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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self by Fleur Delacour

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 Hold Hands Under the Table

Then Kevin presented Hecate with a piece of fancy red sprinkled-gold paper containing the gift list.

Bruce muttered a curse under his breath, calling Kevin cunning and sly, then promptly took out his gift list and

enthusiastically stuffed it into Hecate’s hand. “Don’t forget mine. Please take a look together.”

Jonathan would turn 28 after the New Year, an age at which his peers would've given birth, and their children

were already studying in kindergarten.

They had fretted over Jonathan's illness, fearing any mishap, but despite all the care, his health continued to

deteriorate. Now, Jonathan finally had a girl he liked and was getting married. If they could have a child to carry

on the bloodline, they would have no regrets.

As long as they could help Jonathan marry Angela, they wouldn't begrudge any amount of betrothal gifts.

The length of Kevin's gift list was already astonishing. Now, with Bruce's added to the mix, anyone would

naturally be stunned.

Hecate nervously blushed as she couldn't read. She had only attended elementary school for a few years before

her family stopped her from studying and sent her out to work with. relatives to earn money.

“Donald, you take a look. | don’t know much about these things,” she said, passing the two lists to her husband

like a hot potato.

Donald took them and was stunned by the densely packed list. S-So many!

Upon closer inspection of the contents, he was even more dumbfounded, instinctively wanting to return them.

They couldn't possibly return the equal amount of dowry even if they drained their family’s resources. However,

another thought,made him hesitate and

withdraw his hands.

Angela was excellent, beautiful, diligent, and sensible, deserving of such a grand dowry. If her in-laws had only

prepared a few things hastily instead, that would be a cause for concern. Furthermore, the lists also reflected the

Lawson and Sanders Families’ respect for Angela.

Donald felt somewhat comforted and wanted to accept the gifts on the lists. However, just as he caround, a

hand reached out and snatched the betrothal gift lists.

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Emilia had long been restless, seeing that her son-in-law spent a long thesitating to



Chapter 90 Hold Hands Under the Table

accept the gifts and snatched the lists from him.


+5 Free Coins

She could hardly contain her delight as she looked at the dazzling array of gifts listed, and she gushed,

“Wonderful! We're especially pleased. There's nothing to change. Let's just go with this list!”

Emilia’s greedy and vulgar behavior made Hecate want to hide in embarrassment. The groom's elders are still

present! Don’t you think your behavior would make them look down on us, Angela's family?

With the Lawsons and Sanderses still present, Hecate couldn't possibly speak harshly, so, with a frown, she tried

to reason with her mother, “Mom, we've barely begun to discuss the dowry and betrothal gifts. Don't interfere


you mean

Unable to accept being rebuked, Emilia frowned with an elder’s attitude. “What do byblindly interfering?

Marriage is a major event. Although I'm not Angela's biological grandmother, | treat her like | treat Queenie! Can

| not offer any advice?! Given my age, don’t you think | know better than you young ones do? Angela’s only in

her twenties. It’s not safe for her to hold onto so much money. As her family, it’s our duty to watch over it for


Just like that, she assumed the role of an elder and unilaterally decided where the betrothal gifts should go. As

she spoke, the wrinkles on her face squeezed together, exuding the taste of greed and hypocrisy.

Everybody naturally discerned Emilia’s thoughts easily. However, Kevin and Bruce merely sipped their tea calmly

after exchanging glances.

Donald and Hecate, on the other hand, appeared grimly. Since Emilia was their elder and given the current

setting, they couldn't possibly speak harshly.

For a moment, tension filled the room until a chuckle escaped Jonathan, and he spoke up softly, “Grandma has a

point. Angela’s still young. Holding a large sum of money could indeed attract trouble.”

Seeing that Angela's fiancé, of all people, backed her up, Emilia sat upright with a triumphant smile and said,

“Only you understand that | have your best interests!”

Angela looked toward Jonathan and couldn't help reaching her hand out to remind him.

Emilia was insatiable and often used her old age to act spoiled and throw tantrums. Previously, when Angela

bought medicinal ingredients for Jonathan's diet, sinexplicably went missing, and it turned out that Emilia

had stolen them to sell for money. It would be quite a task to take things back from her once they were in her


Jonathan Lawson turned his palm over and held the young girl's delicate hand, using his.



Chapter 90 Hold Hands Under the Table

NO 12:40

thumb to gently caress the back of her hand to comfort her. Her skin tingled and went numb instantly, making

her forget what she wanted to say..

The tips of her snowy white cars turned red, and Angela absentmindedly lowered her head, staring straight at

the man holding her hand.

Jonathan and | are holding hands...

Under the table, holding the young girl's hand, Jonathan smiled, his gaze enigmatic. “In due time, | will hire a

professional manager to manage this dowry for Angela. Uncle Donald will act as the supervisor, with the monthly

profits deposited into a bank account and statements sent to Angela and Uncle Donald regularly. Only they can

access this money.

“If Uncle Donald needs assistance, Quincy can oversee it. If | remember correctly, Quincy works at a securities

firm, right?”

Quincy's dark eyes narrowed, and he looked coldly at Jonathan.

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Donald felt like he was being led by a thread. He was already shocked by the enormous value of the betrothal

gifts. Funds, stocks, and several properties-any one of them would be unattainable for them even after several

lifetimes of work. Now, whatever Jonathan suggested, Donald agreed to, his face showing a simple-mindedness.

“Alright, alright.”

Emilia’s expression turned grimly, and she screeched, “What? How can you do that?!”

Despite her blatant coveting, she still spoke righteously, “A manager is still an outsider. How can you trust him?”

Her eldest son was struggling out there, supporting his wife, educating his children, and. doing business. He

needed money everywhere. Without this betrothal money, how could she support her son?! Everything would

eventually fall into her son-in-law’s hands!

Anxious, Emilia turned to Hecate, hoping she would side with her. “Hecate, speak up! Am I right, or am | right?

Angela is still just a student. Those businessmen out there are all so cunning; she could be scammed at any


At that, she poked Angela, admonishing, “Don’t blme for criticizing you, Angela, but instead of going home,

you insisted on staying with Donald and Hecate. Money doesn’t fall from the sky; we have to fish out extra

money to feed another mouth. Would | harm you?”

Angela’s heart turned icy as she silently watched her grandmother bring up old grievances. from across the


She had indeed bothered her uncle's family by staying there, but she had also given them. several hundred for

food expenses, which all eventually ended up in Emilia’s pockets. Yet, the



Chapter 90 Hold Hands Under the Table

elderly woman seemed to have forgotten all about it.


“That's enough, Mother! Stop talking.” Donald slammed the table in frustration, forcing Emilia to stop her



Donald was known for his good temper, so Emilia was startled to see him flip out for the first. time.