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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54

"Why can't I be here?" Abel snorted coldly.

"You've made Alana pregnant. You're no longer eligible to see Emmeline!" Adrien growled.

"Alana's pregnancy has nothing to do with me!"

"I don't believe you!"

"I'm telling the truth!"

"You just dare not admit it!"

"If Alana is smart, she should clarify quickly. Otherwise, she will be disgraced as soon as the child is


After hanging up the call, Abel sneered and called Luca.

"Mr. Abel, any order?" Luca was strolling in the parking lot opposite the coffee shop when he received

Abel's call. Luca hurriedly connected it.

"Call the most famous media in Struyria. Stating emphatically that Alana's pregnancy has nothing to do

with me!"

Luca was stunned for a moment. Then, he responded, "Yes, Mr. Abel!"

To be honest, Luca did not know if Alana's pregnancy had anything to do with Abel. But since Abel

ordered him to make an announcement, he could only do so.

After hanging up the phone, Luca immediately called the most influential media in Struyria. Within a few

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minutes, a piece of news became the top trending topic on the internet.

"Abel Ryker, the president of the Ryker Group, publicly stated that Alana Lane's pregnancy had nothing

to do with him."

Seeing this statement, Alana almost fainted from fright.

Abel doesn't even want to admit that he touched me! How could he be so heartless? Abel is very

irresponsible! It might not be his child, but how could he even deny he has slept with me?!

"Why con't I be here?" Abel snorted coldly.

"You've mode Alono pregnont. You're no longer eligible to see Emmeline!" Adrien growled.

"Alono's pregnoncy hos nothing to do with me!"

"I don't believe you!"

"I'm telling the truth!"

"You just dore not odmit it!"

"If Alono is smort, she should clorify quickly. Otherwise, she will be disgroced os soon os the child is


After honging up the coll, Abel sneered ond colled Luco.

"Mr. Abel, ony order?" Luco wos strolling in the porking lot opposite the coffee shop when he received

Abel's coll. Luco hurriedly connected it.

"Coll the most fomous medio in Struyrio. Stoting emphoticolly thot Alono's pregnoncy hos nothing to do

with me!"

Luco wos stunned for o moment. Then, he responded, "Yes, Mr. Abel!"

To be honest, Luco did not know if Alono's pregnoncy hod onything to do with Abel. But since Abel

ordered him to moke on onnouncement, he could only do so.

After honging up the phone, Luco immediotely colled the most influentiol medio in Struyrio. Within o few

minutes, o piece of news become the top trending topic on the internet.

"Abel Ryker, the president of the Ryker Group, publicly stoted thot Alono Lone's pregnoncy hod nothing

to do with him."

Seeing this stotement, Alono olmost fointed from fright.

Abel doesn't even wont to odmit thot he touched me! How could he be so heortless? Abel is very

irresponsible! It might not be his child, but how could he even deny he hos slept with me?!

Alana made a phone call to Alondra and complained about Abel.

Alondra said, "Why are you panicking? As long as Abel has slept with you, he won't be able to deny

this matter! Maybe Abel is the child's father! Even if he's not, you can ask Cristopher to give you a fake

paternity test, make the child become his!"

"But why did Abel deny that he has slept with me?" Alana almost cried. "I'm sure that he slept with me

that night!"

"Abel just didn't want to admit it in front of Emmeline." Alondra sneered. "He is a rich man in Struyria.

He won't help you to bully Emmeline in public. So the public opinion won't be against him!"

"Then what should I do?" Alana was confused now. She felt that she was in a difficult situation.

"It's more beneficial to you," Alondra said, "You just act like a victim and blame Emmeline. For the sake

of the child, Rosaline will stand by your side. Emmeline's situation will become worse at that time!"

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"You're right!" Alana finally understood what Alondra meant. "Isn't this a blessing in disguise? The

Ryker family won't be willing to lose their reputation. Old Mr. Ryker will ask Abel to marry me for the

sake of his great-grandson! Even if Old Mr. Ryker wants Abel to marry Wonder Doctor, he can't insist

on his plan now. Otherwise, the Ryker family will feel ashamed when my belly becomes bigger."

"So you have nothing to fear," Alondra said, "I'll ask the media to your place. You should talk to them."


Emmeline woke up the next day.

I feel dizzy. How much did I drink yesterday?

Emmeline had been sleeping since yesterday afternoon until now. She was still in a daze. The first

thing she did was pick up her phone to check the time.

Ah, it's late to send kids to school! Oh my God! I'm a terrible mommy!

"Kids, it's time for school! Hurry up! We're late!"

Emmeline rushed toward the children's bedroom but did not see them. Their three small beds were

neat and clean.

Where are they? Where are my triplets?

Just as Emmeline was stunned, a cold voice came from behind.

"The children were picked up by Adrien yesterday. They've already gone to school. I've asked Luca to

go see them in the kindergarten."

Emmeline turned around abruptly and saw Abel standing at the door in a chic and dignified manner.

Then, she frowned when she saw him carrying two convenience bags.

These two convenience bags are out of place with this god-like man.

"Why are you here?" Emmeline was so annoyed that she wanted to roll up her sleeves.