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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76

“Alright.” | nodded, taking Colin's hand and leading him away. “You sneaked out; how are you going to get home?

The babysitter toldSamuel's been looking for you. If he catches you, you're in for it again.”

Colin instantly put on a pitiful face, wrapping his arms aroundfrom behind. “They hit me, it really hurts.

| let out a sigh, looking at him with a mix of frustration and pity. What am | supposed to do with this guy?

Just as | was about to find a place for him to crash, the Langley family’s sleek black car pulled up to the curb.

Stepping out was Brendan's assistant. He gave Colin a meaningful look and bowed his head politely. “Young

Master Colin, it’s tto go home.”

| couldn't help but smirk internally. Outside, these people sure knew how to play their parts.

Young Master Colin? Does anyone in the Langley family actually treat him like a young master? “Eric, is Brendan

mad? It wasn't his idea to run away; he did it to protect me. Can you maybe put in a good word for him?” | asked

cautiously, trying to advocate for Colin.

Though | knew he was likely to face a harsh reception back home.

“Master Samuel has made a mistake in his work, and Brendan has sent him to handle a project overseas. He left

at three this afternoon for three months,” Eric said, his face unreadable.

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But | breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, at least the next three months might be easier.

“As for Brendan, he’s getting on in years, not as sturdy as he used to be. He's off to the Sea City Sanatorium for

srest and recuperation,” Eric added.

| paused, suspicious.

Why would Eric be reporting to me? He has no reason to. But why make a point of tellingall this?

I glanced back at Colin. He was looking atinnocently, clearly not the intended audience.

Was this all just to pacify Colin so he’ll go back without a fuss?


“Tomorrow's the day for the family memorial service. Mr. Brendan has already gone ahead to the estate. It's a

three-and-a-half-hour drive; let's get going.” The assistant Eric opened the car doors for Colin and me, a little

too courteously.

Chapter 76

This politeness was unusual.

Lifting my chin, | mustered the airs of a lady of the house, taking advantage of the little one in my belly to throw

my weight around for once.

Colin watched me, his smile disarmingly charming.

For the first time, | truly understood what a bewitching smile was like and | was seeing it on a

man’s face.

“Returning to the family estate for the memorial service is also a way of seeking the blessings of the Langley

ancestors for your child to ensure a safe and healthy delivery,” Eric explained

once we were in the car.

| was still surprised. The Langley family was this concerned about my unborn child?

But then, the Langleys were known for their eccentric ways, and | was not in the mood to puzzle over their


Resting against the car window, | watched the city lights blur past, my mind replaying the scene of Dexter

defending Melody. In the past, such a sight would have pained my heart, but now, it just madesick.

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Let him protect her. | want to see how long he can keep it up.

| couldn’t understand what | ever saw in a man like him. Was it really because he savedfrom a burning car

that year?

My headache flared up again, the memory of the accident haunting me, the face of my rescuer... It didn’t seem

like Dexter.

Can memories deceive?

Perhaps it’s the silence in the car or the pain in my head, but drowsiness takes over.

In a haze, | felt Colin's hand carefully

against the car window.

support my head, cradling it as if to prevent any jolts

“Master Colin, it's about time,” | faintly hear Eric saying.


In the edge of consciousness, | heard their voices but could no longer make out the words, falling into a heavy
