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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

“Yes, it wasn’t Phoebe who pushed Melody down the stairs. | was downstairs, and | saw everything clearly,” Hank

leaned against the wall, sobbing as he spoke.

“Spit it out!” Dexter's voice was icy, his patience thin.

“That day, | was at your place with Melody’s sister Serena, and there was a scuffle between Melody and Phoebe.

Melody just lost her balance and tumbled down the stairs. It wasn’t Phoebe’s doing.” Hank admitted through

tears. “I lled, okay? | just wanted to get back at Phoebe. | didn’t stand up for her.”

Dexter didn’t say a word. Instead, he grabbed Hank by the collar and started throwing punches that landed with

a sickening thud on Hank's face.

“Dexter, why the hell are you hitting me. It was you who didn’t believe her in the first place.” Hank, desperate

and cornered, yelled back at Dexter.

Another punch from Dexter, each one more furious than the last, as if he were trying to beat the life out of him.

| glanced at Stella. “You think he'll kill him?”

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Stella clenched her fists. “Even if he does, the guy had it coming.”

| nodded in agreement.

Hank was the kind of person who deserved no less. | could never forget what Hank had done to

1. me.

“Dexter, are you gonna keep...” Hank spat blood as he spoke, a tooth clearly broken. “Why the hell are you

hitting me? Don’t think | don’t know about you and Phoebe. You've been with her. slept with her, and you deny

it! Why? Why is it okay for you to touch her, and when | do, she goes all high and mighty, acting all pure when

you've had your way with...”

In his panic, Hank spilled everything.

Dexter's face contorted with rage as he slammed Hank's head against the wall again. “You touched her?”

Hank tried to flee, but Dexter caught him and pinned him against the wall once more.

“Say it again. What did you do to her?” Dexter screamed, completely unhinged.

From outside, | watched as Dexter took his anger out on Hank, a cold smile playing on my lips.

Did Hank think I didn’t know what he had done?

At the Fitzgerald family gathering, Hank had tried to assault me. | had fled, disheveled, pleading for help. Wasn't

it Dexter himself who had believed Hank's lies, accusingof being a slut?

Hadn't he calleda dirty, loose woman?

| had thought that being reborn would leavewith nothing but hatred, but the memory still made my entire

body shake.

With a sudden loss of control, | burst into the room, shoved Dexter aside, grabbed Hank by the collar, and

slapped him hard across the face, not stopping there.

“Why don’t you just die!” | raged, gripping Hank's collar, wishing | could strangle the life out of him.

Hank, already weakened by Dexter's blows, fell to the floor, looking up atwith a mad grin. “Phoebe, you're

not dead?”

| froze for a moment before kicking him in the stomach.

Hank laughed, a lunatic sound. “Phoebe, | never meant to kill you. I really didnt.”

His laughter turned to crying, a wailing sob.

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| knew he wasn’t regretting hurting me; he regretted that my supposed death had dragged him down as well. He

felt his life was ruined because of me.

“Just because you say you didn’t mean to kill her, you think that’s the end? You deserve to die! Your sins won't

wash away in this lifetime. Go to hell,” | lashed out, kicking Hank uncontrollably. shaking all over.

“Dexter, you should be dead too,” | said through gritted teeth, my eyes blazing at Dexter.

Wasn't he the one who deserved it most?

Dexter just stared at me, confusion in his voice. “Who are you, really?”

| took a deep breath and laughed. “I'm your worst nightmare.”

Dexter looked down, a self-deprecating smirk on his lips.

“Impossible... she’s dead,” he murmured, stepping back to lean against the wall. “She’s dead! You can look like

her all you want, but you're not her.”

“Disgusting.” | spat, glaring at Dexter, my hands balled into fists. “It wasn’t Phoebe who pushed Melody. You're

all murderers! You all deserve to die!”

Stella rushed in, pullingback. “Dexter, do you see Melody for what she really is now? She's the one who's

been framing Phoebe all along. She killed Phoebe!”