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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137 Teach Me

At two in the morning, Elm returned to his room.

He glanced at the slightly ajar door, from which a faint, chilly light emanated. Inside, he could hear faint

sounds of sobbing. The sobs were soft, as if someone was desperately holding back their emotions.

He was about to push the door open but decided against it. Instead, he reached into his pocket and

pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Walking to the balcony at the end of the hallway, he lit up a cigarette

and began to smoke.

As he stared into the endless darkness, his eyes as dark as night, he took in the chilly wind ast the

flame from his cigarette flickered,

The next day, a hint of dawn appeared on the horizon, casting its light through the window.

Eileen woke up early that day. She watered the plants on the balcony and watched as tricycles ridden

by vendors passed by on the street below. There were shouts from a few people, and the aroma of

food wafted in from somewhere.

The ordinary yet challenging life of the people here fascinated her. She envied them.

After cleaning the house and mopping the floor, she felt restless and bored. She often used these

household chores to soothe her mind.

She believed in Eric, knowing that he was a man of his word. She was certain that he would come to

pick her up three days later, even though she had no desire to leave.

She might not have been here for long, but she was already accustomed to this place.

She planned to continue renting the place. Even if she didn’t live here, having a place to stay would be

beneficial in case she was kicked out in the future.

By noon, Elm still hadn’t shown up.

He usually arrived by half past eleven.

After waiting for the designated time, Eileen decided not to wait any longer.

Instead, she spontaneously decided to go to the ski resort at Mount Bright.

It was just a one-day trip. On the mountaintop, she could even witness the sunrise over the snowy

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mountains at five or six in the morning-something she had never seen before.

After taking a bus for over an hour, she arrived at the foot of the mountain. She bought a


10:49 Mon, 11 Dec

Chapter 137 Teach Me

$15 Free Cors

ticket and joined a group of people boarding the cable car, heading to the mountaintop.

After a twenty-minute ride, they reached the summit. The temperature here made Eileen shiver


Cold air constantly seeped through the gaps in her clothing. Carrying her backpack, she hurriedly went

to the hotel to check-in. Holding the room key, Eileen wished she could hide her entire self in a scarf

instead of exposing her skin to the air.

In another hallway, a woman with long wavy hair wearing a Blake cloak and sunglasses held the arm of

a man. When he stopped, the woman looked in his direction and asked, “Darling, what are you looking


Eric withdrew his gaze indifferently without saying a word.

Eileen also felt as if a familiar gaze had just been watching her, but when she turned around, there was

nothing but an empty corridor behind her.

Perhaps she had mistaken it.

Back in her room, Eileen quickly turned on the air conditioning, took out her thickest black down jacket

that reached her calves, and casually tied up her hair. After a while, there was a sudden knock on the

door, and a male voice followed, “Hello, Ms. Swan. I am the private ski instructor you hired. My name is

Christopher Walt. Are you ready?”

Eileen zipped up her jacket and called out, “Wait a moment. I’ll be right there.”

She had paid fifty for a private lesson, and she didn’t expect him to arrive so soon.

This was part of the hotel’s package. It was her first time skiing, and having someone guide her would

prevent her from falling too hard.

After getting ready, she picked up her things and went over immediately. Unexpectedly, the person

turned out to be quite tall, at least one point nine meters. His muscles, not fully hidden under his jacket,

suggested great explosive power.

With her shoes on, Eileen was almost one point seven meters. Yet, standing next to him, she felt

incredibly petite.

A few minutes’ walk behind the hotel led to a ski slope. Eileen put on her skiing gear, cautiously using

her ski poles, and began to ski clumsily.

Don’t worry, move boldly, control the rhythm. If you fall, I’ll catch you.”

Eileen had hardly ever tried these extreme sports. To say she wasn’t scared would definitely be a he.

Even with protective gear on, the thought of getting hurt was enough to make her wince in pain.


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Chapter 187 Teach Me

+15 Free Coins

But she was also excited and wanted to be like those people below, swiftly gliding down. However, she

hesitated to take that step.

Christopher walked beside her, teaching her how to control the snowboard. “Don’t always think about

how painful it will be if you fall. Otherwise, you won’t learn.”

“Got it.”

Eileen gritted her teeth. After over half an hour of learning, she still hadn’t grasped the skill. Meanwhile,

the eight-year-old boy beside her had already mastered it.

There was also a delicate girl who had fallen countless times and vented her anger at Christopher. She

initially came with her boyfriend, but that man had already put on his ski gear and skied away on his


“Daddy, look at how clumsy this lady is! I’ve already learned, and she still can’t.”

The little boy pointed at Eileen without reservation, laughing heartily.

His father immediately covered his mouth and scolded him, “Don’t talk nonsense, apologize to the

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Eileen felt a pang in her chest as if she had been shot by an arrow.

I am only eighteen this year, and they are calling her “lady”? How rude.

Eileen revealed her delicate and attractive half-face and smiled gently. “Kiddo, did your father ever tell

you that if you recklessly insult others, not only will your mouth rot, but you might also get carried away

by the snow wolves in the mountains!”

The little boy seemed to genuinely believe her, immediately bursting into tears. No matter how his

father tried to console him, he couldn’t stop crying.

“Mr. Walt, let’s go to the other side!”

Christopher replied, “Okay”

She refused to believe that she wouldn’t be a match for a child.

The top was a flat area for beginners, and most people were on the slope.

For beautiful women, most men were patient, especially for someone like Eileen, whose body and

appearance surpassed those of celebrities.

ing the returning man, the delicate woman pushed away her instructor who didn’t teach

Chapter 187 Teach Me

well She approached Eric.

“Eric, could you teach me? My instructor is not very good at teaching. What kind of instructor is he? Will

you come with me? I’m scared. If you’re by my side, I won’t be afraid.”

She spoke with a light and carefree tone. Eileen heard a familiar name.

Eileen’s back tensed up, and she couldn’t take a single step forward.

Eric? Why is he here too?

Eileen didn’t bother pondering his relationship with that woman. As soon as she heard his name, she

immediately lost interest in skiing.

Christopher held her. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing. I can’t learn it, so let’s stop here. We can continue tomorrow.”

“What time should we meet tomorrow? How about we exchange contact information? Whenever you

feel like skiing, feel free to reach out to me. I’ll teach you for free.”

Eileen nodded in agreement. “Sure, that sounds good.”