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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 292
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Chapter 292 He Does Not Want Me

The child’s eyes were filled with innocent confusion. As Jasper lowered his head to meet his gaze, his

heart trembled. Just one look reminded him of the painful memories from his childhood.

Jasper’s countenance looked even worse than one could imagine, his expression icy cold.

Layla shot Martha a meaningful look. Catching her eye, Martha stepped forward and picked up the

young boy. “Mr. Oliver, let me take you to play with your toys. Mr. Jasper has some important matters to


Oliver Smith reached out to Jasper with tears in his eyes. “I want a hug from Daddy.”

Jasper’s demeanor was icy as he glanced at the child just once before coldly walking away and taking

a seat on the couch off to one side.

With a smile gracing her face, Nancy’s gaze never left him. Oliver, crying and wanting to get down.

quickly ran to Nancy’s side.

Nancy reached out, lifting him onto her lap. The little one wrapped his arms around her neck, his

expression sad as he cried mournfully, “Mommy, why doesn’t Daddy like me? Did I do something

wrong? You said as long as I behave, Daddy will like me, but he won’t hug me…”

Tiny teardrops dripped down his face, the child’s crying enough to break one’s heart.

Nancy wiped the tears from the child’s face. “Daddy doesn’t dislike you, Ollie. Will you be a good boy

and go play with Martha for a while? Once Daddy and Mommy finish talking, we’ll come and play with


“All right.” The little one nodded understandingly.

As Oliver was led away by Martha, he turned back one last time, casting a pitiful glance at Jasper, who

sat coldly on the couch.

Jasper stared at Nancy with a chilly gaze. His voice was as cold as frost. “I will not acknowledge this

child,” he declared resolutely.

Nancy didn’t appear flustered. Instead, she calmly waited for Layla to speak..

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Layla was taken aback by Jasper’s audacious words about denying his own child. A subtle hint of

displeasure crept onto her face. Suppressing her inner thoughts, she said to Nancy, “We have

conducted at paternity test for the child, and he is indeed an offspring of the Smith family. State your

intentions. If you intend to use the child to marry into the Smith family, I will not agree. The Smith family

can offer you three million for the child’s custody rights, including a property in the city center. This

money should be enough for you to start anew and remarry into a good family.”

Nancy laughed and said, “I carried this child for nine months and raised him single-handedly for five.

years. Do you think these mere things are enough to dismiss me, or are you saying that the Smith

family’s offspring is only worth this much? If I remember correctly, becoming Mrs. Smith will net me far

more than this. I haven’t forgotten it was you who asked me to leave back then. I agreed mostly

because of this child. If Lhad stayed in Hulbury, given your nature, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able

to keep the baby.. I really have to thank you for your decision to force me away all those years ago, Old

Mrs. Smith. In truth, I’m not asking for much. All I want is for Jasper to marry me and give Ollie a

complete family. If I were to marry into the Smith family, I could give up everything, but everything in the

Smith family must be left.

to Ollie in the future.”

Turning to Jasper, she went on, “Jasper, she was why I had to leave. Back then, I truly wanted to be

with. you. If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t have been apart for so many years. Your grandmother has



looked down on me because of my background, because I have a father who is a gambler. Back then, I

didn’t tell you I was pregnant for a reason. If your grandmother had known, she would never have let us

keep our child. Do you still remember what you once promised me? You said that when we have a

child. you would provide it a complete home, unlike your own broken one. You would do everything in

your power to give them the best of everything. Now that we have a child, you’re going back on your

word. Is everything you’ve said and done fair to me? Because of another woman, you sent me to prison

with a single sentence, and I almost died in a mental hospital. Can you honestly tell me you don’t feel

you owe me anything? Right now, Eileen can’t get pregnant, but I… I can give you a complete family.

Can’t we just forget everything from the past and be a happy family of three?

All that Nancy said was indeed enough to leave Jasper in turmoil.

He silently caressed the engagement ring on his middle finger.

Suddenly, after a long silence, he spoke. “Ms. Mulligan, you certainly know how to make your moves.

Unfortunately, your stakes are not threatening to me. You will never be Mrs. Smith, but I will agree to

your other demands. Everything that has happened in the past did indeed occur and existed; I cannot

deny that. But compared to before, I cherish what I have now even more. Eileen is the wife I risked my

life for, so she’s not the one who should be stepping out of this relationship. Whether she can bear

children or not, Eileen will always be my Mrs. Smith. As for the issue of the Smith family’s heir…

Grandma, I’m not dead yet! Isn’t it too early to be discussing this now? Anyway, there’s an important

meeting at the company, so I need to hurry back.”

Jasper turned around, his steps halting once more. He looked at Nancy with a cold gaze. “Let me

remind you that not everyone can come and go freely in the Smith residence. Outsiders should leave

as soon as possible.”

Nancy chased after him. She was already conceding on this matter, so why wouldn’t he return to her


Could she really be inferior to Eileen, who couldn’t even have children?

In that case, what was the point of everything she had done and all the suffering she had endured over

the past five years?

She refused to let this matter go.

The position of Mrs. Smith should have originally been hers.

Why should Eileen, who had come later, get the position?

Nancy refused to accept it. She couldn’t bear it!

Jasper says he risked his life for Eileen, but what about me?

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Now that I’ve returned, what does it all mean?

“Fine! You don’t want me or the child, do you? Jasper, I want you to regret this for the rest of your life!”

Jasper glanced coldly, his gaze slightly tilted, and uttered one word in an icy tone, “Whatever.”

Oliver was engrossed in playing with his toy car. When he saw Jasper about to leave, he immediately.

abandoned his favorite toy without hesitation. His little legs moved swiftly as he chased after the man.

crying out, “Daddy, please don’t leave me! I can’t bear to be without you!”

Jasper didn’t pause for a moment. Even when the little boy chased him to the door and fell down.

Jasper didn’t turn around to take a glance.



scraped palm, her heart ached even more. “Quickly, take him to get medical attention,” she said.

Martha picked up the child. “Yes, Mrs. Smith.”

“Waaaah! Mommy, Daddy doesn’t want me!”

The living room echoed with the sound of the child’s crying, and no matter what was tried, he couldn’t

be comforted.

Nancy picked up the child and left.

Layla sternly reprimanded, “Stop right there! Where are you taking my great-grandson?”

Nancy didn’t pause in her steps. “Since there’s nothing to discuss, there’s no need for further

conversation. Ollie is my child, and I will never leave him here alone.”

Martha was about to chase after them, but Layla waved her hand, signaling her to stop.

“Mrs. Smith, are you just going to let her take the child away like this?”

Layla replied, “We need to take our time to consider this matter.”

Nancy got into the car and drove off. Hearing the incessant crying and the wiping of tears from the

passenger seat, she grew impatient. Pulling over, she got out of the car and walked around to the

passenger side, forcefully pulling the child out of the seat.

Oliver was thrown to the ground, his forehead harshly hitting the floor.

“Is crying all you know how to do? What good are you? You’re a child whose father doesn’t even want

you. I never should have brought you into this world. I should have abandoned you or left you to die!”

Blood trickled down from Oliver’s forehead, flowing past his eyes. He wiped his face with his small

hand, now stained with red, “Mommy, please don’t abandon me! I was wrong. I’ll never cry again!”