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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

Henry gavean icy smirk, a look laden with a warning before he stood up and walked away.

| knew what he was thinking.

If anything happened to the little one in my womb, if Caleb were to die, he'd be the rightful heir to the Langley


“Darling, better take good care of that bun in the oven,” a middle-aged man by Henry's side quipped with a

chuckle, sidling up toand squinting as he lookedover. “Such a beauty, what a shame...”

He pinched my chin with a smirk and left.

Once everyone had cleared out, | flopped down onto the couch with a sigh of relief.

“Madam,” Eric began soothingly. “I'm sorry you had to endure that. Right now, your main job is to look after

yourself and keep the baby safe.”

“When is Brendan due back from his trip?” | asked. Even though the patriarch had suffered a stroke and was

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practically powerless, his presence alone was enough to keep the vultures at bay.

“He’ll be back on hsoil tomorrow,” Eric replied in a hushed tone.

| nodded and glanced upstairs.

Colin was awake; his pallor was ghostly as he stood at the top of the stairs, watching with detached coldness

where Henry and his entourage had departed.

“You shouldn't be up. Go back to bed,” | urged him to return to his room.


His demeanor softened, and his voice was tinged with fear. “Phoebe, I'm scared... | can’t sleep.” | rubbed my

temples, feeling the weight of my misfortune. Of all the lives to be reborn into, | had to end up in the Langley

family, a veritable lion’s den.

“Eric, what's the situation with the Langley Group now?” | asked.

With Brendan incapacitated and Samuel in trouble, the company must be in chaos.

“Mr. Henry has taken temporary control of the company. That man by his side, Julian Langley. is his son. He's got

the entire security department under his thumb,” Eric said diplomatically. which was a polite way of telling me

the Langleys were under siege by Henry and his son.

It seemed the news of Brendan’s mishap had been leaked to Henry in record time.

Now | had even more reason to suspect that the simultaneous troubles of Brendan and Samuel were

orchestrated by someone.

Henry was the prsuspect, standing to gain the most.



“Let's put the company issues aside for now; we need to untangle this mess,” | said, heading


The immediate concern was to wrest control of the company from Henry's grip.

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It wasn’t that | sought conflict with them, but as the saying goes, “A man is not guilty of carrying a jewel; the

cris in being caught.”

My status and the child | was carrying were reasons enough for them not to letgo. Hoping for their mercy

was futile; my only option was to roll the dice and take a chance.

Upstairs, Colin reached out to me. | sighed and coaxed him back to his room.

“Those people... they're bad,” Colin said, grabbing my wrist and pullinginto an embrace.

“Did they hurt you?” | asked softly.

He hummed affirmatively, his voice a deep rumble:

| fell silent for a long time. Colin’s position and predicament within the Langley family must have brought him

much suffering. How could they let him be? They'd likely be pleased only if he were dead.

Henry's desire to take over the company was probably not a recent development. The schemes and calculations

against Colin must have started long ago.

“Brendan’s in trouble, and Samuel can’t cto the rescue,” | said, looking into Colin's eyes. trying to comfort

him. “From now on, it’s just you andagainst the world. We have to huddle together for warmth and trust

each other, you understand?”