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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89

| kept a vigilant eye on our surroundings as | pulled Stella closer to me.


“Is someone there?” Stella whispered, peering into the box with me.

| shook my head, my gaze fixed on a shadowy figure not far down the alley.

Sensing our attention, the figure swiftly darted away.

| glanced up at Colin, who still had a fierce gleam in his eyes. Standing in the dim alley, he looked like Satan

himself, just crawled out from the depths of hell.

Tentatively, | called out, “Colin?”

He turned to look at me, and | could practically see the anger in his eyes dissolve into a clear, innocent

bewilderment. “Phoebe, | feel so lightheaded.”

Then, suddenly, his nearly six-foot-three frcollapsed onto me.

I had no tto protest; | could only let him lean on me.

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*He looks all skinny, but boy, he’s heavy,” Stella grumbled, helpingsupport Colin as we dragged him toward

the curb.

It seemed like he had passed out, all his weight bearing down on me.

| muttered under my breath, “Why is he so heavy...”

Stella hailed a cab, and together, we managed to stuff Colin into the vehicle.

“Let's head back to the Langley family estate,” | murmured, deciding Stella should cwith

1. me.

Stella was curious about Colin and nodded in agreement.

The whole way, Colin leaned on me, his forehead burning up; he seemed to be genuinely ill.

| touched his forehead and sighed.

If he wasn’t a murderer or an accomplice to stwisted murderer, what was his connection to the criminal?

“Are you and this psy... Colin really married?” Stella asked quietly. “Is he really your husband? Is he capable of

marriage? Isn't he... you know...”

She gestured to her head in a circular motion, suggesting something was off with Colin’s mind. “Although he’s

quite handsome, can he, you know, perform?” Stella whispered, ever the one to focus on such matters.

Her question almost choked me. That was Stella for you, always one-track-minded.

“He is indeed my husband, and it’s a long story,” | said, rubbing my forehead. How do I explain

Chapter 89

that | woke up one day, was forced into a shotgun wedding, and now had a kid?

As for whether he’s ‘capable...

“He’s quite normal, just has his moments of madness,” | said,

Stella leaned in, her curiosity piqued. “Really? | thought he was all looks. | was thinking how fair God is, giving

him that gorgeous face but a dim wit.”

“He’s brilliant, actually-a prodigy.” | found myself defending Colin. “He was in college by his teens, in the gifted

program. He's one of those rare geniuses.”

Stella's eyes widened in shock, pointing at Colin. “Him?”

| nodded, glancing at Colin. He shifted uneasily in my arms, burrowing into me, and | quickly patted his back.

“We're almost home, sleep now.”

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But | didn’t catch the slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

Stella swallowed hard, still in disbelief. “You can’t tell by looking at him...

We arrived at the Langley family mansion, and with seffort, Stella and | dragged Colin out

of the car.

It was quite a struggle.

The Langley estate seemed bustling, teeming with people.

Supporting Colin, | had just entered the grounds when the butler rushed over.

“Take the young master to rest,” | whispered.

The butler nodded. “Mr. Brendan's had a stroke. Something happened with Mr. Samuel. Mr. Brendan went

abroad, and from what | heard, he got so upset he had a stroke. Not sure if he'll

ever recover.”

The butler sighed; the Langley family was going through a crisis.

| froze for a second, then noticed Eric approaching from a distance.

The sudden turmoil within the Langley family meant that the distant relatives were likely getting restless.

It seemed that everyone who had chere today was eyeing the Langley family fortune and the shares of the

Langley Group.