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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 158
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Chapter 158

Dexter stepped forward, lowering his head to look at me. His lip was cut, and there was blood on his forehead

undoubtedly Colin's handiwork.

“Oops... he didn’t do it on purpose!” The officer chuckled, trying to defuse the situation. “We've checked the

surveillance video. Someone was causing trouble near his house and riled up him here. In a fit of rage, he

mistook Mr. Fitzgerald, who was just standing by his front door, for the culprit.” The officer tried to be impartial.

“Both parties are at fault here.”

Dexter clenched his jaw, “How is standing at his doorstep a mistake?”

“You lurked around someone’s house in the dead of night and there you are, encountered crooks. Even a sane

person would mistake you for a crook,” the officer quickly winked at Dexter and lowered his voice, trying to

mediate. “Con, why lower yourself to argue with

a lunatic?”

Dexter snorted dismissively.

The officer turned to me, “However, compensation is due.”

| glanced at Dexter's face. It was ghastly pale under the streetlight.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Dog was his weakest point, and Colin had brought ha whole pack.

There was no way Dexter wasn't petrified. He was probably quaking in his boots.

“He did it on purpose.” Dexter stared atand spoke again. “He's a ticking tbomb, a lunatic. | wonder how

long you'll last by his side, aren’t you scared he'll strangle you in your sleep?”

Dexter glanced at the time, annoyed by the late hour. “I'd advise you to cto The

Fitzgerald Group tomorrow to explain things topersonally.” His initial goal was clear - he wanted a private


“If you don’t show, I'll get a lawyer and have a court mandate to send him back to the psychiatric ward,” Dexter

threatened once more.

| frowned and glared at Dexter.

Shabits never die hard.

Dexter, satisfied with his threat, got into his car and left.

I had no idea why he insisted on meetingalone, but it definitely wasn’t for anything good. He was out here

waiting foruntil the wee hours instead of being at the hospital with his ‘kind’ sweetheart. He's the real


“Cout!” Dexter had left, and | turned to Colin, who was still hiding behind the door, fuming.

Chapter 158

Colin was making small steps towards me, his head hung low in a pitiful display.

“What are you doing back here in the middle of the night instead of sleeping?” | barked at him. I lost patience at

that very moment.

“There were bad people...” Colin murmured softly.

He had cback to chase away Henry's thugs, afraid they'd harm me.

Robin leaned against the car, watchingscold Colin. He smirked, “Seems like the kid only responds to your

scolding; anyone else says one word and he looks ready to kill.”

| massaged my forehead, “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to wander back alone at night?”

Colin glanced at a few stray dogs loitering near the trash cans across the street, “I wasn’t alone....

| was really pissed off by him, “Are they people?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Sometimes people are worse than them,” Colin said with a low, chilling edge to his voice that stunned


| thought | saw it wrong, but when | looked again, he had resumed his pitiful facade, “Phoebe... | was wrong.”

“Wrong about what?”

“I don’t know...


He was drivinginsane.

“Why did you hit Dexter?” | asked.

“He had it coming,” Colin's look was picture of self-righteously.

“Alright, enough. Let's not do this in the doorway.” Robin opened the car door. “Get in, I'll drive you home.”

| yanked Colin into Robin’s car, and my hands were shaking with anger. But then | thought, at least Colin had

cstraight hfrom the hotel; he killed no one.

That was a relief.

Robin’s phone buzzed. It was Cory, keeping watch over Melody at the hospital. “Robin, someone tried to take out

Melody at the hospital. We've got the person!”