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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled

Chatper 484
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Chapter 484

My jaw dropped. How did Neil get in?

Sure, he knew the front gate code to enter the yard, but I was certain I had locked the

living room door.

I swiftly rose to open the door, and there he was, standing right outside.

“How did you get in?” The thought of a murderer sneaking into my house had spooked

me, and now I was wary even of Neil.

Neil turned and made his way towards the living room. Puzzled, I trailed behind him only

to find the living room door wide open, bathing the room in a silvery moonlight.

He was still in his bloody clothes, looking oddly sophisticated yet freakish, especially with

the way he was peering at the door. It made me inexplicably nervous.

“Did it scare you silly?” Neil finally broke the silence, “Why didn’t you lock the door?”

I was taken aback. Had I forgotten to lock the living room door when I went to the


Perhaps the events of the night had shaken me too much, leaving my mind in chaos.

I stammered, “Um… I forgot. How’s Daisy? Is it okay?”

“It’s still at the vet. It’ll have to stay for a while but luckily, its thick fur protected its vital

organs,” Neil replied, then looked at me and asked, “Are you sure you’re not hurt?”

I nodded. I wasn’t injured, just mentally and emotionally overwhelmed.

Suddenly, something caught my eye. The blood on Neil’s left forearm seemed thicker, the

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sleeve of his shirt clinging to it. It looked like he’d been hurt.

My heart clenched. “You’re hurt. Your arm…”

I pointed at Neil’s left arm.

Neil lifted his arm to examine it. Upon seeing his wound, he frowned but didn’t seem

overly concerned. “Hmm, he got me good, but can handle it.”

“Are you crazy? After you dropped off Daisy, you should’ve gone to the hospital. You’ve

lost a lot of blood and what if the wound gets infected?” I was getting frustrated, whether

from seeing all the blood or worrying about Neil’s injury.

Neil seemed amused at my concern, his eyebrow arching. Despite his injury, he seemed in

good spirits. “Are you worried about me?”

“Of course I am! You got hurt saving me, Neil. Can you please act like an adult and get

your wound treated at the hospital?” I was exasperated. He was being incredibly childish.



Chapter 484

Neil let out a soft grunt, leaning back on the couch, his hands hanging loosely by his sides.

He looked tired, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips, “Is it too much to ask for you to

admit you’re worried about me?”

With that, he let out a sigh and closed his eyes I wasn’t sure if he was just resting or if he

had really passed out.

“Neil?” I called out.

He didn’t respond, his face growing paler. My heart pounded. Could he be dying?

“Neil? Are you asleep?” I asked louder, but still, he didn’t answer.

I began to panic. I wasn’t a doctor. I didn’t know if a wound there could be life-threatening.

I walked over to him and gently nudged him, “Neil, are you okay?”

He still didn’t respond. He looked like… a corpse.

Shaking, I reached out to check his breath.

Just as I was about to touch him, he suddenly opened his eyes, a glint of mischief in them.

He grabbed my wrist, and with no warning, I fell onto the couch, onto him.

His other arm wrapped around my waist, and I ended up sprawled on his chest, his eyes

smoldering as they met mine.

Startled, I tried to get up, but his grip tightened, pinning me down.

“Worried I might be dead?” His face was still pale, making his smirk appear all the more

sinister. “Technically, it would be better if I died, then no one would bother you anymore.”

“Are you out of your mind?” I was more embarrassed than angry as I shouted, “Let go of

me. Let me up!”

“I won’t. I got hurt saving you, so shouldn’t you be responsible?” Neil played the victim.

I tried to squirm away, but Neil let out a pained grunt, “If you move, my wound will open

up again. It had just stopped bleeding.”

With no choice, I stopped struggling. Neil’s antics had me on edge. I said, “You know your

injury is serious, why won’t you go to the hospital? I’m not a doctor, how am I supposed to

help? You should let Karina take care of this, she’s a pro and can make sure you won’t

even have a scar!”

“Are you jealous?” Neil seemed to have lost his logic.

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“Jealous of what, Neil? Did you hurt your brain along with your arm?” I was flabbergasted

by his absurdity.

Before I could react, Neil kissed me on the lips, swift and light.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. I was taken aback, our faces so close that our



Chapter 484

breaths mixed.

Neil’s gaze was intense, a torrent of unspeakable desire evident, even though he was

injured and hadn’t received any treatment.

What was this man thinking?

I sensed something was wrong and immediately tried to get up again.

This time, Neil didn’t stop me, but as I was about to rise, I lost my balance.


Neil let out a pained grunt and clutched his thigh.

I quickly stepped back, apologizing, “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to.”

“Irene, are you trying to kill me?” Neil gasped, his already pale face turning ashen.

“I didn’t mean to. Are you okay?” I couldn’t help but glance at Neil’s injured area. It was

definitely a critical hit.

Neil propped himself up, gritting his teeth as he asked me, “Well, what do you think? Do I

look alright to you now?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!