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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 285
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Chapter 285 Dexter seemed almost desperate forto believe him.

“Dexter...” Melody’s presence was like a bad penny as if she couldn't stand a moment apart from him.

Dexter frowned, still standing his ground, waiting for Melody to cover and cling to his arm.

He didn’t push Melody away; instead, he looked atsomewhat worriedly as if afraid I'd get jealous.

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“Go wait in the car,” Dexter told Melody.

Melody hesitated.

“The place is swarming with reporters; Caleb’s already been taken away by the cops. You'll be fine,” Dexter whispered.

Melody bit her lip, shota resentful glare, and left unwillingly.

“Phoebe...” Dexter seemed to want to explain.

“Mr. Fitzgerald, you really are a ladies’ man,” | said with chilly sarcasm.

“Melody did save my life once, and | promised to ensure her safety. Now that the murderer is after her, the police can’t protect her around the clock... I...” Dexter hoped | would understand. “And | needed to uncover the truth, to show you Caleb's true colors.” “Oh, so you were doing it all for me. How touching,” | couldn’t help but laugh.

How blind was | in the past to see Dexter through rose-colored glasses just because of a supposed debt of gratitude? “Sometimes, people do confuse gratitude with love; | can relate to that,” | said coolly.

Dexter's face turned even more uncomfortable. “Phoebe... | didn’t mean... I...” “Dexter, even if you don’t want to admit it, | have to tell you a fact. Phoebe is dead. The person standing in front of you is Foebe,” | cut him off indifferently.

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Dexter's throat seemed to close up, his eyes reddening. He opened his mouth to speak, but no word cout, Finally, he looked down, a bitter smile on his lips. “I know you are... Phoebe Caldwell.” “Foebe, you've ruined a perfectly good funeral. Look at the mess now!” The Langley family, those so-called relatives, saw Caleb taken away, Brendan's body removed by the police and started to turn onone by one.

That aunt's son-in-law, fired up as if on steroids, stepped forward demanding an explanation. “Foebe! You're a jinx! Since you married into the Langley family, we've never had a moment's peace. Samuel's accident, Brendan's death, look at what you've done to this family!” “Exactly! Brendan can’t even rest in peace because of you. You're going to be the end of the Langley family!” The daughter chimed in with her own complaints.

“If you're sick, see a doctor. Whether Brendan died naturally or was murdered, the police need to give us an answer,” | frowned, stepping back warily, knowing these people were now in cahoots with Henry. If they hurtor the baby in my belly by accident, it would only be a case of involuntary injury.

Chapter 285 Sure enough, that son-in-law made a move to push me.
