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Reborn: Another Chance to Leave U by Hazel Ramirez

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25 A Timely Help

“Is the problem solved?” Too many things happened in the past two days, and Frank could no longer

pretend to be friendly. With a gloomy face, he asked, “Did you send people to watch over my uncle in

order to let him have a good rest, or are you worried that he will know about the absurd things that you

have done?”

The former, of course.” Anaya looked straight into Frank‘s eyes. “Give me time. I will take care of the


Mark sneered, “You‘re just a woman. How are you going to settle this? Are you going to find someone

richer than Joshua and be his mistress?”

“Frank, Mark really has a shit mouth as Vivianna does. And you are taking your ill–mannered son

everywhere you go, are you trying to show off how bad a father you are?”

Frank gave Mark a warning look and then said to Anaya, “Come with me to Maltz‘s place tonight and.

Ask Joshua to withdraw his decision to pull out.”

Anaya was silent for a long time before saying, “I will think of other ways.”

Frank‘s face changed completely.

What he hated the most was Anaya‘s pride. Her unyielding aura seemed to melt into her blood, making

Frank look like a coward.

Frank only saw Anaya as an ignorant little girl. How dare she be so bold in front of me? he thought.

“Other ways? What other ways? Do you know how big a loss these projects will bring to Riven Group if

they stop for a day? You have to abandon all your self–esteem and arrogance when doing business!

Even if you kneel to Joshua today, you have to get the problem solved today!”

“If you want to kneel, just do it yourself.” Anaya straightened her back, “I will think of a way to raise

money. I‘ll beg Joshua over my dead body!”

Anaya could abandon her ego in front of anyone but Joshua.

She did not say more and asked the bodyguards to send the two out of the hospital.

Frank was so angry that his face turned red.

He had finally had some power in hand. How could he allow Anaya to destroy Riven Group?

Since Anaya refused to ask Joshua for help, Frank decided to do it on his own.

Anaya asked Tim to contact the heads of several companies, but in the end, none of them agreed to

meet her.

She did not just sit still.

Anaya took Tim with her and went to the people herself, but the result was the same.

She was either rejected or sent out by the security guards.

Anaya went to them several times, and one of the bosses finally reminded her, “Ms. Dutt, Mr. Maltz has

already said that no one is allowed to help you.

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“Boston is not a big city. Every company here has business to do with the Maltz family. They are

spiraling and no one wants to mess with them. Don‘t waste your time. You have offended Mr. Maltz. If

you want someone to help you, I say the best choice for you is to go for him.”

Anaya already did that.

However, Joshua had no intention of stopping at all.

Anaya was silent for a moment. Then she forced out a smile. “Alright, thank you for the reminder,” she


That being said, she still contacted people from other companies,

After busying herself for a few days, she got nothing.

Joshua made some casual warnings to other companies, and it left Anaya no choice.

For the first time, Anaya realized that the Maltz family had been way much more powerful than the Dutt


In the evening, when Anaya was in the car, eating bread that ‘lim bought her, Catherine Tarleton,

Aracely‘s mother, called her and invited her to have dinner with her tonight.

Anaya and Aracely were good friends. Catherine and David, Aracely‘s father, had watched her grow up

and always treated her well.

Anaya could more or less guess Catherine‘s intentions since she received the call at this very point.

Although Anaya felt embarrassed, she still went.

Sure enough, Catherine had asked Anaya over for Riven Group.

“Anaya, I really want to help you, but the Tarleton family is not big after all. This is all I can do for


“Don‘t say this, Mrs. Tarleton, you have already solved half of my problems. Thank you very much.”

Aracely grabbed Anaya‘s hand. “Anaya, I‘m sorry, I can‘t help much.”

The Tarleton family was worth billions in the market, but it was difficult to lend hundreds of millions all at

once because they needed to keep the company running.

“I should be the one apologizing. Sorry for troubling you guys with such a big matter.”

People could easily get bonuses when things were going well, but could hardly get timely help when

caught in trouble.

It was already great kindness that the Tarleton family was willing to reach out a helping hand to her at

this time.

