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Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine's Daughter

Chapter 143 - Embracing in sleep
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Chapter 143 Embracing in sleep

“Well, you are willing to spend 10 days to teach me, aren’t you?” He Danggui smiled with curved eyes. She felt that Meng Xuan’s cold and handsome face suddenly became lovely and cute. She said, “Little master, when you circle Zhenqi in important channels, could you make a sound to remind me so that I can memorize the circling route?”

Meng Xuan nodded dully and said, “Fine, now it’s in my Qihai acupoint, and soon it will enter my Dantian. Do you want me to be responsible for you? Well, I haven’t engaged. I think I’m a nice person. I have good temper and no bad habits. Our personalities are matched, and we’re at the same age. Now we did this, so if you like…”

“No! Something’s wrong!” He Danggui suddenly opened her eyes and yelled, “When you taught me the methods for circling Zhenqi, you took away all the Zhenqi in my body. What the hell am I learning this for? It’s useless!” It was like teaching her how to cook and then taking away her cooking materials as tuition. When she learnt all the skills, she would have nothing to practice! Let alone as lazy as she was, she would never become a senior even when she became an old lady.

Meng Xuan was shocked by “It’s useless”, so he stopped talking about proposing marriage and explained, “Once you learn the methods for circling Zhenqi? and practice hard External Boxing Arts for half a year, I will teach you some palm methods and sword methods, which are suitable for women. And with these foundations, I will return your Zhenqi back to you gently in one month. At that moment, those Zhenqi have already been cultivated stronger and become much easier for you to absorb. I will straightly transfer Zhenqi into your Dantian, and Qizhou will never happen again. Is that okay?”

What Meng Xuan said made He Danggui extremely delight, but she had a second thought and asked in doubt, “Why are you being so nice to me? You will even cultivate all my Zhenqi and then return them all to me without keeping some for yourself. Besides, now you can stay at Yangzhou City for days, but what if you die in battle half a year later?”

Meng Xuan comforted her, “Relax, I will not die. If there isn’t urgent military call, I will be studying at Chengxu Academy for the year to come. Tomorrow I will tell Madam Luo about this. If she wants me to stay at Luo’s Mansion, I will agree after refusing one or two times; if she doesn’t want me to stay here, I will buy a house outside Luo’s Mansion and climb over the walls to teach you martial arts at nights. Will that be good?”

“Why? Why will you help me like this?” He Danggui didn’t believe that Meng Xuan would help her without benefits. So, she said solemnly, “I don’t have money.”

“Take it easy. I will charge you nothing.” Meng Xuan told her honestly, “To be honest, I can get a lot of advantages by teaching you. In this half a year, your Zhenqi became more and stronger inside my body, and I have improved a lot with your Zhenqi. It’s win-win.” Of course, there was another reason he didn’t say – With He Danggui’s Zhenqi, he would be more confident of success to kill Geng Bingxiu. In ten years, that evil would kill and murder thousands of innocent officials and citizens. So, he must kill Geng Bingxiu before Geng Bingxiu became powerful. It was what said in Buddhism – “Kill one to save one hundred”.

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Hearing his reasonable explanation, He Danggui didn’t doubt again. After all, he was much stronger than her. If he really kept some Zhenqi, it was unnecessary that he explained so much. Then He Danggui smiled and said, “I’m always in fond of our Huaxia’s extensive and profound martial arts. And I’m even more respectful for a senior like you, Childe Xuan. I’ve been trying to find a master to teach me martial arts, but I couldn’t find the right one for me. Now since you will teach me and are worried that someone may reproach us, why not let me be your disciple?”

Meng Xuan paused, “My disciple?” Was he going to take this naughty and cute girl as his disciple? Although he had a strange familiarity with her, somehow, he rejected this proposal intuitively. He said, “No, I can’t be your master. Why don’t you consider…my proposal? Actually, I am really a nice guy.”

“Little master, you’re too young to understand the love between male and female. You will know what kind of male and female will become a couple when you grow up.” Because He Danggui had thought of Meng Xuan differently, so she talked more patiently, “Well, if you refuse to take me as your disciple, I just have to call your master privately. Master, it’s midnight now, and time is precious. I would like to learn something from you. Which sect did you learn your internal energy from? Do we belong to the underworld or the righteous world?”

