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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92 Know Your Place

Yvette rested her head on her hand, silently taking note of the information.

“I know the person he cares about is Vera. I heard she transferred to this school from Cloudburg Public

School after an incident there,”

Eileen took a few bites. The clear broth seemed bland, lacking flavor, but the surroundings were

pleasant, and the ingredients were fresh. The only downside was that the bone broth lacked proper

seasoning, leaving the final taste a bit dull.

“Eric has moved out from home and is living with Vera. If you want to know about him, Vera knows him

better than I do.”

Eileen’s words carried a hint of curiosity, wanting to gauge Yvette’s reaction. Yvette, twirling her long

hair, shook her head disdainfully. “I feel like she’s too fake. You wouldn’t happen to… like Eric, too,

would you?”

Eileen immediately denied, “He’s always been like a brother to me. I would never have feelings for my


Yvette, originally cautious, visibly relaxed. She patted her chest. “You scared me there. I thought you

were into Eric like Vera. Well, in that case, you’re my best friend! Who knows, maybe we’ll become

family in the future, and I’ll call you my sister.”

Eileen faintly smiled but remained silent.

Should she reveal Eric’s true nature to Yvette?

If she continued to get involved, she would only be giving Eric more opportunities.

Yvette was bound to be hurt.

Falling for him would have only made her increasingly unlike herself, trapped in a gilded cage, forever

unable to touch freedom.

Eventually, she would find herself living in hell.

Forget it, I can barely keep myself afloat. Why bother about her? Whoever Eric wants to marry has

nothing to do with me.

After the meal, Yvette bought her a cup of smoothie.

Someone behind them called Yvette’s name.

Yvette waved at them. Tll be right there.” Soon, she turned back to Eileen and said, “Busty, I

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need to prepare for

direct admission to Hulbury University. Busty, remember our agreement. We’ll meet at Hulbury


By the time Eileen received her smoothie, Yvette had gone with them,

Yvette was truly exceptional.

She was cheerful and lively, not at all like a spoiled princess. She treated everyone with at friendly

demeanor, and it seemed like there was no one who didn’t like her.

As Eileen turned around, a basketball suddenly flew toward her. Startled, she dropped the smoothie

she was holding. Looking toward the basketball court, she saw the person wiping the sweat off his

face. “Hey, Eileen, throw the basketball to me.”


Eileen thought it was a shame for the spilled smoothie; she had never gotten a chance to drink it.

Ignoring him, she turned to leave. If it wasn’t for his presence, she might have kicked the ball


But since it was him, that wasn’t something she wanted to do.

Cayden turned to Elm. “Well, well, Elm, it hasn’t even been half a day, and she already doesn’t care

about you.”

“Should I bring some guys over to confront her? Teach her a lesson?” Elm suggested.

Cayden replied, “Got nothing better to do?”

You’re heartless! I should’ve left you to die.

In the past, they used to follow Elm’s lead, only daring to snub and exclude Eileen with Elm’s silent


They couldn’t compare to Elm; everyone knew he was an illegitimate child, but no one dared to point

fingers and curse at him.

The one who dared to confront Elm before had vanished in Hulbury.

In Hulbury, the Smith family held sway, and everyone praised and feared them. Even the dogs raised

by the Smith family, placed in a poor village, were treated like emperors by the


Such was the hierarchy of the world; there was no such thing as equality for everyone.

Under the influence of wealth and power, everyone was mere bugs, easily squished.



Surprisingly, Elm is no longer targeting Eileen.

It was strange.

In the end, Elm lost interest in the game, picked up the nearby bottle of water, and left the field directly.

Completing a math test within half an hour was indeed challenging, especially since the questions went

beyond the textbook knowledge. Some even delved into topics typically covered in university. For her, it

wasn’t too difficult, but solving them required a bit of time.

As the bell for the last class rang, Jennifer packed up her textbooks. “I have good news to share with

everyone. Today is Yvette’s birthday, and while we wish her a happy birthday, we won’t keep you for

evening self-study. I know most of you have received invitations to Yvette’s birthday party, right? I wish

you all a fun time.”

Yvette, one of the most lively students in the class, shouted, “Thank you, Ms. Hayes! I love you, Ms.


Her eyes instinctively glanced at Eileen, who was still working on problems.

“You’re welcome.”

It was a rare occasion for the class not to have evening self-study.

Just as Jennifer left, Yvette rushed to Eileen’s side. “Lenie… Busty! stop writing. Let’s go together!”

Yvette’s unique nicknames always puzzled her.

Eileen finished the last word and quickly closed the book. “I’m done. Let’s go.”

Yvette praised her, saying, “You did well on those problems! I checked, and they’re almost all correct.

It’s a shame you’re not on our Olympiad Math team. Who knows, we might even secure admission to

Hulbury together.”

Eileen paused in her actions. “Can I… really?”

“Of course! Why not?”

“This year’s International Mathematical Olympiad ranks based on total scores. It’s not just. students

from Petalburg High School but also those from Cloudburg Public School participating. If you can break

into the top ten nationwide at the International Mathematical Olympiad, Eileen… it’s a matter of great


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“Great! If I make it, what procedures do I need to go through?”



The boy behind Eileen, with thick glasses and an inexplicably strange expression on his face, clutched

his backpack, wanting to say something to Yvette.

But he was a step too late.

He watched them leave, arm in arm.

After digesting the information, Eileen realized that joining the Olympiad Math team at this point would

mean displacing someone else and depriving them of the opportunity for admission.

Noticing Eileen’s hesitation, Yvette reassured her, “Don’t worry, we don’t randomly kick people out.

When the time comes, I’ll have the tutor prepare a test paper, and the who scores higher will stay! How

does that sound? It’s fair, isn’t it?”

Eileen wouldn’t do it if it meant sacrificing someone else to make room for her.


However, if it was based on her own merit, she was more than willing to give it a try.

They said goodbye at the school gate.

Eileen got into the car, and Alan said, “Ms. Eileen, please wait a moment. Mr. Snow wants me to give

Ms. Vera a ride as well.”

“I understand.”

So, she waited.

Eileen sat in the car, observing as Vera greeted Walsh with a smile before walking away. T Vera

approached the passenger seat and opened the door without hesitation.

“Alan, let’s go! Eileen might not be home until late.” Vera, seemingly familiar with Alan, fastened her

seatbelt, completely unaware of the person sitting behind her.

Alan felt she was being a bit presumptuous.

“Ms. Blake, Ms. Eileen is already in the car. Please understand your role. I’m here to drive Ms. Eileen.

Giving you a ride is just a convenience,” Alan asserted, noticing Vera’s sense of entitlement.

If it weren’t for Eric’s instructions, she wouldn’t even be eligible to ride in this car.

