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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 298 The Remnant Of The Ancient Titan Empire
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"Necromancy Ability: Soul Tangibility!"

"Necromancy Ability: Energy Life Form- Soul Necromancer!"

"Ancient Necromancy Technique: Life After Death!"

At the last moment, Daemon decided to self-destruct!

Like Legolas, this warrior was once a high-grade Summoner. Though he was not as fixated and talented on using his brain to solve every situation, Daemon was still used to using his brain. At that tense moment, he used his brain again.

By self-destructing, even if the power of the Undying Cockroach's breath was not enough before, the resulting power would become more than enough.

If the combination of so many powers could still not overcome the defenses of the weak point in the alien machine, then they stood no chance in damaging it.

Deciding to self-destruct was not made on a whim though.

Daemon was ready to do anything to save Clown including giving his life if that was what was required, yet, he was not resigned to giving away his life meaninglessly. When he self-destructed, he had a contingency plan.

Only maniacs could embrace death fearlessly and he was not one of them.


As the ravaging powers tore his Skeleton body apart, a powerful energy fluctuation erupted that solely affected the soul of this powerful Necromancer.

When he became a Grade C Necromancer, Daemon could finally access the full inheritance of his progenitor. The inheritance contained a lot of things, and like he expected, there were some OP self-preservation techniques among them.

He still could not learn all of them but he succeeded in learning some of the most important ones, now, one of them was the core of his contingency plan.


As soon as his body was torn apart, while Legolas and the others focused on the resulting damage to the alien machine, he focused on his soul.

Originally, when the body was destroyed, it had a tendency of severely affecting the soul also. In most scenarios, the soul end up fragmenting into countless pieces but this time, it was not so.

With the Soul Tangibility ability, Daemon was able to keep his soul intact.

All the fragments of the soul were attracted to the center like his inner soul suddenly became a magnet. Of course, it was not perfect, some parts of his soul still drifted away but he retained more than enough to stay conscious.

In his soul form, Daemon saw the world from a yellow point of view.

It was a fascinating view but he didn't gawk at it. Just like there were laws of physics and chemistry, so were there also laws that governed the spirit world.

A Soul could not exist without a body.

This was why Daemon made his next move. The Energy Lifeform- Soul Necromancer ability enabled Daemon to live as an energy lifeform!


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Instantly after his soul became tangible, comprehensive changes went on in his soul. He gained the traits of an energy lifeform in no time.

After that, he activated the last ability of his contingency plan.

Surviving as an energy lifeform was all fun and games, but staying in this form came with a lot of handicaps despite it's also clear advantages.

Daemon had no intentions of staying like this forever, this was why he used the last ability, this was the ultimate inheritance from his progenitor. This technique was the technique of Life After Death!

Instantly after activating it, Daemon felt like an imprint was left in his soul. This Necromancer now felt that with just a thought, he could levitate to any nearby living body and possess it to return back to life in a new body.

This was his progenitor's greatest technique and invention!

With this, Daemon was able to safeguard his life. Everything was not rosy though, in exchange for this sacrifice, he became much weaker.


One of the Titan Champions spoke and his voice reverberated with power.




The deep vendetta of this Titan Champion could be felt from his voice.

Feeling the power of the 2 Titan Champions, Eleanor was already having a headache. She desperately looked at the alien machine, at this moment, the pure core energy inside it already turned berserk but nothing was happening.

None of the Undead Titans showed signs of going back to sleep.

Basking under the energies of the 2 Titan Champions, the other Undead Titans became even stronger as they charged towards them.

Eleanor looked at Daemon's small ethereal form and saw no reassurances, she turned to look at Christensen, she looked at Legolas who was already unconscious, then she looked back ahead and braced herself.

"I did not sign for this…" She felt like crying.

"I'm a Support Elementalist!"

She braced herself for this final clash with determination and grit despite her many complaints. For Jon Stones, she would do anything.


Bam! Bam!

The first thing that woke Legolas up was the explosive sounds.

On opening his eyes, he discovered that he was floating in the skies. On the ground beneath him was a race struggling to survive an apocalypse, he recognized this place, this was the Ancient Titan Palace!

Unlike the ruin that he was now used to though, this Kingdom was still at the height of its powers and the Titan Palace was still majestic.

