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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43

When Melody had first mentioned that a killer was on her tail, she had no qualms about sendingin her stead

to lure the murderer out.

Melody was selfish, and it was clear as day to everyone. Everyone, that is, except Dexter..

Robin gave Dexter a meaningful look. Was he really that naive? Or was there something her wasn’t sharing?

“Sorry... I, | don’t have a red dress anymore,” Melody stammered, her reluctance to help obvious. She just didn’t

want to give the cops anything to go on.

Dexter paused, confused. “But | thought...”

He remembered the red dress he had bought for her, one that she had claimed to adore.

“That one... it got ruined in the wash. The colors bled so | threw it out,” Melody faltered.

Dexter didn’t press further.

Stella's eyes were rimmed with red, anger boiling within her as she confronted Dexter. “Tellthe brand and

style of the dress, and I'll go buy it myself.”

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After a long silence, Dexter finally spoke. “It’s from L&Y’s fall collection, the only long red dress they had.”

Hearing Dexter's words, my heart ached anew. When | was eighteen, | had asked him for a dress as a gift,

admitting my fondness for L&Y’s design aesthetic.

He had agreed, but year after year, the dresses he bought were never for me.

Stella glanced at Dexter, too exasperated to argue.

Following Stella out, Robin frowned. “There's something off about this Melody.”

“Officer Robin, can we please hurry?” Stella barely held herself together as she entered the


“Please, | need to try. | can’t bear to think what Phoebe might be going through. Please.”

Robin took a deep breath and nodded. “Alright, I'll go with you to get the dress, then you'll leave this hotel

pretending to be Melody. You can trust me; I'll keep you safe.”

Stella nodded, her hands clenched tight. “We have to catch this bastard.

“Robin, you have to protect her,” | muttered incessantly, knowing full well Robin couldn't hearbut unable to

stop myself. “You just have to keep her safe.”

That evening, Stella put on the smodel of dress as Melody, straightened her hair, and left the hotel wearing

a face mask.

| followed, anxious and vigilant.

Chapter 43

| was terrified she’d encounter danger.

Stella first stopped at a bar, drinking until she was visibly intoxicated, her hair a disheveled.


To avoid detection and for the sake of authenticity, she really drank.

| sat by her, my eyes red with worry. “Stella, don’t be afraid, I'm always here.”

| wanted to be her guardian angel, to protect her, but | was helpless.

The police had taken every precaution to ensure Stella's safety.

Stumbling out alone. Stella made her way down Tangle Lane, just outside the Nocturne Club.

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Suddenly, a faint sound cfrom behind. | nervously looked back at the dark corner, trembling with fear.

You see, even as a ghost, | fear the human heart. It's not ghosts that are truly terrifying; it's what lies within the

human soul.

“Stella be careful” | said anxiously, eyes fixed on the darkness.

“Robin Robin, where are you?” | shouted in fear, but they couldn't hear me.

A shadow darted past, racing into the distance, and the watching officers gave chase.

A sense of dread washed over me; it felt like a diversion.

“Stella” | desperately wanted to grab her and run, but it was too late. A figure emerged from the shadows. He

was dressed in a hoodie that was too large, pants that revealed a scarred ankle, and he dragged a long stick

behind him.

“Don’t... don’t cany closer!” | screamed, stomping my feet in terror. “Run, Stella, run!”

It was the killer, it had to be Colin!

“No, it’s not her...” Colin's voice was hoarse as he looked at Stella sitting on the ground. “Not her...”

He muttered to himself, his eyes bloodshot, his handsface marred by a chilling coldness.