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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40 Eileen, You Must Be Adopted Too!

Elm kicked the fat kid who was sitting next to Eileen while he was sleeping, causing him to be stunned.

He then sat next to Eileen, “Go away.” The fat kid was from a nouveau riche family that had made their

fortune from livestock farming, and he spent most of his time napping, There was usually a puddle of

saliva on his papers.

When the fat kid realized it was Elm, he shook his head and promptly made room for him. Elm dragged

a chair and settled down beside Eileen. His other hand was in a plaster cast, drawing attention to the

limited edition sneakers of a well-known brand that he was wearing. Elm asked Eileen, “Do you know


Eileen stopped writing and replied, “Yes, my dad adopted her, and the person named Eric she

mentioned earlier was also adopted by my dad. They’re not related to me by blood.”

Charlie said with a teasing smile, “So many of your siblings are adopted, Eileen… you must be adopted


Eileen ignored her comment. Elm lowered his eyes, looking thoughtful, and then he kicked Eileen’s

calf, asking. “Why the hell are you asking her this?”

Eileen frowned, “I don’t want to know about this, so what do you want? Elm If you want me to help you

pursue Vera, I’m sorry, but I can’t do this. Your relationship with her has nothing to do with me. I have

no right to help you… Now that the college entrance examination is coming, you should focus on your


Elm was taken aback by Eileen’s response. He really wanted to chase Vera, but Eileen did not know

what Elm was thinking about asking her to help.

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Elm smiled with a hint of coldness in his eyes, thinking to himself…

Who are you to judge me? Who do you think you are, huh?

He kicked her table leg again, demanding. I’m asking you if you want to help me.”

Eileen frowned and looked at him, “I don’t have time, I’m not gonna help!”

This was her response.

If she helped him, it would mean intervening in Eric and Vera’s relationship. Did she really. want to

offend Eric again? Life was already challenging enough, did she need more trouble?

Charlie came over and said, “Eileen, this is a rare opportunity to show your skills, don’t ignore

compliments. Didn’t you learn from the last time?”

Albert also stepped forward, putting his hand on her shoulder and shaking his head.

Eileen organized the test papers on her table. She could not stand dealing with these guys.

“I promised my dad that if I want to go to university, I must pass the exam; otherwise, I’ll ruin my

life,” Eileen said as she stood up with her schoolbag on her back. “Elm… Even though I can’t help you,

I can tell you that Vera’s ultimate goal is to enroll at Hulbury University. If you get to Hulbury University,

you can continue pursuing her, and no one will stop you.”

The school might prohibit dating, but those rules were just nonsense to Elm!

As Eileen was about to leave, she noticed Elm standing there suddenly. He had one foot on the wall

behind her waist, leaning slightly forward, looking at her with narrow, mischievous. eyes, “Eileen…”

Feeling cornered, Eileen retreated back and forth, seeking shelter. “What are you trying to do?”

“Do you like me?” Elm asked.

Eileen was dumbfounded.

In an instant, people who were initially afraid to watch the situation turned their heads to look at the

scene unfolding in the corner of the classroom.

Eileen left the classroom anyway; she could not bear staying where Elm was. She decided to do a few

sets of papers to calm herself down.

After finishing the last set of chemistry papers, Eileen could not calm down. She scratched. her head,

trying to figure out what could have led Elm to think that she liked him. She wondered if Elm had eaten

something or if there was something she did that gave him the wrong impression.

Recalling the last time she helped him pick up things, Eileen remembered that someone. took a picture

of Elm, and the situation got misunderstood and spread online.

Eileen quickly took out her phone and checked the school’s forum. She wanted to see what. people

were saying about that incident and how it might have contributed to Elm’s misunderstanding.

To her surprise, the post on the forum had been hacked and could not be opened at all. Just then, she

received a message from Walsh. “Eileen, you’re so brave. Elm’s face turned pale after you punched

him. He was sent to the infirmary after you left, but be careful, Elm might seek revenge. I think your

attack was pretty ruthless. I think he was bleeding.”

Eileen replied, “Who told him to talk nonsense? If my dad finds out about this, I’ll be in big



Walsh continued, “You really don’t like Elm?”

Eileen was perplexed, “Why does everyone think I like him? What made you all believe that?”

Walsh responded, “The whole school knew that you bought flowers for Elm when you visited. him at

the hospital. Didn’t you know about this?”

Eileen replied, “What does that have to do with me liking him?”

Walsh explained, “Your accident last time wasn’t caused by Elm, but it was related to him. We thought

you and Elm would never interact, and some even bet that you would transfer to another school… But

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then you sent him flowers. It gave us the impression that you like him, so we thought you ignored the

fact that you were beaten and went to the hospital to see him.”

Walsh soon sent another message. “You really don’t have a crush on Elm, do you?”

Eileen looked at the phone screen, took a deep breath, and started typing a response. But before she

finished, she deleted it again. She didn’t fully trust Walsh, so she chose not to reveal her true thoughts.

She decided not to explain any further.

Eileen couldn’t help but wonder if Elm’s injury was caused by Will, and that’s why she thought of

sending him flowers. But such assumptions were not only disgraceful but also illegal… She did not

want to get involved in any misunderstandings or dangerous situations.

Eileen decided to be more cautious and mindful of her actions. She turned off her phone and focused

on writing down chemical formulas, but a memory suddenly resurfaced in her mind….

“Do you like me?”

The smell of tobacco from both Eric and Elm lingered in her thoughts, mixed with the scent. of perfume.

At that moment, Eileen had not given much thought to it; she simply felt uncomfortable with anyone

getting too close to her. Elm crossed her boundaries, making her upset, so she pushed him away

forcefully and said to him, “You’re sick,” before leaving.

To her surprise, Elm ended up in the infirmary due to an open wound from their encounter. To avoid

further rumors, Eileen decided not to be involved with him anymore. Instead, she spent the rest of her

time alone in the library until school was over.

At Vera’s class in Hulbury High School, Vera’s desk was filled with love letters as usual. Her drawer

was also filled with snacks, more than she could possibly eat on her own.


Jasmine, her desk mate and roommate, had a good relationship with her….
