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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 226
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Chapter 226 Clutching his wound with one hand, Colin heldtightly against him with the other, “It's okay: don’t be scared.

It’s just a flesh wound nothing vital hit. The bleeding’s not too bad, and the cops and ambulance will get here before | even cclose to passing out.” He always seemed to have everything down to a science, like he was in total control.

Tears streamed down my face as | pressed my hands against his injury, feeling utterly helpless.

The cops burst in and hauled the assailant away, and the ambulance arrived right on time.

Colin had predicted someone would get hurt.

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“You knew someone was after Foebe, so you called an ambulance ahead of time?” Finn's voice dripped with haughtiness, but even he had to admit the situation was more complex than it seemed. He had been cautious, but the attacker must have followed him. It was the only explanation for how they had Foebe in their sights the moment she stepped out the door, following her all the way here.

“The ambulance was for you,” Colin said with a low, emotionless voice, locking eyes with Finn.

| watched as a flicker of fear passed through Finn’s normally cool and confident gaze. He was clearly still afraid of Colin.

“You summon my wife without my consent, and next time, you'll be the one leaving in an ambulance.” Colin letcontinue to press against his wound, then covered my ears and cursed, “Fucking idiot.” Even though he covered my ears, | still heard the curse. And it was a filthy one.

On the ambulance ride, | saw Finn lose his cool. If it weren't for the cops holding him back, he would have lunged at Colin.

But it was clear, he let the cops hold him back on purp dd He didn’t dare make a move, yet still shouted, “Don’t holdback! | swear I'll kill that lunatic today!” Then, the young officer actually did let him go, and Finn immediately calmed down, gritting his teeth as he sat back down, schooling the officer beside him, “Humph, if a dog bites you, you don’t bite back.” “The cut’s not bad; it's practically stopped bleeding,” Colin reassuredsoftly, noticing my distress.

| looked up at him. He was the one hurt, yet he was the one comforting me.

“That fool doesn’t understand our situation. Henry's desperate; he was bound to lash out,” Colin whispered, looking so different from his usual self.

Was he worried about me? Chapter 226 Now, he seemed mature and composed, givinga strange yet not unpleasant feeling. It was like this was how he was meant to be: a master strategist.

“How should | know the state of the Langley family affairs? Your enemies are legion,” Finn muttered under his breath, this tclearly at fault.

“Felix, let there be no next time,” Colin warned in a low voice as we disembarked from the ambulance.

Finn's real nwas Felix, and Colin seemed to prefer it to Finn.

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Finn frowned, sensing the thick air of threat.

| couldn't help but glance back at Colin; the way how he intimidated people really scared me. But he always was capable of getting back to playing the sympathy card as he claspedto him, “Phoebe, I'm feeling a bit dizzy now. Hold me.” Sure enough, the charm only lasted a few seconds.

“Phoebe, it really hurts.” Colin whined as the doctors and nurses cto treat his wound, clinging towith a scared and pitiful look. “Phoebe, I'm scared.” Was this really the the chose to feel scared? Maybe he was just slow to react.

I held Colin close, guilt-ridden, and patted his back, “I'm here with you.” “Don’t let him fool you. He's scared? If | had gotten hold of that attacker, the one who should be scared is him!” Finn pointed at Colin, his finger trembling, too angry to finish.

“Finn, please stop making baseless accusations against my husband. I trust him unconditionally,” I said, frowning.

Colin arched his lips upwards, his eyes darkening as he gazed at Finn, almost as if taunting him.

Finn clenched his fists in fury, “You'll regret this.” Chapter 227