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Reborn: Another Chance to Leave U by Hazel Ramirez

Chapter 18
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chanter 18 Stir Cannot Wait for You Forever

time. You’d better apologize to her.

“I know you actually have her in your heart, or else you wouldn’t have done so many abnormal things. If

you don’t want to divorce, don’t be muddle–headed.

“She cannot wait for you forever.”

Robin hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Joshua threw his phone aside.

Did he look like he liked Anaya?

This was ridiculous.

How was she worthy of his liking?

Chapter 18 Yellow Rose

Alex drove to Joshua‘s place and picked him up right on time.

Joshua sat in the back of the car and flipped through the finance section of the morning news.

At an intersection, the car stopped to wait for the green light.

Joshua suddenly called out Alex‘s name.

“Yes, Mr. Maltz?”

“Order a bunch of yellow roses and send them to Ana...”

Joshua‘s phone rang before he could finish lis sentence.

Someone called from the hospital and said that Lexie was seriously injured.

He also mentioned Anaya was responsible for it.

Joshua‘s heart tightened. He hung up the phone and said anxiously, “Turn around and take me to the


Alex had vaguely heard what the man said on the other end of the phone and asked carefully, “Do I still

have to send the flowers?”

Joshua did not answer Alex‘s question. “To the hospital!” he repeated coldly.

Alex didn‘t dare to let Joshua wait for too long. Thus, when the light turned green, Alex stepped on the

gas and headed to the hospital.

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Joshua rushed into the building after he arrived, and just before he entered the room, he heard Anaya‘s

bitter voice. “Don‘t wrap up the wound, or it‘ll stop bleeding soon.”

Joshua opened the door with a darkened face.

Lexie‘s eyes turned red the moment she saw Joshua enter the room. “Joshua...” she whispered.

“How are you feeling?” Joshua strode to the bedside and asked.

Lexie bit her lips and shook her head as if she was in great pain. “Nothing serious. The wound isn‘t that


“What the hell happened?”

Lexie was waiting for Joshua to ask what had happened so that she could tell Anaya‘s horrendous

deeds. But then, Lexie remembered what Anaya said before leaving the company.

She paused and went straight to the point. “I went to explain what happened last night to Anaya. I

wanted to tell Anaya that nothing happened between you and me, but I didn‘t expect that she wouldn‘t

listen to me at all and even stabbed me.

“She said that you wouldn‘t divorce her anyway. You‘ve stood her up several times. So you must care

about her. So it didn‘t matter even if she killed me...”

Anaya watched them and shook her head.

Joshua was probably the only one who would believe Lexie‘s pretentious act and made–up stories.

As expected, Joshua believed Lexie without hesitation. He looked around and saw a pile of bandages

covered in blood on the cart. His eyes turned red. He dashed to Anaya and grabbed her collar.

“Why do you always hurt Lexie, Anaya? Do you really think you can get away with anything?”

Anaya was calm as she faced Joshua‘s thunderous expression.

How many times had this happened?

Memories churned in Anaya‘s head.

She lost count.

Joshua never heard her side of the story. He always believed Lexie and assumed the worst of her.

Joshua was a smart and capable man, but all of these would disappear when he faced Lexie.

Anaya wondered if Joshua really couldn‘t see through Lexie or was just pretending.

If Anaya had known what he really was, she wouldn‘t have risked her life to save him during the

summer vacation after the SATs. She would‘ve let him die.

Anaya laughed sarcastically as she thought about the things they had gone through.

She had done so much for him, but he pretended not to see them.

He could stay awake all night just because Lexie had stomach aches.

Perhaps this was the difference between being cared for and not.

Joshua put Lexie on a pedestal and treated Anaya like dirt.

Lucky for Anaya, everything was going to end soon.

After her passion and love for Joshua died away, Anaya really could not understand why she had fallen

for a man like him in the first place.

Anaya listed the corner of her mouth and replied with sarcasm, “Have you forgotten? I am an evil


“I am capable of committing crimes like murder or arson, remember? I don‘t even need a reason to hurt


Anaya‘s reaction made Joshua puzzle for a while. He felt like something was off.

Yet he couldn‘t tell what it was.

While he was still in a daze, Anaya pushed him away and asked with an icy tone, “Did you make up

your mind about the divorce? If you keep dragging this on, I might kill her one day.”

Although this little setup of Lexie‘s was full of loopholes, Anaya still didn‘t want to explain anything.

She had always done things efficiently. Thus, after Joshua dragged the divorce for a week, she lost her


If Anaya couldn‘t get divorced this time, she didn‘t know when she would get the chance again.

Since Lexie and she both wanted this to end, she might as well admit it and force Joshua to make up

his mind.

“You hurt Lexie just because you wanted to divorce me?” Joshua gritted his teeth and asked.

“Is there any other reason?”

“How can you say something like that after you hurt someone?” Joshua roared. He had been irritable

lately. “Did someone force you to marry me back then?

“You tried so hard to be with me and trapped Lexie overseas just to prevent her from meeting me. Now,

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you hurt Lexie just for a divorce? What is wrong with you?”

She looked straight at him without a flinch and replied calmly, “Yes, I did something wrong. But you did

too! I didn’t force you to take those 800 million dollars! You vowed that as long as the Maltz family lent

you money, you would take care of me for the rest of my life.

“But what did you do? You ignored me and looked at me with hatred as if I was your enemy just after

one year of marriage. I know you would’ve killed me and avenged your love if you had the chance. You

even tried to bring back Lexie from abroad! You cheated mentally!

“Do you think you did the right thing?” Anaya’s voice was low, and her tone was utterly peaceful.

Joshua retorted, “You brought this to yourself!”

“I brought this to myself? Yeah, you are right. I was blinded by my love for you. It’s all my fault.”

Anaya’s gaze was sharp and cold. “I don’t want to rake up the past. Let’s just say we’re even and get

back to the divorce…”

“Even? How are you going to pay for what you did to Lexie? You hurt her on purpose. We’re going to

sue you.”

Anaya was calm as she heard Joshua’s threat. But Lexie started to panic.

There was no stab wound on her body at all. If she really sued Anaya, she had to go through legal

procedures. That meant Lexie would get an injury assessment.

Lexie couldn’t stab herself just to frame Anaya.

“You can’t blame Anaya for this. We were the ones who let her down first. We have no right to blame

her.” Lexie sat up and feigned to cough a few times, “After all, I ruined your marriage. I know Anaya

was also angry at me. Maybe that is why she wants to divorce you. If you really don’t want to divorce

her, I can take a step back. But please don’t be mad at her.”

“Careful there!” Seeing her sit up, Joshua rushed to her and held her waist. “It’s not that I don’t want to

divorce her. I just can’t stand her giving you a hard time.”

“I’m fine. I deserve it,” Lexie said weakly.

“Nonsense! I know it’s Anaya’s fault. She is always like this.”

Anaya almost threw up as she saw them arguing in front of her. “Sorry to interrupt. Can we go to the

City Hall now?”

Joshua glared at Anaya as he heard her sarcastic words. “You want a divorce this badly? OK, then. I’ll

go with you to sign the papers tomorrow in the City Hall! Now, disappear from Lexie’s view. I don’t want

her to get nightmares just. by looking at you.”