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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self by Fleur Delacour

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 Linda’s Downfall

Chapter 59 Linda’s Downfall

The Ruthless Mark Saw?

He was regarded as a wealthy man in this area, a self-made millionaire who had risen in recent years and even

made appearances on television.

How could a milk tea shop with no connections possibly provoke him?

The onlookers pitied the mother and child, thinking they were doomed.

Seeing that her friends were intimidated by her father’s reputation, Linda felt relieved and instantly gained more

confidence. She looked disdainfully at her friend, who could only cry, and silently cursed her for being useless.

She almost got herself beaten!

Linda coldly stared at the crowd, arrogantly threatening, “Just you wait. I'm going to call my dad right now. None

of you who just laid hands onwill get away with it!”

“What are you barking about?” Angela opened the kitchen door, her gaze sweeping over them coldly. “Without

your dad, what are you?”

“You...” Linda was taken aback by the insult.

“You what? Can't you even speak properly? Are you stuttering? If your brain isn’t properly developed, don’t come

out and embarrass yourself!”

In this society, people bullied the weak and feared the strong, especially those who were reckless and fearless.

Angela took a cup filled with ice water from the counter, walked up to Linda, and emotionlessly splashed it on


“Ah!” Linda screamed as the cold water made her shiver. She glared at Angela with a vicious. look in her eyes,

“Angela! How dare you splash water on me!”

Her two followers were shocked.

How could Angela dare to do this?

Not only did Angela splash water on her, but she also grabbed Linda's wrist and harshly threw

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Chapter 59 Linda’s Downfall

Linda was stunned, then becfurious. “What do you mean? What do my parents have to do with you!”

Facing Linda's anger, Angela seemed much more relaxed. “Your dad has been implicated in the embezzlement of

public funds in the Rosadale project and is under investigation. If you go hnow, you might still be able to

see him before he’s taken into custody. Also, comfort your mom: don’t let her do anything foolish.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Linda could hardly contain her anger, wishing she could tear Angela's

face apart. How dare she curse her parents!

“Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, you'll find out when you go home.”

After Angela finished speaking indifferently, it didn’t seem like she was lying. For a moment, Linda's two

followers looked at each other, thinking she might be telling the truth.

If she was telling the truth, wouldn't the Saw Group be ruined? Wouldn't Linda’s family go bankrupt, and she

would no longer be a young heiress?

Not only these two, but the onlookers also started discussing, looking at Linda with meaningful glances.

Linda was furious. She had always been the spoiled heiress of the Saw Group. When had anyone dared to

humiliate her like this? She reached out to grab a glass cup next to her, intending to smash it on Angela’s face,

hoping to scar Angela’s beautiful face so she could never show it in public again!

Just as she reached out, the wall TV in the milk tea shop finished playing a series, and suddenly, a news

report con.

“Mark Saw, the president of the Riverdon Saw Group, is implicated in multiple charges. including bribery and

embezzlement of public funds in the Rosadale construction project, and is now under investigation by the

Riverdon Public Security...”

Linda was shocked, looking up at the small TV. The news showed her father, Mark, being handcuffed and taken

away by two police officers.


Her face turned pale. Her body felt like it had fallen into an ice cave, even colder than when she was splashed

with ice water.

Was their Saw Group... going to go bankrupt?

At this time, others also noticed the news and began to cheer.



Chapter 59 Linda’s Downfall

“Serves her right! Who told her to be so arrogant? This is karma!

A dark light flashed in the eyes of Linda's two followers.

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The Saw Group was facing difficulties, and Linda would no longer be a young heiress. They wouldn't have to

tolerate her bad temper any longer.

“Miss Linda, could you please move? Don’t tellyou still have the tto chat with our staff about the Saw

Family's gossip.” Angela reminded Linda.

Initially, Angela didn’t know Linda, but when she mentioned Mark, it jogged her memory.

In her previous life, there was a family named Saw in the business circle. At that time, Linda, who was the

daughter of the Saw Family, was her classmate at Riverdon University. However, shortly after the speech

competition, the Saw Family was found guilty of bribery and embezzlement of public funds, resulting in their


Mark Saw, the head of the Saw Family, was subsequently imprisoned, and his wife attempted suicide by jumping

off a building. Although she survived, she was left severely disabled. Their spoiled son and daughter were

completely incapable of turning their lives around. Even their remaining money was swindled by their so-called

friends and relatives. Linda managed to struggle through her third year in university before dropping out due to

financial difficulties.

In her previous life, Angela had only heard about this incident. She never expected that in this life, the person

causing her trouble would be this young heiress.

Remembering who Linda was, Angela was not afraid of Linda causing trouble.

Linda trembled all over. Upon hearing Angela’s voice, Linda seemed to snap out of a nightmare and shrieked,

“Angela, how dare you curse my family! Go to hell!”

With that, she grabbed a glass from the side.

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Before she could throw it, one of her followers suddenly snatched the glass from her hand, apologized to the

shop, and forcefully dragged her out.

Linda struggled like a madwoman, “Maxine, how dare you drag me!”

The girl known as Maxine Kine glared at her. “Linda, if you had hit someone just now, were you planning to have

us join your family in jail?”

These two followers had always been submissive in front of Linda. When had they ever dared to talk to her in

such a manner? Linda was taken aback by Maxine’s audacity and instinctively raised her hand to slap her.



Chapter 59 Linda’s Downfall


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Maxine brushed away her hand and sneered, “Linda, let go of your unpleasant attitude. Do you still think you're

the privileged young heiress you once were? With everyone eager to flatter and indulge you? Can't you see the

reality? You're now the daughter of a corrupt criminal!”

“Exactly, a fallen phoenix is no match for a chicken. Linda, if it weren't for the money, who would want to play

along with your pretense? You've offended so many people at school, your judgment day is coming. Just you

wait!” another girl added gleefully.

Linda couldn't believe how quickly her friends had turned against her, let alone their low opinion of her. She had

spent a significant amount of money on them in the past!

“You...” She was so angry that her fingers trembled. She pointed at the two girls, wanting to curse at them, but

they just rolled their eyes and walked away, arm in arm, gleefully gossiping about Linda’s bad habits. Their

familiarity with the topic suggested that they had badmouthed her countless times behind her back.

She was so furious that she wanted to curse, but the news on the TV continued to broadcast, and soon she was

trembling all over.

It was over... her days of being a haughty young heiress were completely over!