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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64 I Want to Marry Her

In the afternoon, a car from Meriwether Mansion came to pick Emmeline up.

The driver was not Adrien.

Emmeline later found out that Adrien had drunk a little too much the night before, and he was

recovering from a hangover.

Emmeline felt somewhat disappointed.

Oh god, why must that guy be my son's father? Wouldn't Abel be better?

By now, Meriwether Mansion was full of guests.

Landen and Lewis, Oscar's two sons, had returned from abroad.

The only person missing was Adam Ryker, Landen's oldest son.

He was the most promising candidate of the next generation to take the helm, but Oscar had

disqualified him at the last moment.

Adam resented his grandfather for that, and he did not show up to family gatherings since then.

Landed was overjoyed to find out he had three extra four-year-old grandsons. Oscar was very happy

about it too.

It did not matter who the three boys' father was. Most importantly, they were his great-grandsons.

In contrast, Lewis' family was lesser in numbers.

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Rosaline was forcing a smile, and Alana was pushing her stomach outward to attract attention.

She was less than two months pregnant, and it was hard to see the bump.

Abel stood some distance away, acting as though what was going on had nothing to do with him.

In the ofternoon, o cor from Meriwether Monsion come to pick Emmeline up.

The driver wos not Adrien.

Emmeline loter found out thot Adrien hod drunk o little too much the night before, ond he wos

recovering from o hongover.

Emmeline felt somewhot disoppointed.

Oh god, why must thot guy be my son's fother? Wouldn't Abel be better?

By now, Meriwether Monsion wos full of guests.

Londen ond Lewis, Oscor's two sons, hod returned from obrood.

The only person missing wos Adom Ryker, Londen's oldest son.

He wos the most promising condidote of the next generotion to toke the helm, but Oscor hod

disquolified him ot the lost moment.

Adom resented his grondfother for thot, ond he did not show up to fomily gotherings since then.

Londed wos overjoyed to find out he hod three extro four-yeor-old grondsons. Oscor wos very hoppy

obout it too.

It did not motter who the three boys' fother wos. Most importontly, they were his greot-grondsons.

In controst, Lewis' fomily wos lesser in numbers.

Rosoline wos forcing o smile, ond Alono wos pushing her stomoch outword to ottroct ottention.

She wos less thon two months pregnont, ond it wos hord to see the bump.

Abel stood some distonce owoy, octing os though whot wos going on hod nothing to do with him.

The three boys were dressed in identical black suits, and their hair was combed backward neatly. They

looked cute and handsome.

Everyone cheered when they made their appearance.

Julianna was on cloud nine and could not stop smiling. Wrinkles appeared on her botoxed face.

"Sun, Moon, and Star's mother deserves to be rewarded for blessing the Ryker family with three

grandsons!" Landen said. "Adrien will also hold a grand wedding reception!"

Julianna smiled even wider when she heard that. As Adrien's mother, she was very proud.

Oscar said, "I'll reward Adrien's wife-to-be too! She has graced our family with three direct


"I agree!" Adrien yelled while stumbling down the stairs. "I love Emmeline! I want to marry her!"

"That's right, my son!" Julianna said happily. "Who knows if she'll bear another set of triplets when she

gets pregnant again? I'd love to have some granddaughters!"

"I will win her heart!" Adrien said confidently.

Juliana and Adrien exchanged a high-five. "Good luck!"

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The mood in Lewis' family became even more somber.

Rosaline was indignant. Meriwether Mansion plans to take Emmeline in, and they want Emmeline to

bear more children for them! How annoying!

Emmeline also pulled a long face. Must I give birth to another set of triplets?

Alana was furious. Emmeline doesn't deserve this treatment! I've been trying to get Abel's attention for

many years, but Levan Mansion still hasn't taken me in yet! Look at Abel standing there. He's

deliberately ignoring me!

Alana had never felt so bad before.

"Alana is pregnant too!" Alondra spoke up for her niece. "In a few months, Alana will grace the Ryker

family with another grandchild. She hasn't gone for her check-up, but who knows? She might give birth

to twins or even triplets too!"

Alana played along. She lowered her head shyly and gently touched her flat abdomen.

Rosaline dragged Abel over. "Abel, you should find some time and register your marriage with Alana.

It's time to add a new member to Levan Mansion!"

Abel did not say anything. His face was as frigid and harsh as an ice sculpture.

Alana turned her gaze toward him and instantly gasped.

Abel was dressed in the cheap black suit Emmeline had bought him the day before!

The head of Ryker Group and one of the most influential figures in Struyria was dressed in a mass-

produced, hundred-dollar suit!