The gigantic Titans scrambled to defend themselves as destruction descended on their territory, there were few things that they could do against overwhelming power, the antimatter bombs descended with fury!


Each explosion claimed lives in the thousands!

Legolas was shocked. "Is this…, the 2nd Cataclysm?!"

"Yes". A voice answered him the next moment.

Shocked, Legolas turned to look only to see the familiar Emperor of the Titan Race now levitating beside him. At this moment, only sadness radiated from this once majestic Emperor as he watched himself and his warriors defend to no avail.

Without looking at Legolas, he narrated. "They came with fury".

"We underestimated them, or better still, we underestimated the power of our own planet core".

"With the energy harvested from the planet core, they were able to create weapons of mass destruction".

"Antimatter bombs, psionic bombs…, these were things that we had never encountered before, this was power that was far above us".

Legolas looked to the skies as he saw 8 spaceships descend into orbit.

From these 8 spaceships, the weapons of mass destruction were unleashed on the territories of the Ancient Races!

The destruction was too much, the powerful Ancient Races could not withstand it, not even the Ancient Dragons.

Legolas's eyes widened; this was really a Cataclysm!

For minutes, Legolas simply watched destruction.

But after another minute, his perspective suddenly changed, he was now inside the Ancient Titan Kingdom. The Titan Emperor bloodied all over was in his already ruined palace with his 2 War Champions and his 12 War Generals.

Desperation showed in the eyes of these apex warriors.

"We can't fight such raw power, we'll all die!" One of the Titan Champions broke the silence as he said the inevitable.

"We should surrender". One of the War Generals suggested.

"No, it's too late". The Emperor's voice boomed powerfully.

"We've already crossed their bottom line, since they already started, they won't stop till we are wiped off the face of the planet".

This Emperor's eyes flickered as lot of thoughts went through his mind, then he suddenly sighed like he just arrived at a difficult decision.

He looked at his Champions and Generals. "Do you trust me?"

They did not hesitate. "Yes!"

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"Then die with me!" He stated with crazy confidence and determination.

"We can't survive this, the best we can do is safeguard our race".

"We can't let the Titan Race fade into oblivion".

At this point, the Generals and War Champions already more or less had an idea about what he meant. "Do you mean the Chosen Son?"

"Yes, he's our only hope to avoid extinction".

Everything fast-forwarded from here to a few minutes later…

Led by their Emperor, the Titan Army staged their last stand against the invaders who invoked the cataclysm, they fought to the last warrior!


When the final antimatter bomb triggered, 11 of the Generals following the plan sacrificed their bodies to harness the residual energy of this bomb.

Like expected, despite their physique, they could not survive it.

They all exploded but before that, using the innate advantages of their Titan bodies, they were able to secretly channel the energy of the antimatter bomb.

They all channeled the energy to reinforce the body of the final General. Like the others, this General did not survive the power but his body did not explode, rather his body expanded and took in all the power, reinforcing his organic tissue.

As this happened, the 2 Titan Champion were entirely focused on preventing the alien invaders from noticing what happened and they succeeded.

This General's soul was obliterated but his body survived, through a secret technique of the Titan Emperor, his corpse turned akin to a hibernating chamber.

Again, from the eyes of the invaders, as soon as this happened, this corpse was teleported extremely deep beneath the Titan Kingdom.

Not only the corpse was teleported there, a Titan was also teleported there, a Titan baby. This Titan baby was just a day old but to the Emperor, this was the only hope of the Titan race, the baby was stored inside the corpse.

To scramble the sensors of the enemy spaceships from detecting what happened, the Emperor Titan made his own sacrifice, he detonated his kingdom!

The whole Titan Kingdom exploded and turned into a ruin!

With the death of his Kingdom also died the Emperor!

Convinced of their overwhelming victory over the Ancient Titans, the spaceships soon left to accelerate the extinction of other races.


Legolas was shocked by what he just saw as he remained quiet.

The Titan Emperor turned to look at him. "I know you owe me nothing but please, save my race from extinction and rescue the Chosen Son".

"It is not enough but I will give you my War Sword".

Legolas turned to look into the eyes of this powerful Emperor. "I…"


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