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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled

Chapter 50
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I was filled with a sense of ty about my new job. Now I could spend the whole day with Neil. I was

curious why he had given me this position.

This was until I received a message from his mother asking me, “Irene, did Neil arrange a job for you?

What position? Do you see him every day?”

Seeing these three questions in a row, I realized that it must have been his parents who were

pressuring him.

I knew Neil wouldn’t do this for himself!

I replied to her, “Im Neil’s personal secretary now”

She responded with a thumbs up emoji.

When it was time to be off, I tidied up a bit and then found Bonnie’s phone number, asking her for an


Neil was still working. I have to work overtime. You go home first.”

“Okay,” I left immediately I definitely didn’t want to work overtime!

Bonnie replied quickly Our rendezvous would be La Rencontre.

I drove straight there and arrived quickly. Bonnie was already waiting for me. She was wearing a white

sweater, with a coffee-colored strapless shirt under it, revealing her neck and collarbones. Her long hair

fell gently on her shoulders, giving her an innocent and adorable look.

She was propping her cheeks with her hands, gazing out the window, seemingly deep in thought.

She’s so beautiful! I thought sincerely. With time, I started to think that she would match Neil well, at

least in terms of looks.

“Irene!” Seeing me come, Bonnie snapped back and waved at me with a smile.

I walked over, sorted out my black trench coat, and sat down across from her. I asked with a smile,

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“Bonnie, what’s up with the sudden call?”

Bonnie took out her phone and said shyly, “Irene, I want to pay back the money I owe you.”

I was surprised, “Hasn’t Oscar paid you back? Don’t you know?”

Bonnie was also surprised. She shook her head, ‘I didn’t know. I broke up with him.”

After saying that, her eyes became a bit red, but she quickly regained her calm. She squeezed out a

smile, “Irene, let me pay you back, and then you can return his money to him.”

I opened PayPal and asked, “What happened? You two were so good together, why did you break up?”

Bonnie lowered her head and didn’t answer me. Soon my phone beeped. It was the prompt tone that

she had transferred the money to me.

Then, Bonnie stood up and said, “Irene, thank you. I’m going back to school.”

It seemed she only came to see me to pay back the money. As her figure disappeared outside the

coffee shop, I sighed deeply and got up to leave, but I had left my car keys in the shop, so I had to go


As I pushed open the door, I saw two girls standing behind the bar, with their backs to the entrance,

talking as they wiped the equipment.

“I didn’t expect Bonnie to be so close to her, even inviting her out for a chat alone?”

“That lady used to come here often for coffee. We all know her!”

“Do you think Bonnie wants to get close to her because she thinks her husband is handsome? Haha…

“Bonnie is not a person like that! Don’t talk nonsense!*

“She didn’t like the photo you posted. She must have seen it.”

I caught a key piece of information: Bonnie had seen my husband?

I walked in. As soon as they saw me, the two girls immediately stopped talking. I acted as if nothing

had happened and left.

Back in the car, I sorted out their conversation. Neil and I had had coffee at this cafe before. It’s very

likely that one of the two girls had taken a photo and posted it on Facebook. Bonnie had worked here

and was likely a friend of them. If she saw the photo, she would naturally know about Neil and me.

So, when she was chatting with me just now, she actually knew very well that I was Neil’s wife.

I had a subtle feeling. Bonnie knew I was Neil’s wife, and Neil was pursuing her, so why did she

pretend not to know?

Did she tell Neil about this? I guess not, otherwise Neil would have warned me to stay away from her.

She definitely didn’t tell Oscar either, because Oscar and I know each other.

She certainly didn’t know that already knew Neil was pursuing her.

Was it because she thought I didn’t know anything, so she asked me out, pretending to chat with me

casually, but actually observing and testing me?

I was a bit confused I instinctively dialed Russel’s number, “Dr. Russel, are you free?”

“What for?” Russel asked coldly.

“To talk about my condition!” I said offhand.

He was silent for a few seconds, “Where are you?”

I thought for a moment, “I haven’t had dinner yet. I want to eat grilled lobster, red wine braised beef,

cheese fondue, and pan-seared foie gras…”

Before I finished speaking, Russel hung up the phone. As I was about to call him back, he sent me a

location. It was Maple Restaurant. The food there was very good My dad and I had been there many


I rushed to Maple Restaurant immediately. In a luxurious private room, I saw Russel. His hair was a bit

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wet, emitting a faint fragrance, as if he had just washed it but hadn’t dried it entirely.

“Please order.” As soon as I sat down, he put the menu in front of me.

“You can order yourself, why be so polite?” I said, looking at the menu.

“I don’t want anything” Russel answered.

He was a typical strict doctor, not tempted by greasy food at all. I complimented him, “You really know

how to keep healthy. You can definitely five a hundred years old.”



Chapter 50

Russel was indifferent to my compliment, instead saying, “Looking at you, malnourished, it would be

lucky if you could live to forty.”

I was speechless.

After ordering, I couldn’t wait to tell Russel about Bonnie. After listening, he said, “So now she knows

your real identity, but pretends not to, and also doesn’t know that you already know?”

“Yes. Speaking of which, the most awkward thing is Neil. He doesn’t know that I know Bonnie, nor does

he know that Bonnie has recognized me,” I sighed with emotion. “She must have some feeling for Neil,

or else she wouldn’t have broken up with Oscar and then asked to meet you after finding out who you

are,” Russel looked at me, “Now that she knows, what are you gonna do?”

I made a helpless expression, ‘I’m not gonna spill the beans to Neil. If she doesn’t tell Neil, I won’t

either. Let’s see who spills out first.”

Bonnie’s actions made me wonder, is she really as innocent as ! thought? We’re kinda friends, and I’ve

seen her relationship with Oscar. If she was truly an innocent girl, she’d tell the truth to me, apologize

sincerely, and promise she’d never see Neil again.

But she didn’t do that. Instead, she nonchalantly asked to meet me, telling me she had split up with
