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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 163
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Chapter 163

My face was a mask of barely contained distress as | confronted Dexter.

“Stop talking!” | cried

Deep down feared there was a real connection between Foebe and the murderer, and these kids were just pawns

in her game.

But now, as Foebe’s doppelganger, | was in hot water too if she was in cahoots with a


“Now, ready to get in the car like a good girl?” Dexter's voice was a low threat.

| clenched my teeth and got into the car, wondering what Dexter's angle was with his intimidation game.

“What do you want?” | asked, meeting Dexter's gaze.

“The only person who can help you is me, Caleb, that lunatic, he can’t do it,” Dexter said. He was his usual

detached self who overlookedfrom his lofty position.

“I want you to divorce Caleb,” he said, his voice a dark rumble.

| gripped my hands tighter, “Mr. Fitzgerald, why are you so hell-bent ongetting a divorce? What do you

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want? The child I'm carrying is a Langley heir.”

| played the pregnancy card, hoping to divert his attention.

But it seemed to drive him crazier, his gaze scorching as he stared at my belly, “Phoebe was pregnant too.”

| thought him as an unnerving man. For a moment, | thought he was even madder than


“No one’s left in the Langley family. Brendan's had a stroke, Samuel's comatose. Who's going to care about your

kid?” Dexter sneered, lifting my chin with his hand. “You should be grateful you have that face...”

He was clear about it; he wantedas a stand-in trapped by his side.

“My face? Huh, | don’t look like Melody, and besides, she’s not dead yet,” | taunted Dexter intentionally.

His eyes were cold, “That's not for you to speculate.”

| let out a scoff. Ever the arrogant one, | mused.

“Mr. Fitzgerald, were you as composed yesterday when my husband sicced the dogs on you?” Now | was literally

a bit miffed Colin didn’t wakeup to join in.

| really wanted to see Dexter lose that ever-present mask of dominance and indifference. Dexter ground his

teeth, his words coming out through clenched jaw, “I'd advise you to be


Chapter 163

smart. You've got ties with a murderer to ensure your marriage into the Langley family would save the Larson

family from crisis.”

Dexter was onto something.

“You're threatening me?” | stared back at him.

Dexter pulledcloser. “You can take it that way.

“And after | divorce Caleb? What then? Are you going to use your influence and tactics to protect me? If I'm really

a murderer, you realize harboringis a crime,” | said with seriousness and innocence.

“That's none of your concern,” he remindedto cut the chatter.

“Divorce Caleb and cto me,” Dexter urgedto wrap things up quickly.

| guessed he had prepared a contract to keep me, just waiting forto cut ties with Colin. “Harboring is a big

crime, you know. We're in this together, aren't we?” | asked softly.

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Dexter frowned and looked a tad displeased.

“Mr. Fitzgerald, you do understand how important a CEO's reputation is to his corporation, right?”

The driver stopped the car near the Langley estate, and I got out.

Once outside, | shook my phone at him, “Mr. Fitzgerald, | recorded everything you said about protecting me. If

you try to threaten me, we can both go down with the ship. We're in the sboat now.”

Dexter's face darkened for a moment, his usual calm demeanor unshaken, his expression unreadable but his

eyes were predatory.

“So, in the future, you shouldn't trust women so easily,” | said with a smile, stepping back provocatively and

turning to leave.

To deal with a guy like Dexter, you have to fight fire with fire. He needed to be put in his place. I'd been too

lenient with him in the past, allowing him to take advantage of my family’s gratitude and push the boundaries.

Having died once, | had seen the light.

Who needs whom to survive?

I've paid my debt to him with my life. Wasn't that enough?

In the car, Dexter's deep-set gaze remained fixed on me. | knew he was angry; | could feel the heat on my back

without even looking.