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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 213
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Chapter 213

“Foebe, you're not Phoebe; you just aren't!” Melody’s cries filled the air.

A nurse hurried over to calm her; sensing trouble, she called for a doctor.

“Foebe, | know Phoebe’s secrets. You don’t believe me, do you? | really do know secrets about her.” Her voice

turned hoarse as she suddenly grabbed me, “Watch out for Colin, beware of that lunatic.”

| took a step back, looking at Melody who was in despair, “The Langley family won't shield you, and | don’t need

to hear Phoebe’s secrets from you, Melody. You've made your bed; now you must lie in it. No one can save you.”

Melody trembled, collapsing to the floor, “Foebe Larson! You'll regret this!”

Her hatred forwas palpable, furious that | had made her kneel today yet refused to protect her.

| ignored her. Her hysterical screams continued.

Colin took my hand and ledaway. | didn’t look back. | was no saint; her pain should bringjoy.

As | watched Colin's back, my vision blurred. Melody had said that Phoebe and Colin were lovers, that Phoebe’s

heart belonged to Colin, and his to her.

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Why had | completely erased such deep memories? How come?

“Phoebe Caldwell! Why did you have to fightfor Dexter? Why can’t you just leavebe? Why do you haunt

you, it's because of you!” Melody’s voice echoed.

Colin quickened his pace, giving Melody a dark look, and then usheredinto the elevator, covering my ears,

“Don’t believe a word she says.”

All | could do was watch Melody’s breakdown until the elevator doors closed.

“Phoebe.” Stella, who had been outside on the phone, rushed over anxiously, “Robin... the news about him has

just blown up online, the media pressure is intense, and the higher-ups, backed into a corner, have decided to

take action against him.”

| was taken aback and quickly checked my phone. Police brutality - it was trending. Someone was clearly

manipulating public opinion.

“At first, | thought the murderer was acting alone, a lone madman, but it seems we’ve all underestimated the

situation,” my voice was raw.

Behind the scenes, it wasn't just one person. They had substantial power and resources. To sway public opinion,

to steer the narrative - it wasn’t something just anyone could do.

Who on earth was this murderer?


“Robin’s been reassigned to the traffic division,” Stella’s eyes were downcast, her voice choked up. “Robin was

on this case from the start, and now he’s been demoted to traffic duty. This case just got even more hopeless.”

“Robin must be feeling awful,” | didn’t know what to say,

“Let's go keep him company,” Stella suggested quietly, seeking my input.

| was surprised that she seemed to trustnow.

Colin was still holding my hand, “Let's go.”

| was astonished that Colin would actually take the initiative to show concern for someone else.


At Robin's place..

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Stella was outside, banging on the door, but Robin wouldn't open. Stella kicked at the door, “Robin, | know you're

in there. If you don’t open up, I'll make sure you're the talk of the Family Housing!”

| knew Stella was worried something might have happened to Robin. Yet still, he didn’t open the


“Robin, cout here, you heartbreaker! I'm pregnant with your child, and you dare to abandon me.” Stella

began her performance, crying out loud.

This was the Police Courtyard, where Robin's dad had been an officer, dying in the line of duty. Robin had taken

up his father’s badge, thinking he could honor his memory with his own dedication. But reality had forced him to

bow his head tand again.

Stella’s wails shocked both Colin and me. We exchanged a glance and instinctively stepped back.

Colin seemed particularly impressed by Stella's act, whispering toin awe, “Phoebe, your friend is pretty


| put a hand to my forehead, feeling speechless. “Intense” was one word for it.

Soon enough, Robin opened the door, his face grim and unshaven, as he clamped a hand over Stella’s mouth.