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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85 Be Careful Not To Get Lost

School was finally out at half past five in the afternoon. Eileen’s cold had improved significantly, but she

still felt dizzy and had a congested nose.

The only thing she was grateful for was that Will wouldn’t ask her about her affairs at school.

Eileen didn’t leave the school gates until around six o’clock. At the entrance, she ran into Vera

and Gavin.

Gavin said something to Vera, and she got into the car. With an impatient look in his eyes. Gavin kept

glancing at his watch until he noticed Eileen.

Upon seeing her, Gavin strode over. At the same time, Eileen walked towards him as well. “What’s the

matter, Mr. Walsh?”

Gavin was a loyal employee of Eric. In Eileen’s previous life, he was the one who handed her the

divorce agreement.

“Alan is not around, so Mr. Snow instructed me to pick up Ms. Vera, and you as well. I seem to

remember that both you and Ms. Vera are in the same class, so why did you come out so late?”

After working for Eric for so many years, Gavin had learned how to conceal his emotions. Nothing on

his face would betray his true feelings. Even if he despised someone in his heart. he would always

maintain a poker face.

Even for Eric, knowing his schedule, Eileen would foolishly try to please his assistants. Only now did

Eileen realize how foolish she was.

Eileen had a nagging feeling that Gavin was not actually busy. Rather, Eric had intentionally sent Gavin

away to divert his attention.

What exactly is Eric’s purpose in doing this?

No matter what, Eileen refused to ride in Gavin’s car.

Eileen pursed her lips and spoke softly, “Eric had instructed you to pick up Vera, not me. There’s no

need to go out of your way. I can take the bus home by myself. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so

long, Mr. Walsh.”

Furrowing his brows slightly, Gavin stretched out his arms to stop Eileen in her tracks. “Ms. Eileen,

Hulbury has been rather unsafe recently. If you were to encounter any danger while you were alone, I

wouldn’t know how to explain it to Mr. Swan. Please, get in the car.”

His tone was assertive, leaving no room for refusal.


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In Gavin’s mind, he couldn’t help but think that Vera was far superior to Eileen. Eileen’s temperament

had not changed over the years. It was truly off-putting

If it weren’t for Mr. Snow’s instructions, Gavin wouldn’t have bothered to pick her up, wasting a good

half hour on her.

“Ms. Eileen.”

Just then, another gentle voice called out to her from not far away. Eileen turned towards the sound

and to her surprise, she saw Richard approaching her with a kind and amiable smile.

on his face.

With a nod, Richard greeted, “It’s been a while, Ms. Eileen.”

“Richard, it’s been a while. What brings you here?” Eileen asked.

Ignoring her question, Richard turned to look at Gavin on the side. “Could this be Gavin, Mr. Snow’s

personal assistant from Caerulus Corporation?”

Gavin was quite astonished that the other party recognized him. Naturally, Gavin knew who the man

was as well.

The man was the same person who was standing beside the CEO of Smith Corporation the other day.

They had a brief encounter in the elevator last time.

As a sign of respect, Gavin extended his right hand. “Hello, I’m Gavin Walsh.”

Richard greeted him with a simple handshake. “Hello. Releasing his grip, Richard shifted his gaze back

to Eileen. “Ms. Eileen, I may need a bit of your time. Mr. Smith has something to tell you.”

Gavin protested, “That’s-”

“Mr. Walsh, I believe I’m talking to Ms. Eileen,” Richard interrupted.

True to being from the Smith family, Richard carried an air of grace. While his face seemed. to wear a

smile, his eyes held a hint of concealed sharpness, like hidden knives.

Everyone knew about the Smith family’s status in Hulbury.

The Smith family would have the final say in Hulbury.

It remained uncertain whether Jasper could change the fate of the Smith Corporation being taken over

by Eric in the future.

At that moment, Eileen stepped forward and said, “Mr. Walsh, you can go ahead! Richard will send me

home safe and sound.”


