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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82

Staring at him, | couldn't quite put my finger on the feeling, but wasn’t he just a little too obedient?

Was it possible that he'd agree to anything | said?

“Stay put; I'll dry your hair,” | said, fetching the blow dryer and setting to work.

He sat still as if he were a statue in the bathtub like he really was that compliant.

Skepticism crept in, and | decided to test him again. “You're crashing on the couch tonight; | get the bed.”

Colin glanced back at me, his eyes a mix of innocence and allure.

| expected resistance, but he simply nodded. “Okay.”

“You'd agree to anything | say?” | prodded.

He nodded again.

“So, if | told you to jump off a bridge, you'd do it?” | couldn't help but ask, curious.

His body stiffened, he didn’t turn to face me, just nodded.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

razy...” | muttered under my breath, standing up to leave. “Con, get out and go to sleep. You can sleep on

the bed, but no funny business.”

| lay in bed, waiting for ages before he finally emerged.

He approached the bed hesitantly, then, clutching a pillow, seemed to resign himself to the floor.

“The floor’s cold; take the bed,” | said, cocooned in my duvet.

“I can’t...” His voice was low, a refusal.

“Why not?” | asked, puzzled. After all, he had shared the bed withfor the first few days after

| cback, and now that we had a kid, what was he playing at?

“I could hurt you.” Colin whispered.


“I have strong desires for you,” he said bluntly.

Stunned, | pulled the duvet tighter around me. “Then, yeah, the floor is yours.”

Perhaps it was the presence of another person by the bed. That night, | slept surprisingly well. When | woke up, it

was nearly noon. Colin was still on the floor, looking worse for wear. Touching his forehead, | panicked and

dashed out. “Hey, housekeeper! Call a doctor!”


Chapter BZ

Colin was sick, seriously so, and had been unconscious for far too long.

| felt guilty for having him sleep on the floor.

But he seemed too compliant, actually taking my word and spending the whole night on the hardwood.

Sitting on the couch, | rubbed my temples in a daze. My phone rang, and it tooka moment to snap out of it.


“It’s me.” It was Stella on the other end.

| straightened up. “Stella.”

“Another one’s in trouble,” Stella's voice was hoarse.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Who? Melody?” | asked, on guard.

If the perpetrator’s motive was linked to the girls from the orphanage adopted in red dresses. then Melody was

the only one left.

“No.” Stella sounded exhausted. “Has Colin been with you recently? Around 1 AM last night, a jogger found a

woman's body by Boundless River, dressed in a red dress, pale as a ghost. We haven't identified her yet.”

“Colin's been withthe whole time, doesn’t even have a cell...” | looked upstairs, where he lay with a high

fever, out cold all night, right under my nose, unable to be the killer.

“If it’s not the original serial killer, someone’s mimicking them,” Stella said tiredly. “But regardless, the murderer

is still at large, and whether it’s Colin or not, they won't stop until they're caught. Melody really is the only lead,

but Dexter is shielding her too well.”

| knew Dexter was keeping Melody so close, meaning the police couldn’t use her to crack the


This would make solving the case incredibly tough.

“I don’t know what you're after, but we need to get Dexter to let go of Melody first, then use her to catch the

mastermind, or else there may be more victims.” Stella's voice was raspy.

From the tI died till now, she seemed obsessed with catching the killer. | knew she was tormented by her

failure to protect me.