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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 2080: Asked Nicely
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Chapter 2080 Asked Nicely

After discussing the details with Ivar, Sam went back to the Olympian region. The Elders acted faster than he thought. They decided on the person to send to check up on this source of information. That guy would be leaving that night and luckily, Ivar will be arriving by afternoon and Sam could program the signature of the guy that Ivar needs to chase.

As he was waiting for it, he is surprised by a new development. He got a notification from the Hub. The Dean of the Zeus Academy requested a meeting with Joker. Along with that came another notification from Christos.

Sam let his Joker projection meet Christos who is waiting there in the hub.

"What is it, Christos?"

"Sir, I got information that the Dean of our Academy is going to try and contact you. He might ask you for a meeting."

"Oh? He already contacted me and asked for a meeting. I already agreed to meet him this evening. Why do you care about this?"

"You already agreed?" There is a hint of distress in Christos' tone.

"Yeah, why?"

"Sir, the Dean might ask you regarding the special training program. I think he will ask you about admitting more people into the special training program."

"Really? Why would he do that and how do you know?"

"Some students went to the Dean and asked him for a recommendation to join in the program. They bought the announcement we made with that instructor and they believed the dean's recommendation would definitely get them a spot.

So, now Dean is coming to ask you about the admissions."

"Okay, that is fine and all. But I still didn't get an answer from you. Why does this concern you?"

Christos was tongue-tied for a second.

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"I… I just wanted to know if you are going to take in more people and wanted to give you some suggestions regarding the admission process if you are planning on it."

Christos tried to search for the words in his mind quickly, to make sure that he didn't sound like he wanted Joker to not take any admissions at all.

Even though that is what he wanted to say.

The whole point of the Noble League's ridiculous contract with the Hub is for them to gain an upper hand amongst their peers. They want to stand ahead above the rest of the realm. But if Joker takes in more students, then there is no point to this.

"Christos, remember this. The admission, special training program or any other matter regarding Hub or me, is of no concern to you. You have no right to even discuss these things much less offer suggestions.

So, never try this.

And it would do you good to remember that you do not try to use me for some faction crap that you are running in the realm. Hub and I will stay away from this now and always. So, don't bring this topic again, or I might have to terminate the contract entirely."

With that Joker's projection disappeared entirely.

Sam is satisfied with this response from Christos. The level of panic showed by Christos reflects how high the stakes he placed on the hub.

That afternoon Ivar came as planned. Sam programmed the target. Ivar waited in the region for their departure.

In the evening, within the Hub Dean of the Zeus Academy arrived. Joker's projection is sitting in the chair waiting for him.

"Good to see you, Dean. I didn't expect a sudden meeting with you. What can I do for you?"

"Well, it is kind of an urgent matter."

"Please, do tell me. I will help you to the best of my ability."

The Dean chuckled and replied.

"Please don't make such promises with me. This old man might hold you to that."

"Please, Dean. Ask."

The Dean stopped beating around the bush and spoke.

"I want to talk to you about the Special training program that you are running. What are the criteria for a student to be admitted to it?"

"Not much actually. Why do you ask?"

"Some of the students of our academy are very willing to enter this special program. So, I want to request you to open up a few more admissions."

"May I ask, why you are making such a request?"

"There are a few reasons. The most important one is, that I see the benefits of the training and right now it is being hoarded by a specific group of people. I know that I don't have any right to tell you who to take into your program.

But right now, knowingly or unknowingly you are tipping the power balance of the whole region and even the whole realm.

Some students are lagging behind, while some are taking advantage of this to the fullest."

Joker paused and spoke.

"I can understand what you mean. Even if I want to take in more students, the price for it is not something that people can bear easily. Even Christos and his friends are paying a lot and I am sure you know what the price is."

"I understand. But don't you think the biased situation right now might result in a wide difference between the students? I don't know to what extent the rivalry will go.

If you can open up the admission, you can set criteria for the students. If they pass it, you can let them take it at the same price Christos and the rest are paying.

If they don't pass the criteria that you gave, then they can only blame themselves. At least, this way they have a chance to try."

Joker thought for a few moments and a sigh escaped his mouth.

"The only reason I took in Christos and his friends or what people called them the Noble League is because they are the only ones who asked.

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My only goal is to help people here, I didn't have any other reason. And since I already stepped on this path of special training, I don't see why I have to restrict more students from taking it. There is not really a need for criteria here. They just need to sign the contract just like the kids from Noble League did. If they can do that, they can be a part of this program."

The Dean is delighted by the response. He thought he would need a lot of persuasion to make Joker agree to this. He didn't expect that the task would be so simple.

He smiled and asked.

"Can I get a copy of that contract? I will put it up in the Academy and let the students make their own decision."

"No problem."

With a thought, a scroll flew over and hovered in front of the Dean. He put in his storage, thanked Joker once again, and left.

The next day, an announcement was made in the Zeus Academy.

For the students of the Zeus Academy, the special training program has been opened up and all they need to do is sign a contract provided by the Hub. It is open for students of all grades. From grade 1 to Grade 4.

The students went and saw the terms of the contract on the scroll that was hung at the notice board of the Zeus Academy.

Dumbfounded is an understatement to describe the reaction of the students. The payment of coins is one thing, the other conditions that will be triggered if they cannot pay the coins made them question the choice.

However, there are always those impulsive people who act up on things without thinking. Within an hour after the announcement, a bunch of people came running to the Hub to sign the contract. Once these people came, most of the people followed like sheep. Sam gained the attendance of almost every freshman from the Zeus Academy by afternoon. A lot of Grade 2 students also did the same.

Grade 3 has a decent attendance, but the Grade 4 are few and far in between. Apart from the Noble league people the rest are still contemplating. One of the reasons is the coins they need to pay is pretty high.

However, this is not what delighted Sam the most.

The reaction of the other academy students to this sudden opening is what delighted him.

The students of the other academies, including the Gambler Academy are trying to get into the program. But they didn't succeed because they didn't know full details and Sam deliberately made it hard for them to inquire about it in the Hub.

So, now that they saw the Zeus Academy students managed to find a way to get in, they ran to their respective Deans.

Of course, these swarms of people were led by Sam's friends themselves. Just like how Vidyuth asked the Dean of Zeus Academy, the rest of his friends asked the Deans of their respective Academies.

That night, they went to meet the Dean of Zeus Academy and demanded him to let them know the secret to reach a deal with the Hub.

Dean of course had an answer prepared.

"Ask him nicely."