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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Capítulo 268
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Chapter 268 I'm not eating that,” | said with disgust, glaring at him.

| remember waking up on my eighteenth birthday, having forgotten all about Colin. Since then, I've been force—fed these pills that dulled my senses, caged my spirit, and ripped out my fangs one by one.

“Phoebe, you'll take it. | won't let you remember him. You'll be just an ordinary girl, staying by my side. I'll protect you. We'll get married and have kids. We'll have a beautiful future,” he pleaded softly, squatting beside the bed. “Phoebe, you're hurting too, aren't you?” He pressed the pill to my lips. “Be a good girl, Phoebe.” “You're disgusting,” | spat out.

“Phoebe, Caleb's not dead, but he’s badly injured. My men found him before the Langley family could...” Dexter's gaze darkened, his voice turning icy cold.

The sold threats.

My voice quivered. “You think I'd believe you?” “Look.” He flaunted his smartphone, showingColin, bloodied and barely hanging on to life. “He's got a strong will to survive.” Dexter kept up his threats.

“I'll take it.” I snatched the pill from his hand and swallowed it down.

Dexter didn't trust me. He pinched my cheeks, checking to make sure | really did swallow before letting go.

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“Phoebe, get ssleep. When you wake up, everything will be better,” he believed wholeheartedly that once | took those pills and slept, I'd wake up with no memories.

“Sir... Sir! Miss Melody is screaming about taking her own life.” The housekeeper ran in, panicked.

| just stared at Dexter, silent.

He glanced at me, troubled as always, but then chose to go to Melody.

Like a dog returning to its vomit, he professed his love for me, then turned back to his old flame.

I rushed to the bathroom, trying to throw up the pills. But it was too late; nothing cout.

Before, Dexter wasn't as cautious, and I'd pretend to swallow the pills, hiding them under my tongue. This time, | had no choice but to swallow them in front of him.

The pills must have contained sedatives because | felt drowsy and collapsed onto the bed, falling asleep.

I didn’t know what I'd forget upon waking, nor did | know if I'd still remember Colin tomorrow.

Colin wasn’t dead; he was in Dexter's clutches; he was badly injured.

| mustn't forget.

| have to find a way to tell Stella and Robin that Colin is with Dexter.

*Phoebe?” In a daze, | heard a hoarse voice calling my name.

The window must've been open, a chilly breeze wafting in.

He gently kissed my forehead. “Phoebe, I'm taking you home.” “Phoebe, shall we go home?* “Don't forgetagain... it hurts.” | tried to open my eyes, clutching his hand tightly.

He seemed surprised. “Phoebe, you remember me, don’t you?” “Colin...” I croaked his name.

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He hugged me tightly , his voice choked with emotion . "Let's go home."

Suddenly, the door burst open, and the room's lights were blinding.

My heart raced, | tried to open my eyes.

“Caleb, I've been waiting for you,” Dexter's voice rang out.

So, Caleb wasn't in Dexter's hands after all; he was usingas bait.

“I made a deal with Henry, I'll hand you over to him.Whether you live or die, it's none of my concern, " Dexter's voice was low.

(Authors' note: I'll send you guys a third—person perspective of colin! late

In the Sea City Hospital back then.