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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153 Three Days A Week

Do you think there’s still a chance for you to turn back now?” Eric drove with one hand, the other

tenderly cradling her hand. “Go home and get some rest. I’ve already canceled your winter camp for

you. If you want to go out and have some fun, I can accompany you.”

“Why are you making decisions for me again? Eileen forcefully shook off his hand. “How many times do

I have to say it? Eric, I no longer have feelings for you! Don’t you understand?”

Despite all she had done for him in the past, he never truly appreciated her efforts.

After her rebirth, she gave up and sought only to distance herself from him.

However, he persistently pursued her, adamantly refusing to let her go.

In my previous life, he used me as a tool to gain power and acquire the Swan family. What about in this

life? What am I to him? Just a plaything, someone he can use for his desires whenever he wants?

Eric stayed silent, but a noticeable air of gloom surrounded him.

After a while, the man stopped at a red light, patiently waiting for it to turn green. “When we meet again

in the future, I hope you’ll be wearing that necklace.”

In the future? He’s actually thinking about the future?

Eileen spoke with indifference, “I won’t be meeting you again in the future. As for today’s events, I’ll

pretend they never happened.” She sneered and added, “What do you think Vera would do if she found

out about what we did? Keeping me close while still having feelings for Vera-don’t you find yourself


Eric’s brow furrowed, a cold frown etched on his face. Continuing down the street, he suddenly hit the

brakes, bringing the car to a stop at the roadside. Without hesitation, he unbuckled his seatbelt and

climbed over the center console. After forcefully pushing her onto the passenger seat, he violently tore

apart her clothes.

“In that case, I might as well take this opportunity and claim you right now,” he said.

“You’re insane! I’m only eighteen, Eric. If you dare touch me and my father finds out, he will kill you!”

Eileen tightly gripped his hand, her legs firmly clamped together.

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“Isn’t that perfect? That way, I can rightfully marry you. In the future… you won’t need to go. to school.

Just be a stay-at-home mom and do household chores for me,” he said. indifferently, parting his lips.

“Fine, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have said that! I don’t want to!”


Suddenly, he grabbed Eileen by the collar, almost lifting her up from the seat The look in has eyes was

dark and cruel. “You better be sorry Can you commit to spending three days a week with me”

Eileen resembled a coerced, vulnerable rabbit, her eves filled with panic. Tears streamed down her

face, trickling into her hair, as her body trembled uncontrollably.

She nodded in compliance.

Eric, finally satisfied, released his grip on her, then removed his suit for her to wear.

Defying him wouldn’t bring her any advantage; it seemed wiser for her to accept the harsh reality


The Smith residence nestled in a peaceful suburb, its surroundings characterized by a quiet ambiance

and sparse vehicular traffic on the now-deserted streets.

Wrapped in Eric’s suit, Eileen sat in the car with her legs tucked in, her head hung le, not daring to

make another sound.

As Eric’s car approached the Smith residence’s courtyard, it gradually came to a stop. Eager to get out

of the car, Eileen was dismayed to discover that the door was securely locked.

“Let me out of the car!” she uttered, her voice feeble and devoid of its former confidence.

Eric promptly leaned over, unbuckling her seatbelt, causing a slight shiver to run through Eileen’s body.

It’s good that she’s afraid. Saves me a lot of trouble in the future.

A smile appeared on his sternly outlined face as he grasped her chin, prompting her to tilt her head

back. He planted a lingering kiss on her lips, which lasted for a while. With her eyes tightly closed,

Eileen fought the urge to push him away until it was finally over.

It wasn’t until Eric caught sight of someone emerging from the house in his peripheral vision. that he

pulled away from her. “Remember to message me before you go to sleep, and don’t try anything funny.


Eileen’s mouth was filled with his lingering scent. “Understood.”

“Go on.” The man reached out and wiped the liquid off the corner of her mouth.

Without hesitation, Eileen opened the car door and stepped out.

The security guard was patrolling in front of the gates, surveying the surroundings when he saw Eileen.

“Ms. Eileen,” he greeted.




Eileen merely hummed in response without even lifting her head, quickly scurrying off

She sill had to walk at least another ten to twent mansion where Jasper resided.

minutes before she could reach the

The security guard pressed his Bluetooth headset, keeping an eye on Eileen as she walked away. “Yes’

Ms. Fileen has returned. She was dropped off by a black Audi A6, license plate

number HAXXXX

Jasper inquired. Did you manage to see the person in the car?”

“No That person didn’t get out of the car.”

“Got it.”

The man on the other end of the line ended the call.

Eileen spent a full half-hour on a journey that should have taken just a few minutes.

The concerned housekeeper rushed over when she saw Eileen appear in the foyer. “Ms. Eileen, you’re

finally back. Mr. Jasper called several times a short while ago. He was worried something had

happened to you and has been searching for you! You should call him back quickly!”

Eileen responded listlessly, “Okay. I’ll call him back later. I’m going upstairs now.”

The housekeeper observed Eileen, whose eyes were red as if she had just been crying. The suit jacket

she wore didn’t appear to belong to Jasper either.

One could tell she was evidently hiding something at first glance. However, the housekeeper dared not

pry further considering her status as a servant.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As soon as she returned to her room, she promptly locked the door.

Turning on her phone, she discovered it had automatically shut down due to a dead battery. After

plugging it in to charge, she headed to the bathroom, cleansing away all the filth from her body.

Two hours later, she emerged gracefully from the bathroom, with water droplets still trickling down her

shapely figure. Walking barefoot on the luxurious carpet, her long hair was completely soaked. As she

gazed at her reflection in the floor-to-ceiling window, she couldn’t help but notice the love bites

scattered across her body, accompanied by the nail marks left by him—a sight too overwhelming to

take in at a mere glance.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. “Ms Eileen, the chicken stew that Mr. Jasper instructed us to

prepare for you is ready. I have brought it up to your room. It won’t taste as good once it gets cold.”


Filcen quickly reached for the nearby bathrobe and draped it over herself. “Alright

Fortunately, all those marks could be hidden

Eileen opened the door, and the housekeeper was standing right outside.

Eileen reached out to take the bowl from her “Thank you.”

Of course, Ms. Lileen. Please rest well”


Eileen set the chicken soup aside, realizing that she needed to return Jasper’s phone call.

The call was promptly answered by the other party.

Eileen spoke first, “I apologize for causing you to worry. My phone ran out of battery. I have just arrived

home and managed to charge it.”

Tm relieved that you’re alright. I sent Fabian to pick you up, but when he couldn’t find you, I thought…

something had happened to you,” Jasper said.

“Is Sharon doing alright?”

“She just fell and needs to rest in bed for a while. It’s nothing serious. I… might not be able to join you

for dinner tonight. I have already eaten.”

Jasper spoke in a gentle tone. “That’s alright. Just get plenty of rest now that you’re home.”


