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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80

“Goodnight,” | managed to say with a light heart, despite the whole mess with Samuel, as | bid Colin farewell for

the evening.

His hair was damp, his face pale as a ghost, and the black jacket he wore made his delicate. features stand out

even more, shrouded in a mysterious aura that was both intriguing and unfathomable.

| paused at the doorway to steal a glance at him before entering my room and closing the door behind me.

The Langley family had setup in a spacious room with a plush bed and a soothing

ambiance, but it felt strangely empty. In contrast, Colin's little cottage somehow seemed more


The thought startled me; without realizing it, | was starting to see Colin in a new light.

But the guy was a murderer, for heaven's sake!

Curled up in fear on my bed, | dreaded the lightning, the thunder, and now, the terrifying idea of empathizing

with a killer like Colin.

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Then suddenly, a bolt of lightning seemed to explode right before my eyes.

“Ah!” | screamed in terror, hugging my knees to my chest and breathing heavily.

“Colin... go back to the orphanage and wait for me, be good.”

“Phoebe, I'll wait for you forever. If you don’t come, | won't leave.”

“Phoebe, you promised you'd cfor me. I'll wait at the orphanage forever.”

Memories of the car accident-the familiar yet foreign images-flooded my mind.


A clap of thunder roared outside.

Frightened, | scrambled out of bed, running without knowing why. By the t| cto my senses, | had flung

open the door.


A strong hand suddenly grabbed my wrist and yankedagainst the wall, his lips crashing down on mine.

The room was pitch dark, but I could feel Colin's presence just outside the door.

| couldn’t see his face, only sense his breath.

He seemed frightened too, his kiss desperate, as if venting something fierce.

| tried to push him away, but he was immovable, my eyes stinging with hot tears.

Chapter 80

“Liar...” He calleda liar in his frenzy. “You toldto go back to wait for you.”

“Get off me.” | finally shoved him away and slapped him across the face, leaning against the wall, my breathing

more ragged than ever. For sreason, all my grievances crushing. forth.

His figure was forlorn, standing there, head bowed in silence.

Instinctively, | wanted to reach out and comfort him, shocked at my own impulse.

What was happening to me?


Another thunderous roar shook the room, and involuntarily, | sought refuge in Colin’s arms, crying harder than


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At that moment, all the pent-up sorrow overwhelmed me. Since my parents died in a car crash, everything felt

like a dream.

Colin stiffened for a second, then slowly wrapped his arms around me, holdingtight.

He didn’t say a word, but | could feel him trembling.

“Phoebe, no matter what you've become, I'll find you. I'm sorry, | won't let anyone hurt you. again,” Colin's grip

tightened as he spoke, his voice quivering.

For the first time, | allowed myself to completely rely on someone else.

“I'm scared... of the thunder. Let's sleep here tonight,” | whispered.

Perhaps it was my initiative that caught him off guard.

“Ah!” Suddenly, he liftedin his arms, and | clung to his neck, startled by his strength. He seemed so slender,

but his muscles were surprisingly firm. He laiddown on the bed and fetched a warm towel to wipe my hands

and feet.

In the dim glow of the bedside lamp, | watched him.

He was a murderer. | reminded myself.

If he truly was the one who killed all those women, and if the law couldn’t touch him, | wouldn't hesitate. I'd take

justice into my own hands.