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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 249
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Chapter 249 Colin and the doctor emerged together, with the doctor offering a few words of advice. Colin seemed genuinely pleased with the news.

Phoebe, he approached me, taking my hand in his. His fingertips were cool to the touch, but as he held mine, | felt a settling calm.

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“Something on your mind, Phoebe?” He always had a way of seeing right through me.

shook my head. “It’s nothing. Let's head home.” On the way back with Colin, | was distracted, my thoughts elsewhere.

Damian had said that he used to be my therapist. Eric toldthat Damian said Colin wasn’t sick; it waswho had a problem. What did all of this mean? “Sir, Madam, Henry has organized a family gathering. It’s the annual Langley family banquet and your attendance is required.” Colin was visibly annoyed. “How tiresome.” I had a hunch that Henry was going to seize this chance to provoke Colin. After Colin had thwarted Julian’s schemes so many times, it was likely that Henry had grown suspicious. He probably thought Colin was feigning his condition, and now he’s cto probe. “Colin, when we get home, don’t go anywhere. Stay with me, even callif you need to go to the restroom,” | said, holding his hand a little tighter, worried.

Eric parked the car in front of the Langley Mansion, and as | stepped out with Colin, | spotted Melody standing in the distance. She was supposed to be under police protection, yet here she was, out and about.

| gave her a glance and smirked. Perhaps living in constant fear had taken its toll; she looked haggard and disheveled. Dark circles underscored her eyes as if SI 5 IRE slept properly in ages.

Melody walked towards me.

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I ignored her, intent on entering with Colin.

“Foebe,” she called out to me.

I'looked at her. “What do you want?” She seemed to have adopted a different tone. “Foebe, | chere today... to apologize. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding before, and for telling the cops you were involved with the murderer.” | was stunned. Had Melody and Dexter gone off their meds today? 1/2 The police toldtoday that Dorian’s crimes are clear-cut, and they're still on the hunt for his accomplices. But since Dorian’s death, there have been no more killings, which Buggests he was likely the mastermind. | can’t stay under police protection forever. | need to get my life back on track,” Melody said softly, as though she was truly repentant.

appraised her. And you got off scot-free for what you did to Phoebe Caldwell? You're quite something, aren't you?” Melody visibly bristled but spoke softly. “Foebe, that wasn’t my intention. | didn’t want Phoebe Caldwell dead, | just...” Seeing that | was uninterested, she spoke again. “I admit | was wrong, and I'll make it right. She loved Dexter so much, and | will spend my life taking care of Dexter for her, loving him as she did.” | was flabbergasted. How brazen! So, she chere to declare her territory to me? Was she remindingto stop imitating Phoebe and stay away from Dexter? “Hailey has accepted me, too. I've moved into the Fitzgerald household, into Phoebe’s room. | now understand her love for Dexter, and | promise to love him in her stead,” Melody said, wiping a tear. “And I'll take care of Hailey for her, too.” | stood there, watching Melody’s performance. If it were the old me, I'd be heartbroken, but now, | felt like an outsider, merely an audience to this drama. | even began to see my amnesiac self as someone entirely unrelated to me.

| felt a repulsion. | was actually repelled and disgusted by the person | had been. Memories seemed to be resurfacing, something was awakening within me.

“Is she for real?” | muttered to Colin.

Colin seemed just as engrossed in the spectacle, nodding solemnly. “Definitely off her rocker.” Melody clenched her teeth and continued. “I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused. Colin, we were classmates after all. You know | never took part in bullying you or Carter, and | never did anything bad intentionally. If Dorian was acting under your orders, | beg you to stop this madness.”