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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96


Another slap flew from my hand. “Let that be a lesson in respect. I'm your elder sister, and Caleb, he’s your

brother-in-law. Calling him an imbecile, do you have any idea who you're messing with? You think you can cross

the Langleys? Without their backing, do the Larsons really want to go bankrupt?”

Coraline just stood there, gobsmacked. She stared at me, trying to make sense of the sudden storm | had

become-so different from the past.

| didn’t bother with her confusion and brushed past her, heading into the living room.

There, Foebe's so-called father was perched on the sofa like skind of dignitary.

Seeing me, he put on a welcoming act. “Ah, there you are, Foebe. Take a seat. You're a hero to the Langley family

now. You'll need to take good care of that little one you're carrying.

| managed a smile, eyeing this ‘father’ of mine. “You're right, Dad. This baby is the Langley’s sole heir. Once it's

born, it will be the future head of the family.”

My “father” Anthony Larson gavea scrutinizing look and spoke nonchalantly. “Seems like you've figured

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things out, huh?”

| stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

“Now that Brendan’s out of the picture and Samuel has no chance of taking over, you've got a hold of that ‘fool.

Take care of the baby, and you'll be the real head of the Langleys,” Anthony


| knew exactly what he wanted-to useas a puppet, to control the Langleys through me.

But what was his leverage? Something Foebe cared about?

“Right now, | pretty much call the shots in the Langley household,” | boasted, puffing myself up like a peacock. |

wanted to see what threats Anthony would dangle.

“Dad!” Coraline, who must have taken her sweet tcoming to terms with the slaps, barged in, outraged. “Dad,

she hit me!”

“Can’t you see your father and | are discussing important matters? Have you no sense of decorum, no poise

befitting a lady of stature? Get out!” | scolded Coraline, clearly displeased.

Fuming, Coraline bit back. “Dad!”

Anthony frowned at me, realizing | was getting too big for my boots.

“Dad, we're talking business here. What's she doing interrupting?” | asked in a low voice laced with threat.

We were both testing each other's limits, so let's test them properly.



“Leave us.” Anthony instructed Coraline.

She was shocked: Anthony had never dismissed her like that before.

“Dad...” she protested weakly.

“Just go,” he waved her off.

Reluctantly, Coraline stormed out, throwinga venomous look on her way. “Getting all high and mighty for

what? Marrying a fool.”

| kept quiet, leaning back on the sofa, eyes on Anthony.

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“Now that you're effectively in charge of the Langley family, you should start getting a hold of the company to

help the Larsons out of this mess,” Anthony reminded me.

“Sorry, Dad, but | can’t help. | may be with the Langleys now, but | don’t have any power. Brendan's away, and

Henry's got the company in a vice grip. He's got connections everywhere: I'm not about to poke that bear,” |

said blandly.

Anthony’s brows knitted together. “Your main task was to secure the Langley shares for me. Getting cold feet?

Don’t forget, your grandmother's treatment is on the Larson's dime. Or do you think the Langleys will waste their

ton sold lady who doesn’t matter to them?”

| paused, caught off guard by his revelation.

But this grandmother?

| raised my hand to my forehead, massaging away the tension. The grandmother?

Was it Foebe’s after she was switched at birth and raised by someone else?

But shouldn't that be Coraline’s actual grandmother?


Coraline really was an ingrate.