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Rebirth and Finding the One Truly Loves Me by Christina

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 The Big Shot Made a Move Again

Thinking that if it weren’t for Audrey’s own alertness and intelligence, she would have been the one

whose reputation was completely ruined today, he might still be ignorantly standing on Kelsey’s side.

Rylan felt both regret and pain in his heart. He angrily pointed at Kelsey’s nose, the veins on his

forehead throbbing. “To teach her a lesson, you teamed up with little thugs to ruin her reputation?

Kelsey, over the years, we, the Watson family, have treated you well, and Audra has always considered

you as her sister. But you, you repay kindness with ingratitude, almost ruining her life!”

Kelsey had never seen Rylan so furious before, she was too scared to utter a single word.

Elise stepped forward, backhanding Kelsey, “Kel, not only Rylan, even mom is too disappointed in you!”

After speaking, Elise walked over to Rylan, intending to pat his fluctuating chest, but was waved off by


“Rylan, Kel indeed made a mistake in this matter, but for the sake of the Watson family’s reputation, I

think we shouldn’t blow things out of proportion…”

Before Elise could finish her sentence, the headmaster’s phone rang.

The head teacher hung up the phone, his face had turned green.

“Ms. Beltran, we can’t accept Kelsey at Elsa Noble High School anymore.”

Elise’s pupils suddenly contracted, “Director, I don’t understand what you mean.”



The head teacher took out his mobile phone, opened the school forum, and two minutes ago, there

was a new pinned post at the top.

The post included four photos of Kelsey in a bikini, which were clearly selfies. She stood in front of a

full–length mirror in her dressing room, holding her phone, capturing her figure.

Normally at school, she appeared very proper, neither altering her skirts nor wearing revealing clothes.

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Anyone who saw her would think she was extremely well–mannered and cultured.

The flirtatious look in her eyes when she was being photographed was simply unstoppable.

The key was these four photos, she took them and sent them all to Simon.

Audrey only recovered the chat history of the recent three days, but the pinned post on the forum

revealed her chat history with Simon from when they first met in their junior year.

The comments section under the post had already erupted.

The head teacher was so frustrated, he sought technical help to delete the post, only to be told that it

had to be pinned for another three days!

Kelsey used to be his most promising student, but now…

Elsa Noble High School dared not accept anymore.

This matter had to be dealt with seriously, otherwise it would affect the reputation of the school!

Audrey opened the forum and saw the pinned post.

She was somewhat surprised.

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Did that mysterious big shot make a move again?

Who on earth was it, so impressive, if she could find him, she really wanted to take him as her master!

Flowery Garden.

After Elise went back, she smashed all the vases and famous paintings in the living room to the


When leaving the school, Rylan had Elise send Kelsey to study in the countryside. He didn’t want to

see Kelsey again, his tone was dominant, not giving Elise a chance to plead at all!

Kelsey stood by the sofa, shivering as she watched Elise in a rage, tears falling incessantly.

“Always causing more harm than good!” Elise smashed another vase.

Kelsey fell to her knees with a thud, she moved to Elise, her voice choked with tears, “Mom, I don’t

want to go to the countryside, Rylan loves you so much, if you plead with him, he will let me off the


eyes were rimmed with red, a cold snort emanating from her

Elise’s eyes were ri


Did Rylan love her?

In this world, perhaps only she and Rylan truly understood why he had kept her by his side for so many


Everything was just an illusion!

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Chapter 99 She Can’t Be Allowed to Associate with Sterling Anymore

Elise shook off Keisey’s hands that were clinging to her legs and sat down on the sofa with a livid


She closed her eyes, then opened them again, the anger in her eyes had faded considerably. She

looked at Kelsey with a stern expression,

“Tomorrow, you’re going with me to the Watson family’s old house to apologize to Audrey!”

“Mom, Audrey screwed me over and you still want me to apologize to her?”

Elise’s gaze suddenly became sharp, Kelsey’s lips trembled, not daring to say anything more.

“Going back to your hometown to study is not a bad thing. You’re taking the college entrance exam

next year, and your grades have always been excellent. It won’t be difficult for you to get into Seffolk

University.” Elise’s face grew darker, her eyes rolling with black. waves, but her words were unusually

calm. “Audrey has changed, you’re no match for her now. You need to conserve your energy and work

hard on your knowledge and skills!”

“I would arrange for someone to go back to the countryside to teach you. You should learn medicine

and design well, strive to win the grand prize in the Silvershore Fashion Design Competition. After the

college entrance examination is over and you get into Seffolk University, your level will be different from


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Kelsey knew Elise’s temperament, once she made a decision, she wouldn’t easily change it!

But Kelsey was not content.

Originally, it was thought that Audrey would take a big fall this time, but she ended up being the

laughing stock of the whole school!



Chapter 99 She Can’t Be Allowed to Associate with Sterling Anymore

Not only was I expelled from Elsa Noble High School, but I also had to go back to the countryside to


Kelsey’s heart felt as if it was being fried in a pan, full of pain and hatred!

She went back to the countryside, wouldn’t Audrey be able to flirt with Sterling more recklessly?

No, she absolutely could not give Audrey that opportunity!

Even if she had to return to the countryside, before she left, she was determined to leave Audrey

without the means to flirt with Sterling again!

Elise dealt with Kelsey’s matter and then left Flowery Garden.

From a young age. Kelsey knew her mother’s expectations of her she had to excel in everything.

Weakness and tears were only to be used when necessary. In private, she had to be strong.

Kelsey had already gotten used to Elise’s indifference beneath her seemingly gentle exterior, but at this

moment, she actually needed her mother’s care and affection.

Returning to her room, Kelsey cried for a long time.

It was not until her eyes were dry from crying that she wiped away her tears and picked up her phone.

In the class group, the alumni group, all were voices criticizing her.

Kelsey left the group.

The classmates and friends who used to be close to her, very few came to comfort her after something

happened to her.
