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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

All Russel did was raise an eyebrow, then he said, “Before you marry again, watch your step, okay?

Don’t go knocking yourself silly or something”

I muttered “None of your business” under my breath, not sure if he even heard me

A nurse hustled Russel away. Once he was gone, Stella came back. She seemed to have had a

revelation, saying excitedly. “Rena, all your efforts finally paid offr

“Nope. We’re still getting a divorce.” I said calmly, my heart as still as water. “Neil already told Russel

that we’re splitting, and about Bonnie too”

Stella’s smile froze on her face Wait, what?”

Even with her vast experience in the game of love, she was thrown off by the back–and–forth between

Neil and me.

Neil suddenly changed his tune and helped his wife out. And as his wife, I felt quilty for

misunderstanding my husband. Wasn’t this a sign of getting back together? But Stella was just Stella.

After a moment of shock, she seemed even more excited, ‘Right! If you guys need a divorce, then get a

divorce! We women can’t be upset by some unkindness! He’s been tormenting you for ten years You

can’t just forgive him because he’s being nice for once Make him regret it after you guys split!

I just chuckled Stella sure had some interesting ideas. In reality, the moment Neil and I divorce, he

wouldn’t regret anything. Instead, he would be one step closer to marrying Bonnie.

Bonnie’s existence was still a significant reason for Neil’s agreement to the divorce.

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“Your imagination is something else. Go get me some food, will you? I want some spaghetti Bolognese

from the hospital cafeteria.” I urged Stella, laughing

“You’d rather eat hospital food than five–star hotel food? Seriously, you’re a piece of work!” Stella

complained, but she obediently went to get the food. If was mealtime, so she might have to queue.

I was left alone in the room. The smile gradually disappeared from my face, replaced by a sense of


I got up and walked to the window, looking at the snow–covered ground below. Hospital staff were

setting up holiday decorations.

I had to celebrate the holiday alone in the hospital. It was a bummer.

While I was daydreaming, I heard footsteps behind me. Thinking Stella was back, I asked, “You got

plans for tomorrow? If not, can you keep me company?”

There was no response. I turned around puzzled and saw a nervous–looking Bonnie

She was lightly made up, looking delicate. Her beautiful face had a hint of guilt. She was wearing a

black polka dot down jacket, cinched at the waist, with a sweet bow at the collar, and a pair of white

mid–calf boots on her legs. At first glance, I could tell that her clothes were of better quality and

probably more expensive than before, but they were still brands I didn’t recognize

She seemed more mature and steady than before.

“Trene, are you feeling better now?” Bonnie asked quietly.

“What do you think?” I replied indifferently My impression of her had plummeted due to what happened

during the kidnapping.

I grabbed my phone and started messing with it, not in the mood to deal with her.

Bonnie sat down gingerly on the chair by the bed. She couldn’t look me in the eye, but she kept

stealing glances at me. I frowned and put away my phone, “What do you want?”

“Nothing. I’m just worried about you.” Bonnie bit her lip and responded softly.

“Why would someone who wants me dead be worried about me?” I asked sarcastically pretending to

be shocked.

Bonnie turned pale immediately. She shook her head, “No, Irene, I didn’t want you to die!”

I said coldly. “Oh really? Then let me ask you, why didn’t you help me when I was calling for help at the

warehouse, even telling Neil I wasn’t there? Neil could hear Norman’s phone ringing, but you couldn’t

hear my desperate cries for help?”

Bonnie looked dreadful at my barrage of questions. She stuttered, “Irene, I’m not that kind of person….

you should know me better, right? I just didn’t hear you. Maybe I have a hearing problem.”

“People who learn vocal music are hard of hearing?!” I felt like she was insulting my intelligence.

“Bonnie, why have you become like this? Neil must have told you that nigh; that he and I were getting a

divorce. What’s the rush?”

Bonnie started crying when I exposed her dark side. She couldn’t believe what she had done. “Irene,

I’m sorry, I think I’ve lost control lately… I… I think I’ve fallen in love with Mr. Whitmore!”

I wanted to say more, but her words left me speechless.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I know I know I shouldn’t have feelings for him, but he kept intruding into my life. Somehow, I got used

to him being around. I started to feel inferior. I know I’m not good enough for him, let alone you, so I did

something stupid. Irene, I’m sorry… can you not tell Neil about this?”

Once Neil knew the truth, her image in his mind would be shattered

I found it laughable, “Bonnie, tell me honestly, are you used to him being around, or are you just

attracted to his lavish lifestyle? Everyone likes to live comfortably, I get that Just looking at your clothes,

I know what you’re after. Your father’s surgery, your family’s house, Neil paid for all of them. You’re just

used to the convenience that money and power bring, aren’t you?”

“No” Bonnie got agitated. She couldn’t stand my questioning of her feelings. Her eyes were red, “It’s

not like that at all! It’s not about the money. I really fell in love with him!”

Also, Irene, it’s not Neil who made me more materialistic, it’s you.” Bonnie added She looked at me

with a mix of sadness and determination.

You showed me what a truly rich life is like. I’ve checked the prices of the clothes and accessories you

used to wear, so I know they are expensive. You lent me money without a second thought and you

didn’t rush me to pay you back. And Oscar told me about your car. All these things I didn’t understand

or even think about before”

I was really shocked. Did I actually push Bonnie straight into Neil’s arms?

Did I use the power of money to corrupt a pure girls heart?

Perhaps, I did mean to show off a bit. In my past life, Bonnie was the cause of my downfall. In this life, I

can help her and Neil, but I’m still a bit salty, so I intentionally did some petty things to upset her.

“You can leave now “I didn’t wanna chat with Bonnie anymore