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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self by Fleur Delacour

Chapter 497
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Chapter 497 Bully The Weak And Fear The Strong Chapter 497 Bully The Weak And Fear The Strong +5 Free Cuir When the police heard Yarrison's words, they only responded with a professional smile before turning to leave. After the officer left, Yarrison quickly shared the good news with Jonathan.

He walked toward the entrance of the police station with the bodyguard that Jonathan had assigned to him. Then, he pondered the current situation before dialing Jonathan's number.

Once the call connected,, his voice sounded somewhat cold.

"Has Angela entered the examination room?" Yarrison could sense Jonathan's impatience and assumed Angela was not with him.

He had witnessed Jonathan's different attitudes when Angela was present and when she wasn't, and he had grown accustomed to it.

"Yes." Jonathan replied shortly. "How's the situation at the police station? Have you made any progress?" Yarrison's mood changed instantly upon hearing his inquiry. He responded, “There's no need forto intervene. He won't be released anytsoon.

When he received Jonathan's plea for help, he had been thinking about how to ensure that Kaydron wouldn't just be detained but would be sentenced to prison directly.

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However, he hadn't expected that Kaydron would land himself in trouble.

Just as he had said before, it was a pleasant surprise.

"What happened to him?" Jonathan showed rare interest and actively asked for details.

Yarrison didn't continue to hide anything and immediately informed Jonathan about what he had heard at the police station.

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh, “I didn't expect that Kaydron would be so bold as to touch drugs. I heard there's quite a bit of it. He won't be getting out anytsoon.

"Hmm." Jonathan responded affirmatively after Yarrison's lengthy explanation. "If anything else requires cooperation with the police, contactagain.

With that statement, he intended to end the call "Hey. Wait a minute. Yarrison heard Jonathan's somewhat cold response and realized he 111 1/4 10.17 Fri, 3 May Chapter 497 Bully The Weak And Fear The Strong wanted to hang up. He said helplessly, "Is that your only reaction?" +5 Free Coms "What else do you expect?" Jonathan's voice was cold and lazy. He added, "If you're free, you can continue to investigate the connection between Fanny and Kaydron." Yarrison had been investigating the connection between Fanny and Kaydron before.

However, the extent of their relationship was mostly acquaintanceship and ssocial interaction. There was no evidence to implicate Fanny in Kaydron's crimes.

"The evidence I've found so far isn't enough to incriminate Fanny. And it seems that Kaydron hasn't mentioned Fanny to the police on his end. Tsk, Yarrison clicked his tongue involuntarily when he mentioned that Kaydron hadn't implicated Fanny.

Jonathan also guessed that starting from what Kaydron had done, it was probably unlikely to find any evidence against Fanny. So, his tone remained indifferent. "Well. Do Our best." Yarrison was long accustomed to Jonathan's way of doing things but still couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you curious at all?" "Curious about what?" Jonathan inquired.

did he get those drugs? Do you really think Kaydron could have obtained them by himself?" Yarrison doubted that even if Kaydron could, he wouldn't dare with his timid and cowardly nature.

Jonathan casually remarked, "If you're interested, you can help the police investigate this matter." Upon hearing this, Yarrison hurriedly waved his hand, realizing Jonathan couldn't see him, and said, "Forget it. Let Kaydron stay inside and behave himself." On the other end, Fanny completely forgot about Kaydron after ending the call with him.

However, she was still hesitating whether to first discuss with Jonathan the plans and arrangements for returning to Riverdon or to first discuss with Christopher how to deceive Florence about returning to Riverdon.

As she hesitated, Florence's phone call unexpectedly cfirst.

She felt as if the-phone was burning in her hand when she saw the non the phone. She wished she could throw it away immediately.

But she couldn't ignore Florence's call.

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Chapter 497 Bully The Weak And Fear The Strong She took a deep breath and nervously pressed the answer button.

"Miss Shelton." She was too nervous and scared to start with the usual "hello." But even so, when the other person spoke, she was so tense that her body trembled.

"Cover. Your ride is waiting at the door." +5 FreeIt wasn't Florence's voice but the voice of the man who always accompanied her. Fanny remembered that he stood indifferently next to Florence when she was beaten last time.

"Okay." Fanny didn't dare hesitate and quickly agreed.

Fanny relaxed slightly after the man hung up.

She didn't dare linger at home, quickly heading toward the door.

But as soon as Fanny stepped out of the bedroom, she saw Zacharias slowly wheeling his wheelchair out.

And Zacharias' original direction was toward her room.

"Fanny, you're awake. I cto look for you, Let's go see the results together." Although no one else was in the living room, Zacharias didn't dare to speak too directly.

After all, they had gone for the compatibility test yesterday without informing the rest of the family.

As one of the parties involved, Fanny naturally knew what Zacharias meant by the results. But she didn't have the tto accompany him to the hospital now,