“Come on! We are good friends!” Aracely put some food on Anaya‘s plate and scolded, “Joshua the

heartless bastard! You lent him so much money without saying anything back then. Can‘t believe that

he‘s being such a jerk to you after his family succeeds!”

Winston peeled the shrimp and placed it on Aracely‘s plate. His voice was gentle as he lectured,

“Language, Aracely.”

Aracely muttered, “That son of a bitch deserves it...”

“He didn‘t like me. I‘m not surprised that he did this,” Anaya said.

Joshua had never been nice to Anaya, and she had long stopped hoping for it.

“What do you plan to do with the lacking money?”

“I‘ll talk to people from other companies. I should be able to hold on for another while with your help.”

Aracely cheered her on. “Good luck to you!”

“Good luck to me!”

Anava drove away from the Tarleton family. She took a bunch of flowers back to the hospital and

replaced the old ones

in the vase.

The doctor said that flowers could bring the patient a good mood.

Anava held the withered flower and did not feel joy.

She did not return to her apartment after leaving the hospital. She just drove aimlessly.

The city at night was brightly lit. Anaya parked her car near the crossing river bridge and went up the

bridge alone to watch the scenery.

She stood by the guardrail, closed her eyes, and opened her arms.

The gentle wind caressed her slender arm, making her relaxed.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her hand which was suspended in the air. Anaya staggered. She was

pulled to the side, away from the guardrail and the dark and deep river under.

Before she could see the man‘s face clearly, she smelled the faint fragrance of herbs first.

Hearst looked very healthy, but he always had a leisurely herbal fragrance on him.

That was a very unique aroma. With his handsome face, he looked like an abstinent young doctor.

However, Anaya remembered that he was in fact a money boy.

Anaya explained, “I didn‘t want to jump into the river, I was just enjoying the wind.”

Hearst withdrew his hand, and there was no trace of embarrassment on his face at all. “I was being

rude, sorry.”

“It‘s late. Why are you here?” Anaya asked him.

It was already half–past ten by the time she left the hospital.

It was probably already inidnight then.

Hearst‘s answer was short. “Going for a ride.”

“So late?”

“Aren‘t you the same?”

Anaya didn‘t say anything.

She was rendered speechless.

He‘s so bad at chatting, will there really be a rich woman asking for him? Anaya thought.

She looked at his face.


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There will be A lot.

Anaya suddenly realized that all of Paradise Nightclub‘s money boys seemed to be on night duty.

She thought that Hearst might have just returned from work and was too embarrassed to mention his

job, so he casually found an excuse.

She said suddenly, “You‘ve worked hard too.”

Hearst was confused.

Anaya pointed at the car by the roadside and asked, “Your car?”

There was a sports car parked on the side of the road. It was completely different from the commercial

car Hearst drove last time. So Anaya was somewhat uncertain.


“Can you please drive me to the road over there? I‘ll pay you.”

Anaya had walked quite a distance and did not want to walk more.

“Get in.”

“Thank you.”

Anaya opened the door and got in.

There was a chocolate cake, and she saw it at a glance.

The exquisitely decorated cake aroused Anaya‘s appetite.

She could not help but take a few more glances.

Hearst said, “You can have it if you want.”

“You don‘t eat it?”

“I don‘t like sweet food.”

“Then why you bought it?”

Hearst remained silent.

Anaya didn‘t want him to think of her as a noisy person, so she shut up in time.

Before getting out of the car, Anaya took the cake and took out her wallet. “How much is it?”

“You don‘t have to.”

Anaya knew that Hearst was not being polite to her. He really did not care about the money, so Anaya

didn‘t insist.

She rummaged in her bag and found a fruit candy.

She liked sweets and would occasionally put some in her bag.

“For the cake.”


Anaya thanked Hearst again and returned to her own car.

Watching her car disappear into the traffic, Hearst raised his hand and looked at the small candy in his

palm. After a long time, he gently kissed it.

It was the seventh day of their reunion.

Anaya gave him the first gift.