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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 What Does She Mean To Him.

Moonlight streamed through the window, casting a gentle glow on the bathroom door. Eileen, with her

disheveled long hair, wore a resentful expression. She resembled a ghostly figure, her eyes hollow and


She watched as the Blake light from the phone on the bed continuously illuminated the room. Its

pleasant ringtone echoed throughout the room.

It was an incoming call from Jasper.

Eileen observed as the call was repeatedly cut off automatically, only to ring again. She made no move

to answer it.

After a while, she finally approached the phone, removed the battery, and tossed it aside.

The pendant of the crystal crescent moon necklace still lay in the corner of the wall….

The wound on her hand hadn’t fully healed yet. After a few days, it had started to scab over. As long as

she kept it dry, it wouldn’t reopen.

In the morning, Eileen descended the stairs to find Will and Elsie already having breakfast downstairs.

Eric and Vera were also present.

At the dining table, Will seemed oblivious to anything unusual. As usual, he was discussing company

matters with Eric.

Listening to Will, it seemed that he had gradually entrusted all the important affairs of the company to

Eric. Most of the significant projects were now in the latter’s hands.

Will was now so infatuated with Elsie that he no longer cared about the company.

“This evening, you’ll accompany me to a banquet. Ms. Yvette from the Friedman family. wishes to

personally thank you for what you did last time. Choose a gift carefully and put some thought into it.

The young lady has particular preferences.

“Yes, Father.”

The Friedman family? The name sounded familiar to Eileen, but she couldn’t quite recall it.

After eating half a bowl of oatmeal, Eileen put down her spoon and silently stood up. “Father. I’m off to

school now.”

She spoke up,

and only then did Will shift his gaze to her. “Have you completed all the


courses in the training class?”

Eileen replied, “I’ve caught up with the three months of classes I missed. Father, rest assured, I won’t

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

fall behind.”

The tension on Will’s face finally eased, and he nodded in satisfaction. “Go ahead, be careful

on your way.”

As soon as Eileen took her school bag from Mary, Will quickly called out to her.

“Wait a moment.”

Eileen halted, turning around with an expressionless face.

Will asked. “How’s the injury on your arm?”

Eileen said, “It’s not too serious. It will be better in a few days.”

No matter what, she is my own flesh and blood. These past few days, I’ve indeed been too engrossed

in my business and have neglected her.

“Don’t push yourself too hard. If you really can’t handle it, take a few days off before returning to

school.” Will noticed the wound at the corner of Eileen’s mouth. His gaze deepened slightly, but he

didn’t ask for more details.

In the morning, Eileen couldn’t escape her fate. She found herself sharing a ride with Vera in Eric’s car.

There were three people in a confined space, but no one mentioned what happened last night. It was

as if it had never occurred.

The air inside the car was stifling, almost suffocating. She closed her eyes, utterly perplexed as to why

Eric had kissed her so passionately at that moment.

Coincidentally, Vera had also seen it….

Doesn’t he care about Vera?

He loves Vera so dearly, preserving his chastity for her. Over these many years, he hasn’t been with

other woman. Isn’t it because he’s waiting for Vera to grow up so he can marry her?

There were many things that Eileen suddenly found herself unable to comprehend.


Upon reaching the entrance, she didn’t utter a word. Instead, she simply got out of the car and walked

into the school.

If it were in the past, Vera would happily chat with Eric, asking him to slow down while



“Eric, I’m off to school.

“Hmm,” he responded, his tone indifferent.

Vera slowly unbuckled her seatbelt. As she was about to open the car door, she couldn’t help but speak

up, “Eric, don’t you have anything you want to say to me?”

Eric looked through the car window until Eileen’s figure disappeared from sight. “Vera, your exams are

coming up, so don’t think about these things.”

If the man were to turn around, he would surely see her eyes brimming with tears, her lips. bitten in


The words she wanted to say remained unspoken, and Eric offered no explanation.

Even if he just said one sentence, she would accept any kind of explanation.

Yet, he simply wouldn’t speak up.

Vera stepped out of the car, a look of disappointment on her face.

What does he really think of me?

Eileen didn’t return to the classroom. Instead, she went straight to the office to find her homeroom


After the shift change was completed, Eileen returned to the classroom. She tidied desk, which

consisted of textbooks and exercises.



It was almost time for class.

The moment Eileen walked in, the previously quiet classroom instantly erupted into noise.

“No way! Is Eileen really here?”

“Look, the class teacher is still waiting for her outside… Eileen actually left!”

Several disdainful voices chimed in, “How about this. Let’s bet on how many days she can last in Class

One. I’ll be the bookie.”

“I bet three hundred that she won’t last more than three days.”

“I bet one day…


Eileen paid no mind to the whispers around her. She simply shouldered her bag and left the



“Ms. Hayes, I’m ready. Let’s go”

Jennifer was the finest teacher in Hulbury, and every student she had taught was exceptional.

Eileen was unsure if she could keep up with the pace of Class One’s studies.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Jennifer walked ahead, holding her textbook, and explained the rules to her. “Once you’re in Class

One, you have to follow its rules. I don’t need to mention dating. Also, I don’t want to see you bringing

anything unrelated to studies into school, especially in the last six months leading up to the university

entrance exam.

“We still have forty-five minutes of evening self-study left. For lunch dinner… you’ll head to the cafeteria

half an hour later.

The level of intensity in this class is higher than you might expect. If you feel overwhelmed, you still

have the option to withdraw now. However, if your academic performance falls behind compared to the

previous assessment, or if you fail to rank within the top thirty students in your grade, you will be

expelled. Do you comprehend?”


Typically, a class consisted of thirty students, and Class One had secured all the top thirty spots in the


During the previous assessment, only Eileen represented a different class among the top thirty


After Jennifer introduced Eileen to the class and gave a brief self-introduction. Eileen was assigned to

the third seat in the front row.

The seating arrangement was based on academic performance rankings.

Eileen noticed that the atmosphere in the class was filled with intense studying. Everyone was deeply

engrossed in their revision, which was a stark contrast to Class Six. In that class, the girls were

discussing cosmetics and handbags, while the boys were boasting about their sneakers.

Once the teacher left, the first subject was Calculus…

Eileen attentively listened to every class, diligently taking notes. For her, this kind of rigorous studying

was relatively easy, as most of the material was comprehensible to her.

The only drawback was that there were still two evening study sessions after school. Because of this,

she simply couldn’t keep up with the classes at the training institute.




Even the amount of homework had doubled compared to before.

After several morning classes, she ended up with a stack of eight test papers in her hands.

Everyone was so engrossed in their own test papers that they didn’t even have time to go to the

bathroom after class.

She only managed to stay focused when she was passionately engrossed in reading and writing.
