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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 281
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Chapter 281 The next moming, | was rudely awakened by the relentless barking of Coly.

“Ugh...” | moaned, feeling completely worn out from the restless sleep.

Stretching out with a yawn, | had half a mind to kick Colin, who was clinging tolike an octopus, right off the bed.

But with the wounds he was nursing, | held back.

-0oo0oooao Thinking about last night...

Just the thought made my cheeks flare with anger and embarrassment.

That guy, he never holds back when it comes to flirting or, well, getting frisky.

Like now, for instance. He didn’t seem to have any intention of getting up, continuing to playfully pesterinstead.

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“Phoebe... so sleepy,” Colin murmured groggily, tightening his grip aroundfrom behind, his limbs a bit too restless for my liking.

“Colin, for heaven's sake, it’s your granddad’s funeral today.” | swatted him on the forehead to make my point.

Colin grunted in discomfort, reluctantly giving in. “He wasn’t my granddad...” | knew he still harbored resentment towards Brendan, but there were appearances to keep up with.

When | tried to get up, Colin suddenly pulledback, trappingon the bed.

Then, flipping over, he pinnedbeneath him, his smoldering gaze making my heart race. “What are you doing?” He looked at me, bending down to plant a kiss on my forehead.

“Be good,” he whispered.

Colin let out a suppressed groan, clearly displeased, as he headed to the shower, casting a resentful glance at my belly.

Probably blaming the little one inside.

If it wasn’t for the pregnancy, he’d have his way within a heartbeat.

Relieved, | quietly slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Colin was taking a cold shower, the bathroom devoid of steam, instead filled with a chill. His back was to me; the scars from burns spread like a devil's tree, chilling to the beholder.

Without thinking, | reached out to touch the scars on his back.

He tensed up for a moment, his long legs shifting as if contemplating escape.

“Scared?” His voice was husky with the question.

“It's not my first tseeing them...” | shook my head. “Does it hurt?” He knew | wasn’t asking about now but about the past.

Did it hurt back then? Without turning, Colin shook his head.

But how could it not have hurt.

“Here, how'd you get this one?” He turned off the shower, not wanting the cold water to hit me.

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My fingers traced down to a scar about four centimeters long on the left side of his waist, clearly from a knife wound.

Colin was silent, just gripping my fingers and taking a deep breath. “Phoebe.... are you punishing me?” | paused. “No, why?” “Then why provoke me...” His voice trailed off, frustration evident in his tone. His desires, freshly quenched with the cold water, were stirring again.

“Are you in heat or something?” | asked through gritted teeth.

He nodded seriously. “Only when | see you.” | turned away to avoid his burning gaze, hurriedly brushed my teeth, and fled the scene.

Colin lingered in the bathroom for nearly half an hour before finally emerging, leaving Henry's people nearly steaming with impatience.

“What's taking so long?” Downstairs, a ruffian-like man grumbled impatiently.

| frowned. “Did we ask you to wait? If you don’t want to wait, you can get lost.” 1/2 10:42 Chapter 281 The man spat out in disdain. “Playing high and mighty, are we?” | clenched my jaw, not stooping to his level. It was best not to ruffle feathers with Henry's crowd at the moment.

“Foebe, you were quite the wild one in school, weren't you? Think you've beca queen now that you've married into the Langley family?” The man seemed keen on provoking me. “Me, don’t you remember? I'm Carl; we were in the sschool before you went off to the city. You were quite the talk of our school. Your grandma used to say, anyone could have their way with you for the right price.” 1 glanced at the man, probably one of Foebe’s old high school classmates. But | had no real memory of him. | just felt a pang of sadness for the Foebe of the past.

When Colin appeared, Carl shut his mouth, but not before daring to stroke my face in front of Colin.

My eyes darkened, and | glanced up toward the higher floors, aware of the many cameras. Today was not the day for trouble.

Colin cup beside me, lifting his hand to wipe my face.