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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 182
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Chapter 182

Traffic on the article was suspiciously low. It seemed like someone was deliberately burying

the story.

Without viewers, the truth wouldn't reach the masses.

The blogger had only posted once and then went silent.

Frowning, | went to find Eric.

“If the Fitzgeralds are planning to spin Colin’s mental health issues and alleged animal cruelty to overshadow the

Fitzgerald Group’s PR nightmare, we need to be ready,” | said.

“Eric, track down this blogger ASAP. | need the full evidence in his possession,” | prayed silently, hoping the

blogger still had the full-proof to clear Colin's name.

Deep down, | knew it was unlikely that Colin hurt animals. The way stray dogs obeyed him, biting on his

command, suggested he treated them well.

But | needed that proof.

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Eric set people on it while I scrolled through post after post, hoping for more evidence.

The Fitzgeralds were quick, though. The buzz around Dexter's assault skyrocketed, followed by posts about

Caleb, CEO of the Langley Group, being an animal abuser.

The netizens were in shock. The former stray-kid-turned-CEO was the sperson from the old animal cruelty


Had the Langley Group lost their minds, appointing a homeless guy as CEO?

They'd be better off with anybody in charge, the people jeered, wishing for the company’s downfall.

Like spectators at a demolition, they relished the fall of the high and mighty, the sunken splendor, the soiling of

the purest silk.

Attacks and curses soon affected the Langley Group.

The company’s PR scrambled to clarify, promising a thorough investigation. Then cthe onslaught of calls to

the Langley family.

Eric, calm and composed, fielded each one, no matter how hostile.

| chewed on my nail, knowing tonight would be restless. If the uproar continued, cmorning, Henry's people

would demand Caleb's resignation, his exit from the Langley Group, and his shares relinquished.

My phone buzzed. It was Hailey.

“Ms. Larson, made up your mind? Can we settle this privately?” Hailey inquired, expectingto



Chapter 182

| looked toward the upstairs, resolute. “Never,”

| had to see it through.

Hailey hung up without another word, probably thinking | was naive.

“Madam, | got ahold of the blogger. He's got the full video. As an independent media guy. het post it if we boost

his traffic and support him,” said Eric.

| nodded. “Let him release it first. We'll promote it.”

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Eric agreed.

Soon after, the full story unfolded online,

Someone was tormenting a cat. Colin chased them off, then cradled the bloodied kitten rushing to a vet.

Turned away by several clinics, he could only watch helplessly as the Kitten died in his arms. kneeling on the

ground, lost and afraid.

A pang of guilt hit me, and | left the matter with Eric, knocking on Colin's door.

He wouldn't answer.

“Colin? Can | apologize?” | coaxed softly. “I misunderstood, Colin?”

Suddenly, the door swung open. Colin loomed in the dim room, his eyes hopeful “Then, sleep with me. Phoebe.”

| was speechless.

Colin's eyes were rimmed with red as he reached out. “Phoebe, | need a hug... it hurts...”

Right then, my phone rang. It was Robin.

“Phoebe! Dexter's mom had a car accident on the way to the station! She's in critical condition, and the driver...

he says Caleb put him up to it.”

1 froze instinctively turning t