of course, I remember!”

‘Is the project going to kick start soon? With that being said, I can finally meet Mengchen as a business partner!”

Chen Xiaobei was ecstatic just by thinking about it.

“The location of the project and construction scheme are set in stone. Everything can begin right away! I would like to ask if Mr. Chen is available to work on this project with us?”

“I have the time! However, Madam, you have not told me what kind of project this is?”

Truthfully, Chen Xiaobei did not really care about the nature of this project. For the sake of Lan Mengchen, Chen Xiaobei would definitely be a part of the project no matter what Madam Diana was planning to do.

“Women’s skincare! This is one project that I’m confident that it will go well. Whether is now or the future, it has a lot of potential in this present market!”

“This… To be honest, I have zero knowledge when it comes to skincare. Why me?”

“Because you are an expert in the field of Chinese traditional medicine!”

“If one wants to earn cash from skincare products, the person must have his or her own secret recipe! Including Chinese traditional medicine in the skincare products would achieve zero side effects! The final product will cause a stir in the market if the effect is great!”

“Include Chinese traditional medicine in skincare products? Of course… It just might work!”

Lots of traditional medicinal formulae emerged in Chen Xiaobei’s mind when he thought about it. The science behind Chinese traditional medicine was complex but replacing those chemical substances with Chinese medicinal ingredients should not be hard to achieve.

“I knew it! Mr. Chen, you can do it! Since the company has just started, we are going to need the formula for skin whitening and moisturizer for now. Please prepare some samples if you have the time. I will ask my people to come and pick you up three days later to test the samples!”

“No problem!”

“Oh right, regarding the way we work together. I will give you two options here. One, I will pay you a huge sum of money to purchase your secret recipes. Two, I will use twenty percent of the company share in exchange for your secret recipes. In other words, you will become one of the shareholders of the company and you will get a share of the profit that we earn!”

“I choose the latter!”

‘By choosing this option, I will become Lan Mengchen’s colleague! Having an office romance is awesome!’

“No problem! Just to inform you, there will be another shareholder that would like to provide us with his formula as well. Three days later, we will test your sample and his at the same time. The loser will have to leave and the winner will stay!”

“Heh heh. Madam Diana, you are business savvy. Don’t worry, I will not lose!”

“I like your confidence! We shall see each other in three days. I’m looking forward to the surprise that you are going to show me.”

“See you in three days then.”


Everything went by really smoothly in that three days. Feng Qingyang had already crafted two hyperrealistic human masks. As expected, the masks that Li Xiang showed to his king managed to slip by without any suspicion raised. Meanwhile, a total of six Taiyi Life Enhancement Pills were produced. Without the spiritual pearl from the Chinese knotweed, the production was reduced greatly. However, six Taiyi Life Enhancement Pills would definitely bring in a huge fortune to Chen Xiaobei.

NeZha, Hong Hai’er, and Lin Nan’s preparations for their upcoming show were going smoothly. With the help of Zhang Wen, every department in the film base gave them the green light to everything.

The South Pole Jade Spirit Fruits were finally ready to be harvested – a total of ten. Chen Xiaobei was unwilling to eat them. He saved them all for the growing mother worm. Since everything went by so smoothly, Chen Xiaobei had all his attention focused on growing the voodoo worms. With his utmost care, three pairs of voodoo worms were successfully grown. They would turn into his secret weapon in a few days!

In the afternoon of the third day, Chen Xiaobei traveled to the Chinese medicinal ingredient market to purchase the items that he needed to create the skincare products. Within an hour, he successfully made two bottles of samples. One of it looked like black sesame soup and the other one looked like clean water. Both of these samples were stored inside a mineral water bottle – seemingly very ordinary.

The second morning.

Chen Xiaobei traveled to a high-rise building in the middle of the city on time. Immediately, he took the elevator to the 33rd floor. This whole floor was rented by Madam Diana for her business. Considering that she just rented it not too long ago, the floor was still rather empty. Only the meeting room was being set up for the time being. There were already four people sitting in the meeting room. Madam Diana and Lan Mengchen were sitting on one side. On the opposite side, there were two men in suits sitting there. One of them was in his fifties and Chen Xiaobei did not recognize him. The other person next to him was in his twenties and was a familiar face to Chen Xiaobei.

“Yap Tianlin?”

With his gaze narrowed, Chen Xiaobei did not expect that the lecherous bastard, Yap Tianlin was one of the shareholders. Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei fed him Mengpo Soup when he visited him at the hospital. Hence, he did not need to worry about being recognized by him. The thing that upset Chen Xiaobei was the way Yap Tianlin looked at Lan Mengchen. He looked like he could not wait to gauge his eyes out and stick them on Lan Mengchen.

‘It seems like I have to look for a way to kick this lecherous bastard out of this game! I will never allow him to interrupt me to have fun with my goddess!’

With his eyebrows raised, Chen Xiaobei was planning something in his mind while marching into the meeting room.

“Mr. Chen! You are here! Welcome! Welcome! Everyone is finally here! Let me introduce this person to all of you! He is the miracle doctor that saved my life before! This lady is Lan Mengchen, one of the shareholders of this company!”

“Hello, Ms. Lan!”

With his hand out, Chen Xiaobei walked towards her.


Lan Mengchen blushed when she shook hands with Chen Xiaobei. Seeing that happened in front of him, irritated Yap Tianlin and he was close to telling Chen Xiaobei off. Earlier, he was trying to shake hand with her but she rejected him unkindly.

‘Who the hell is this kid? He has no right to shake hands with Lan Mengchen!”

“The person right here is Mr. Yap Tianlin. He too is one of the shareholders of the company.”


Yap Tianlin harrumphed with his chin raised. He then crossed his arms while putting on an arrogant look. He had no intention to shake hands with Chen Xiaobei.

Madam Diana was really good at observing people. Immediately, she changed the topic when she realized something was wrong.

“Mr. Yap. Everyone is here now. Do you mind introducing this friend of yours to us?”

“My friend right here is someone that you can’t imagine!”

With a smile on his face, he stood up and prepared to introduce this person with a grand gesture.

Chapter 569: Bet Everything You Have

“Allow me to introduce this person right here! My friend, Xiaodao Goudai is the top women’s skincare researcher in Japan! His team has come up with quite a number of fruitful researches. All his facial products have made a huge wave in the international market! In Europe, all the leading women’s skincare organizations wanted to pay him a huge sum of money to hire him but he rejected all of them! It’s truly an honor to have him come here!” declared Yap Tianlin arrogantly. It was pretty obvious that he