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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self by Fleur Delacour

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102 Shameless Declan

Chapter 102 Shameless Declan

“Give it to me!” Before he could answer, the phone was snatched away by Winter, who pressed the answer


Declan chuckled, then asked, “What did the lab say?”

A few seconds later, Winter, biting her lip tightly, abruptly hung up the phone as her fingers trembled with anger.

She angrily threw the phone onto the table and stormed off crying.

The phone landed with a thud. Declan screamed in distress and he hurriedly grabbed the phone. After patting it

to check if it was okay, he was glad the phone was not damaged.

“Girls nowadays are so hot-tempered and not gentle at all!” he muttered under his breath.

Since Winter was so furious, it proved that the lab results cout positive for poisoning.

And just like Angela said, it was the poison from the Vomicaefera plant.

He just checked the book and discovered that the Vomicaefera, a legume, had mild effects on clearing the liver,

improving eyesight, and strengthening the spleen. However, if it was used more than 30g, it could cause severe


Declan turned around and looked at Angela, who was sitting idle beside him, and thought that this girl was quite


The vomicaefera plant is such an obscure herb, yet she can blurt it out so eloquently. | wonder how well- versed

she is in pharmacology.

After treating the patient in his hands, Declan turned back to Angela and asked, “The poison is complex, so how

did you diagnose it so quickly?”

Angela furrowed her brows and looked a little puzzled by his question. “Isn't it easy to diagnose? It was quite

obvious from the start, wasn’t it?”

After identifying the sig


of poisoning, isn’t it difficult to diagnose? Declan Lambert blinked his

Feeling somewhat belittled by the young girl, but determined to focus on his academic research, he decided to

put aside his pride, ask humbly, and continue learning. “But pharmacology is complex and symptoms can be

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

very similar. How were you able to determine it at a glance?”

Even he struggled to diagnose it immediately.

Chapter 102 Shameless Declan

How did you manage to diagnose it so swifily?

No wonder Winter was so angry. The pair seemed like a prearranged act, solely meant to highlight Angela's

exceptional medical skills.

Many renowned doctors had cfor this charity clinic, and the students they brought along valued this

opportunity very much, and would rack their brains to stand out.

And here was Angela, just a sophomore student. Who wouldn't envy her?

Angela blinked her bright eyes and said earnestly, “I just need to memorize pharmacology.”

“You've memorized pharmacology?” Declan rubbed his cars, doubting if he had heard correctly. “You're quite

amusing, Angela, quite the jokester.”

“Oh, I have. I've been studying it for many years,” she said earnestly, with a hint of playfulness.

in her tone.

Her nonchalant and confident demeanor emitted a sense of credibility, making it hard not to believe her, even if

she seemed to be boasting.

Angela was not exaggerating. Her grandmother left her a lot of books, and she never got married in her entire

life. She dedicated her life to serving the Kins Family, never had a job, and the only thing she could spend her

ton was reading the medical books left by her grandmother.

Moreover, for the sake of Zacharias’ illness, she sacrificed sleep daily to pore over medical books to search for

ways to treat him.

Her grandmother's clinic, with fair prices and effective medicine, attracted many patients. During the years she

spent with her grandmother, besides memorizing pharmacology and prescriptions, she was forced to learn about

herbal medicine by observing her grandmother treat patients.

No matter how foolish a person might be, after memorizing something for decades, it becingrained in their

mind and they could recall it instantly.

Declan couldn’t help but believe it. He clicked his tongue, borrowed a copy of “Compendium. of Materia Medica”

from a colleague, and tested Angela by casually flipping to a page, asking, “What is the function of


Angela’s mind worked like a computer as she took a moment to consider before responding. “Polygonatum has a

sweet and salty taste, with a cold nature and non-toxic properties. It's primarily used for treating abscesses,

burns, and scalds when prepared as a decoction and applied externally...”



Chapter 102 Shameless Declan


She recited it word for word and that made Declan’s excitement grow gradually. He enthusiastically tested her on

several more, even switching to a different book and asking one question per page.

The result was the same: Angela recited everything flawlessly.

Afterwards, his gaze toward her changed, as if she was a cherished treasure.

My god, what a talented individual and a gem in the medical field!

Seeing the dozen or so patients still waiting. Declan stood up and offered his seat to Angela.

He pulled up an extra chair and settled in beside her. Then, he calmly unscrewed the lid of his thermos, took a

sip, and said in a composed tone, “Angela, you handle the consultations and I'll be here to oversee things.”

After he said that, he addressed the patients behind him. “As you've just witnessed, this young lady’s skills are

undeniable. She's as capable as | am. If there's any issue, feel free to cmy office anytime.”

The remaining patients hesitated briefly, then thought, Well, we'll let the young lady have a look


After all, it was a charity clinic. If she couldn't solve the problem, they could always cto


In one queue, two patients were seen and so far, no harm was done.

Angela pursed her lips, gazed mournfully at Declan swinging his legs casually, and whispered, “Professor

Lambert, you just want to finish work early, don’t you?”

“What are you talking about? I’m giving you young people an opportunity to practice. Your should be grateful!”

Angela sighed and sat down reluctantly. She began to call out the patients’ queue numbers, “Medical records

here, right hand, letcheck your pulse...

Declan and Charlotte shared a similar trait: they both had a penchant for assigning tasks to her whenever they

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

felt like slacking off, and would disguise their laziness as ‘training.

Thus, when Noah wrapped up his hectic duties and brought Louis over, this was the scene that greeted them.

Angela sat in the attending doctor's seat, calmly taking pulses, inquiring about symptoms, and then prescribing




98% 11:17

Chapter 102 Shameless Declan

Meanwhile, Declan was leisurely drinking tea and reading the newspaper on the side.

+5 Free Coina

Noah couldn't stand it anymore. He walked over angrily and grabbed Declan. “What are you. doing?”

Declan was caught off guard by Noah's intense stare. He flinched before clearing his throat and asserting. “I'm

fostering Angela’s independence.”

“Rubbish! She's perfectly capable on her own. Why don’t you cand assist me? I'm so busy that | barely even

have tto grab a sip of water, while you're lounging around like a king!”

Noah clenched his teeth. Declan was there to assist students, not leave them to do all the work.

“No, | just sat down to take a break, and the next second you cover,” Declan explained with a smile as he

tried to bluff his way out.

Noah sneered coldly and ruthlessly exposed him. “I've been watching you for three minutes. You've been

enjoying yourself and flipping through the newspaper!”

At that remark, Declan snorted and chose to play dead.

Upon shifting his gaze to Angela, who was still engrossed in her diagnosis, Declan’s eyes darted around. He

grabbed Noah's arm and pleaded, “Noah, lettake Angela under my wing. | promise to treat her well!”

He's offering up all his years of expertise!

Noah was taken aback by the latter's audacity. He pushed away Declan’s hand on his arm, as if it was

contaminated with skind of bacteria, and backed away.

He reached out to stop him from getting closer. “Do you even realize what nonsense you’re spouting?”

Meanwhile, on the side, Louis, who had been silent all along, glanced in Angela’s direction, his eyes dark and