Since He Danggui refused his proposal, and he realized that he didn’t know anything about the feelings between male and female, he decided to give it up and said, “I’m not a warrior in Jianghu. What I learnt was the handed-down martial arts of Meng’s Family. And I’m a busy person, so I don’t have much time to teach you. If you want to find a master, you need to find someone else. Wait, aren’t you a saint? I heard Longhu Sect have some serious kung fu skills. Was there no one to teach you that?” Girl, you got exposed.

But she had a thick skin. She would not blush because of this kind of reveal. Then she continued, “Dare to ask is a traditional virtue. Even I have more theoretical knowledge and Jianghu experience than you, none of these could stop me from being your disciple. A teacher who teaches only a word or a move is still a teacher.” Last time, after Gao Jue helped cultivate her Zhenqi, Gao Jue became her master. Not to mention Meng Xuan was going to teach her more. She said, “Well, let’s not talk about it anymore. I can tell that you are indeed a noble guy, and you’re honest to me. I’ve regarded you as my master – it’s reached my Zhongfu acupoint, right? I felt a sudden warm.”

“No, it’s in your Shaoyin channel now.” Meng Xuan showed He Danggui a hair and said, “It’s on your cloth. By the way, why is your body cold as ice? I can’t warm you up no matter what I do. I feel hot sleeping on your bed, but you are still so cold. How do you feel?” While saying, he tucked quilt for He Danggui.

“It’s much better than before. I was born cold body, and tonight I can feel coldness from head to toe.” He Danggui laid her head in his chest and said with a smile, “Thank you, master, for tonight.”

“You’re welcome. Actually, it was a moment of crush. First, I was interested in you; Second,” The young boy’s hot breath sprayed on her forehead. And in the darkness, those clear eyes staring at her hair. He said, “I have a feeling that we are the same.”

He Danggui felt the same way!

He Danggui closed her eyes and felt at ease. She was shocked and grateful to Immortal that one of her kind was sent to her tonight, pulling her out of the cold loneliness. He was a distinguished but easy-going boy; a stranger who talked like a very close friend; a passenger who accompanied her to come through the most difficult path. At this moment, He Danggui believed there was Immortal in this earth, so Immortal could take this young boy who was different from anyone else to her side.

He Danggui yawned and covered her face in the chest which was giving out a faint flavor of tea. Then she fell into deep sleep with satisfaction. This journey was better since they could accompany each other.

They had a nice sleep.

“Rub-a-dub”, Huai Hua said, “Miss, are you awake? We all have finished our breakfasts, and your meal is getting cold! Two masters in Peng’s Family just came and left.” To be precise, as soon as Second Mater Peng walked to the gate, he was knocked out and carried away by First Master Peng. Huai Hua thought they were scared of Tao Yao Yard, so they didn’t even enter the gate.

He Danggui was awakened right away. She opened her eyes to see an extreme handsome face on the other side of the pillow, and the face was filled with drowsiness and confusion. He Danggui raised her voice and said to Huai Hua, “I’m up! You can go do other business first.”

“Other business? My biggest task is to serve you, my Miss!” Then she shook the door very hard, but it wouldn’t be opened. Huai Hua felt very strange and said, “Miss, did you lock the door? You’ve never locked the door! Please open the door and let me serve you!” The door was still shaking –Huai Hua was trying to find out if the Miss’s door was strong enough.

He Danggui waved her hands towards the door and said, “I don’t need your service. Just…go to the Peach Grove and pick some flowers for me…I want to bath in flowers tonight.” He Danggui had a feeling of getting busted, so she covered Meng Xuan with quilt and put down the curtain to hide Meng Xuan.

“Oh, okay.” Huai Hua’s voice had gone further, “Please don’t get up late anymore, Miss!”

He Danggui was relived. But suddenly the door was shaking fiercely again, leaving the ashes dancing in the morning light. He Danggui was shocked. Chan Yi’s voice came from outside the door, “Miss, water has prepared. Why is the door still locked?”

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Meng Xuan who just woke up couldn’t stop but laugh happily, which caused He Danggui stare at him angrily. Then she said to Chan Yi, “Just put the water by the door. And I want to eat egg noodles now. Go and bring me one.” Chan Yi said yes. She discussed with Huai Hua about “Miss is getting lazy” and left.

