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Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine's Daughter

Chapter 134 - Brother Duan and Sister He
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Chapter 134 Brother Duan and Sister He

He Danggui did not expect that the boy with excellent kung fu could be knocked down by her in just one palm. She just thought he pretended to be injured and threw himself into her arms. Now seeing that he was seriously injured, she took off the silver needles from the sleeve and gave an acupuncture treatment to him. After pricking him about five times, He Danggui slapped Ning Yuan’s face angrily and said, “Open your eyes! Don’t pretend to be dead. You were okay when you were in the banquet. How could you be hurt like this after a few moments? It’s like the serious injury that you sustained when I first saw you. What happened to you?”

Just before falling on the conscienceless girl, Ning Yuan felt that his Yintang acupoint and Yuyao acupoint were somewhat abnormal. He understood that he became enamored inadvertently, so his “Mo Tong Skill” failed again. And this was the third time.

In fact, Mo Tong Skill was a magic skill which was urged by drugs at Yintang and Yuyao acupoints. It was created by Mr. Bai. It was very useful for Ning Yuan because his brown eyes naturally followed with his mother’s. It was inconvenient for him to work in Jianghu and the Imperial Court. Since he learned this skill with Mr. Bai four years ago, he had devoted himself to practicing it. In those years, he never broke this skill, and also didn’t worry about the problem that the color of his eyes was different from that of ordinary people. But after he met this girl, it seemed that he met the opponent in his life. He thought, “I always win in other places, but always lose in her. Damn! Was I owe her in the previous life?”

The girl said that she was a member of Qiyanggong Sect and knew many details of Zhu Yuanzhang’s life, which made him extremely careful to hide his secrets. Although he had sworn that he would get her, he couldn’t tell her his true identity and the secret that he was away from his fief privately. He couldn’t show her his brown eyes, at least when he was too weak to protect himself.

Therefore, after thinking, Ning Yuan closed his eyes tightly and said unhappily, “I’m just a little sleepy. Don’t worry. Anyway, you have to cure me. If you don’t cure me, I’ll stay here forever.”

Hearing this, He Danggui said angrily, “Why!” How could he look like a rascal?

“Why?” Ning Yuan sneered, “Because I was hurt by ‘Your Bother Duan’. You, his ‘Sister He’, are responsible for curing me.”

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“Duan Xiaolou?” He Danggui said in astonishment, “Why should you fight with him? Aren’t you acting as Lu Jiangbei’s younger brother now?” Anyway, Xiaoyou couldn’t understand anything. She simply said the secret in front of Xiaoyou.

Ning Yuan was unhappy, but he didn’t open his eyes. He said, “Who is acting as Lu Jiangbei’s younger brother? Don’t you know that I have a bad relationship with Lu Jiangbei?” Then he said jealously, “Although I was hurt by him, you Brother Duan was also hurt by me. You must be very distressed!”

She immediately pricked him with the silver needle in her slender fingers, which made him gasp. He Danggui pretended to be angry and said, “What nonsense are you talking about? I met Childe Duan for the first time today. Tell me why did you hit him? Is he seriously injured?” Those people with kung fu caused troubles easily. If they weren’t happy, they would fight with each other. At last, they were all hurt. It was so nice to be like Luo Baiqiong and He Danggui. Obviously, they both hated each other, but still got along with civility and etiquette. Although they stabbed each other in the back, they were still good sisters on the bright side.

“Are you serious?” Ning Yuan squinted and asked, “Are you really not familiar with Duan Xiaolou? Then why did he call you Sister He so frequently?”

He Danggui didn’t think that the fight between Ning Yuan and Duan Xiaolou had something to do with her. However, since they both had some relationship with her, in order to stop their fight, she still lied, “You didn’t hear clearly in the palace. Childe Duan is a very kind person. He is friendly with all Misses, not just with me. He also called others Sister Guan or Sister Luo. Now he flew around to look for me. It must be my Grandma’s request, so it’s nothing surprising.” And it was not a lie. Duan Xiaolou didn’t recognize her indeed.

Ning Yuan couldn’t help opening his eyes, looked at her and said, “Are you deceiving me? I heard Childe Duan utter dreary cries and screams that sounded very sorrowful”

“That’s because there was something wrong with your ears. Why didn’t I hear them?” He Danggui raised her hand and pricked a lot of silver needles into his chest until he looked like a hedgehog. As she raised her eyes, He Danggui saw Ning Yuan’s eyes unintentionally. She was shocked and said in a low voice, “How could your eyes be like that?”

Ning Yuan was frightened by her voice, and quickly closed his eyes again. It was strange that he had recalled Mo Tong Skill before he opened his eyes. How could she still scream when she looked at them? Could it be that he loved her so deep that he couldn’t use Mo Tong Skill calmly?

“Childe Ning, I saw blue streaks in the white of your eyes and dilation of the pupils. It’s obviously that you once had a cold in winter, which led to cold limbs and unacclimatization.” He Danggui looked at his eyes and face, diagnosing, “No wonder your internal injury couldn’t be cured all the time. If you trust me, you can try my prescription: Xiong Huang of 0.6 qian, cinnabar of 0.5 qian, musk of 0.2 qian, borneol of 0.2 qian, and sodium sulfate of 0.1 qian. You should crush these medicinal materials and store them in the porcelain bottles. When you take them, dip them with lacquer chopsticks, and then take them with lukewarm water. After half a month, the disease could be eliminated.”

When Ning Yuan heard this, he was relieved. He thought that as the girl just diagnosed a disease, why did she scream and make such a fuss? He was shocked by her.