A hint of displeasure flickered across Gavin’s eyes. “Alright, Ms. Eileen. Remember to come home


Richard was working for Jasper. Gavin was aware that every word and action of his would be

representing Caerulus Corporation in Richard’s eyes. Given the current situation, it would be unwise for

Gavin to stir up conflict with Eileen!

Richard’s gaze darkened as he looked at Gavin.

“This way, Ms. Eileen.”

“Thank you.

Walking slightly behind Eileen, Richard gently advised, “Ms. Eileen, as the eldest daughter of the Swan

family, it’s better to be a bit more assertive. Otherwise, some people might take advantage of you,

which could put you at a disadvantage.”

Richard’s comment hit right where it was hurting. Nothing could escape his keen eyes. A faint smile

curled up at the corner of Eileen’s mouth. “You’re right, Richard.”

“Mr. Smith and I both hope that you can take good care of yourself and avoid any further harm. Ms.


Upon hearing that, Eileen’s heart suddenly tightened. What does that mean? Could it be that he

already knows?

Meanwhile, Vera watched Eileen climb into the expensive Cayenne from the rearview mirror. She

noticed that the license plate was a string of ones. Not everyone could afford at car like that in Hulbury.

Once Gavin settled into the driver’s seat, Vera asked, “Isn’t Eileen coming back with us?”

Gavin fastened his seatbelt and said, “Ms. Eileen had to leave due to some matters. I’ll take you home


“Thank you for your help, Gavin.”

“No problem.”

If Ms. Eileen were as considerate as Ms. Vera, she wouldn’t be disliked by so many people, and it

would have spared Mr. Snow some worries.

In the meantime, Eileen had been sitting in the car for nearly twenty minutes, and it was almost half

past six. By then, the sky had darkened, causing the streetlights along the roadside to illuminate. As

she looked at the serene streets, Eileen sensed that something was wrong.


“Richard, where are we going?”

“We’ll be there soon, Ms. Eileen. You’ll find out shortly.”

Before long, the car came to a stop.

The driver walked around the front of the car to open the back door for Eileen.

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Richard instructed, “Ms. Eileen, just keep walking straight from here. You’ll understand soon.”

They arrived at the bustling pedestrian plaza, a lively place filled with people in the heart of Hulbury. It

was a haven for various delectable street foods.

Eileen didn’t know what to do. After she stepped out of the car, she watched as it drove. away.

She felt lost and unsure of her next move. All she could do was follow Richard’s advice and take one

step at a time.

After approximately eighteen steps, a little girl holding a rose in one hand and her mother’s hand in the

other ran up to Eileen cheerfully, “Pretty Miss, happy birthday.”

The little girl’s mother joined in, saying, “Ms. Eileen, happy birthday.”

Eileen was taken aback. An indescribable sensation welled up in her heart. This feeling was both

wonderful and touching, an emotion she had never experienced before, neither in her past life nor in

her present one.

It felt as though her heart was overflowing.

“T- Thank you…”

The little girl’s voice was as cheerful as a lark. With her small hand, she pointed ahead. “Pretty Miss,

that’s the way to go! Be careful not to get lost.”


Eileen carefully observed the child. She appeared to be about five or six years old, with two adorable

braids and dressed in a princess dress.

Eileen grew fond of the girl.

Following the instructions, Eileen aimlessly wandered in the indicated direction.

Every eighteen steps, a mother and her child would approach Eileen to present a rose.

What Eileen pondered was not these flowers, nor what lay ahead. Instead, she wondered if she could

have given birth in her previous life, had she not died. She wondered if her



children could have been as lively and adorable as the ones she encountered along the path.

She wondered what it would be like to be called a mother.

But what else could be done?

She could never have her own child in that lifetime!

As she reached the end of the street, Eileen had received exactly eighteen roses.

The further she walked, the quieter it became as the crowd thinned.

Just then, the melodious sound of a piano caught her car.