After they walked far, He Danggui jumped out of the bed and put on her dress which was on the floor. She said quickly, “Come on, leave through the window. Don’t let anyone see you. And return after midnight. When you knock on the window three times, I will open the window to let you in. If you meet someone from Luo’s Mansion on the way from Tao Yao Yard, you tell them you are here to see Peng Jian and Peng Shi, because the Xi Chang Yard where they live is next to my yard. Today when you mention about studying at Chengxu Academy to Madam Luo, if she asked you to stay, just say yes immediately. Otherwise, she may misunderstand you for being reluctant to stay at Luo’s Mansion and decide to never invite you again as the guest. Luo’s Mansion’s guards are everywhere, and some of them are seniors. it will not be easy for you to climb over the walls to meet me every night…”

Having heard no responds, He Danggui turned around and saw Meng Xuan fall asleep again, so she said in worries, “No more sleep, get up! It won’t take a while for Chan Yi to make a meal. She will be here soon. I’m afraid it’s almost eleven o’clock. What if your father comes here to find you? And you can totally sleep in your room!”

“I can’t feel my legs, so I’m afraid that I can’t walk now.” Meng Xuan had control of the whole bed now, so he rolled himself with quilt just like He Danggui last night and moved around in bed like a small worm. He said, “My father was at a courier hostel (a place where ancient messengers can rest and change their horses), and he came back there last night. I lied to him that Peng Jian, Peng Shi and I had become friends, and they asked me to stay a couple of more days in Luo’s Mansion. Therefore, my father will come pick me up the day after tomorrow.”

“Even so, you still can’t sleep here.” He Danggui dressed herself in a hurry and picked up Meng Xuan’s white silk robe. She tidied it up on the table and ran to pull his quilt. She said, “As a distinguished guest like you staying here at Luo’s Mansion, there will be visitors the whole day. And they will be worried if they fail to find where you are. And they even maybe start a big search.” Since she could not drag Meng Xuan out of his quilt, He Danggui took away the pillow to make him feel uncomfortable. She said, “Come on. Get up. Get dressed and leave quickly. You are not a little kid anymore. The anesthetic I used on you means nothing to you. A brave general like you can swallow broken teeth and blood, and I’m sure that’s what your father taught you. You can leave the same way you came last night. Did you fly here last night?”

“Yes.” Meng Xuan was covered in quilt. He yawned and said, “I crawled with my hand stand. Girl, what was the Tea Dew you used on me? It’s so strong that I couldn’t even use my arts of lightness.”

“You crawled?” He Danggui thought it would be awkward if he crawled back to South Yard’s guest house like that. Everyone in the mansion would want to take a look. But at the same time, she felt surprised and said, “The Anesthetic Herb can only affect seniors. The more powerful the senior is, the more effects the senior will suffer. I’m surprised that my master is so powerful that your arts of lightness got affected.”

“I thought it was Tea Dew you were talking. How does it suddenly become herb?” Meng Xuan stretched his head out of the quilt.

He Danggui explained to him in details, “You were affected by both Anesthetic Herb and Tea Dew. I tell you how that happened. First, I put some tea stems into the censer and lighted the fire. And then I added some Anesthetic Herbs, because it had the similar smell of tea after burning. If I had chosen to burn sandalwood and agilawood with the Anesthetic Herb, it would have produced a smell of fish. In this case, people would have covered their noses, including that assassin. Since I had sealed my acupoint with silver needle in advance, everyone except me got Anesthetic Herb. Among these people, anyone whose kung fu was super stronger would feel paralyzed half or all over the body when circling Zhenqi. And the effects would disappear gradually in three days. However, the Anesthetic Herb is not actually an herb. It’s a narcosis prescription made from multiple herbs mixed with Anesthetic Herb, so I called it ‘Three-Day Anesthetic Herb’.”

“You gave it a name, didn’t you? Did you invent this prescription?” Meng Xuan sat up in bed and looked at He Danggui from head to toe. He asked, “Girl, who are you? Are your really 10 years old?”

Meng Xuan’s fourth uncle Meng Xi established Qiyanggong Sect with his bare hands. Meng Xi had traveled around the world to search rare and precious herbs, but he couldn’t find a single one that could compete with this one, because this one had such serious effects on Wulin seniors. It was easy to bring down a normal person, but it would be much harder to bring down a senior. Besides, the Changfeng Formula that his fourth uncle taught him had 19 methods for circling Zhenqi, which was better than just one or two methods of the normal one. And now unexpectedly, a prescription that could limit his power this much came from a 10-year-old girl?