Hearing no response, He Danggui thought that he didn’t pay attention to this disease, so she emphasized once again, “You shouldn’t think that since you have Zhenqi for protecting your body, you will not be invaded by all diseases. If you don’t treat this disease in time, it will become more and more serious with your internal injury, and finally its consequences will be unimaginable... Do you remember the prescription I just told you?”

Ning Yuan nodded and promised, “I’ll take this medicine after I go back... and you should take care of yourself in Lou’s Family and eat more.”

These rare gentle words from his mouth were indeed a gift, but the listener had no response and was still focusing on the silver needles on his chest. At this time, Ning Yuan looked down at his chest in surprise. He just didn’t notice for a while. How could she prick about 50 needles at the place of his heart! When he wanted to blame her for murdering her husband again, Ning Yuan suddenly felt that the most chill from Duan Xiaolou’s palm energy had dissipated unconsciously, and the place hurt by the palm energy was also warm and comfortable.

He Danggui thought for a while, glanced at the youth standing next to her and ordered, “Xiaoyou, go to the kitchen to find some wine. Spirits are preferable. Bring a half bottle to me when you find it.” The spirits could cooperate with her Jin Zhen Da Xue to improve the healing effect to the best. When she had a fever in Shui Shang Temple, she also used this kind of enhanced acupuncture method to instantly reduce the fever and calm the nerves. In fact, this skill shouldn’t be exposed in front of such an outsider as Ning Yuan. But as he saved her twice, the instinct of a doctor made her unable to ignore such a patient with injures.

When the young man got the order and ran away, Ning Yuan looked at He Danggui curiously and said, “Girl, where did you learn these excellent medical skills and acupuncture method?” Seeing her droop eyelids and ignore his questions, Ning Yuan added, “Your tea art is the same as ‘the tea art of Song’ created by Song You. But I never heard he had a female disciple, so where did you learn the skill for making the Cloud tea?”

When Ning Yuan said the last words, He Danggui suddenly stopped and looked at him strangely, repeating, “The skill for making the Cloud tea? Childe Ning, do you also know this skill?”

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“Yes.” Ning Yuan said. He did not know why she showed that look, and guessed that she might admire the best tea artist Song You, who was known as “Senior Lu Yu”. Therefore, he explained to her in detail, “The skill for making the Cloud tea was newly created by Song You in the past two years as a method for brewing the green tea according to a poem of Li Shangyin. It includes four cups of tea. This skill is most suitable for making the Cloud tea and Biluochun tea. By the way, I was very surprised on the roof of Xin Rong Hall when seeing you make the Cloud tea. Song You only showed this skill to me and Feng Yang, so where did you learn it?”

The more He Danggui listened, the more uncomfortable she felt. Her hands and lips were shaking slightly, and her bright and sharp eyes were staring at Ning Yuan, which made him uncomfortable. Then He Danggui asked, “Do you meet Song You... frequently?”

Ning Yuan didn’t know why she suddenly showed this strange look, so he replied hesitantly, “Of course, he lives in my house... Do you admire him? I could help you to meet him. By the way, the poem for this skill also contains your name ‘He Danggui’. No wonder you are so interested in it.” Ning Yuan made an excuse for her strange action, but he didn’t know that He Danggui wasn’t just interested in Song You.

He Danggui looked up at the stars and recalled the life of Song You, the “Senior Lu Yu”. In his early years, he was also a person with kung fu in Jianghu. Later, his kneecaps were cut off when he was fighting with others. Since then he couldn’t walk anymore, so he began to concentrate on studying tea art at home and became a master of tea art. But Song You got into a lot of troubles when he was in Jianghu. His enemies came to him frequently, so he couldn’t spend the rest of life safely. In the end, he left a letter and became a monk. But in fact, before he had a tonsure, he was picked up and hidden by the 17th Prince Zhu Quan.

Later, Zhu Quan was appointed as Lord Ning. When he went to Daning Prefecture, he took Song You with him and placed him in Jiu Lan Yard. Whenever Zhu Quan was free, he would go to have tea and play Go with Song You. He Danggui’s tea art also learned from Song You after she married into Lord Ning’s Mansion. And in her memory, Song You had never been out of Lord Ning’s Mansion until he died in the 3rd year of Jianwen Period. He also didn’t make tea for others.

“That’s all right. I’ve been admiring Song You for a long time,” He Danggui said, and stopped looking at the sky. She stared at Ning Yuan and continued, “I often think it is a great pity that he became a monk and hid in the forest. It turned out that he moved into your home. Ho-ho… Childe Ning... when did he move into your home?”

Ning Yuan saw her start to smile again. Although the expression in her eyes was a little strange, her looked like very lively. Therefore, he also smiled and said, “Song You has been my follower six months ago. It’s easy for you to see him as long as you become my concubine and go back with me. You can discuss tea art with him every day... Girl, although I can’t tell you my real identity now, I promise you that it won’t bring disgrace to you if you are my concubine. On the contrary, it’s your best choice. I understand that you are not happy in Luo’s Mansion, and the people here are not kind to you. It’s better to stay with me...”

He Danggui suddenly felt extremely angry and her limbs were cold, while her ears were “buzzing” by the surging airflow. Gradually, she couldn’t hear anything, and could only see that Ning Yuan kept talking. Although she didn’t want to think about Zhu Quan, she couldn’t forget the memories in her previous life easily. If she was not mistaken, Zhu Quan was appointed as Lord Ning by the Emperor half a year ago. And he was sent to Daning Prefecture, the Northwest military town. Then, he built Lord Ning’s Mansion here, and Song You also moved there half a year ago.

A gust of wind made her shiver. She clearly knew the identity of “Ning Yuan”, the “Childe Ning”. It was terrible! He was so close to her again, and he met her again. He wanted her to be his concubine again!