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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59

Trapped within the grandeur of the Langley estate for roughly thirteen days, my mind was a relentless detective,

piecing together motives, methods, and every conceivable clue about the Killer's identity.

Whispers from the staff hinted that the case was closed, that Colin had turned himself in. Yet due to smental

health plea, the Langleys had bailed him out, confining him to house


But | was certain Colin wasn’t the lone wolf in this grim saga. Whoever had murderedhad another face,

another hand in the dark.

There had to be slink between Colin and the killer, but days had passed without a shred of evidence from


Perhaps he was just that good at playing the fool, spending his days in a daze or watching me. making no other

discernible moves.

| sprawled out diagrams and notes on paper, dissecting the killer's motives and recalling any suspicious leads

from my memory.

| had to catch the murderer, if not for myself, then for Robin.

If the target was indeed the surviving girls from the orphanage, those once dressed in red, then Melody was the

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last one standing.

“Ms. Larson, Mr. Langley requests your presence,” the nanny said, knocking on my door.

That morning, | had handed her a pregnancy test marked with two pink lines.

Samuel was probably eager to discuss this development.

Colin was right; pregnancy was my ticket out of here.

They gaveclean clothes to change into, waiting outside the door.

I left without a word from Colin.

“You...” | hesitated at the threshold, glancing back at him.

Better to leave him locked up by the Langleys until | uncovered the truth. Who knows what he might do if set

loose again. | could never fully trust him.

“Ill find you later.”

| stepped out just in tto catch Colin's faint promise to cfind me.

But the nanny had already closed the door, securing it with several heavy locks.

“Is that really necessary?” | asked, half to myself.


Chapter 59

The nanny whispered conspiratorially, “Ms. Larson, it's a wonder you've lasted this long with him. You don’t know

how terrifying he can be... a murderer!”

She glanced around nervously, biting her lip. “The old Mr. Langley tried to set him up with women before, but

you're the luckiest. The others, they all went mad with fear.”

Lignored her, unconcerned with the Langleys’ breeding schemes.

In the living room downstairs, Samuel Langley lounged on the couch, with Brendan Langley nearby.

“Are you pregnant?” Brendan cut straight to the chase.

“It appears so...” The nanny presented the telling pregnancy test.

Brendan didn’t even glance at it. “Get a blood test done. Have Dr. Emily check it thoroughly.”

| kept my head down, silent, knowing that speaking out of turn could spell trouble.

“Dr. Emily recommends a blood test for HCG, followed by an ultrasound. We have limited resources here, so we

better go to the hospital.”

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A wave of relief washed over me. The hospital would be my chance to escape.

Brendan was in good spirits. “Go on, and be safe.”

I nodded, still mute.

“The Larson girl has quite the fortune,” Brendan remarked to his son Samuel. “Once the Langley heir is born,

treat the child as your own flesh and blood.”

Samuel nodded with a smile. “Of course, Father.”

| snickered under my breath. As if Samuel would ever consider someone else’s child his own. “Take care of her.

Foebe is now a hero of our house,” Brendan said warmly.

“And the Larson family...” | ventured cautiously, not wanting to raise suspicion over not being Foebe.

Foebe had cto the Langleys seeking aid for her troubled family. If she showed no concern, the old fox would

surely grow suspicious.

Brendan remained silent, and Samuel spoke up with a hint of annoyance. “That's none of your concern. Once the

child is safely born, the Larsons will get their due.”

I nodded, following the nanny out.

This child was my lifeline, my amulet against death, and the key to my revenge.

Following the nanny and the chauffeur, we arrived at Sea City Hospital. Stepping out of the car, | stood rooted to

the spot, lost in thought.