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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3037
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Chapter 3037

Tara's smile froze on her face. She glanced sheepishly at Joshua, then let out an awkward cough. "Well, I'm not

hungry at all. I just wanted to know if you guys were. Well, if none of us want to eat, we don't have to go anywhere.

Shall I send you all to the hotel now?”

"There's no need for that." Gwen chuckled as she glanced at Tara. "We can find our way. Feel free to attend to your

own duties, Ms. Moore."

Luna nodded in agreement, then turned to smile at Joshua. ” Aren't you here to help Tara out with her business?

The fact that she came as soon as we landed must mean there's something urgent that requires your help, why

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don’t you follow her back to the office while Gwen and I go to the hotel ourselves?"

Tara's entire face lit up when she heard this. "That's a great idea!"

With that, she could not help adding, "You're such an open- minded person, Luna! If this had happened to someone

else, she would misinterpret my intentions as trying to get close to her husband and would refuse to let Joshua

come with me! I'm certainly impressed by how trusting and generous you are, Luna!"

"Are you implying that you work frequently with other people's husbands, Tara?" Gwen raised her brows

suggestively and snickered. "Why else would you be so

familiar with this situation, then?"

Everyone fell silent.

Tara widened her eyes in shock, clearly stunned that Gwen would dare to speak to her so rudely. "What did you just

say? w

"You heard me just fine, Ms. Moore." Gwen smiled. "I'm sure you don't need me to repeat myself."

With that, she stifled a yawn and added, "I also heard that the Moore family is one of the most powerful and

influential families in this city. I know you're adopted, Ms. Moore, but I refuse to believe that they'd neglect to help

cure you if you suffer from early-onset hearing impairment."

Tara was so infuriated by Gwen's snarky comment that she immediately whipped her head around to stare at

Joshua." Joshua! Did you hear what she just said to me? Do something!"

Joshua could not help chuckling when he saw how red Tara's face was from her anger. "She's just messing with you.

Besides, she's Luna's friend, and I'm certainly in no place to reprimand her."

With that, he glanced at the time and stared at Tara solemnly. "Tara, I've already told you not to come pick us up

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when we arrive, and yet you did so anyway.

"Is there truly a reason for you to be here, or are you just playing hooky again? Didn't I tell you before that the key

to running a successful company is to treat it like your second home and show up, no matter rain or shine? Have


forgotten everything I taught you?"

Tara's heart sank when she heard this. She bit her lip nervously, then replied rather hesitantly, "Is that what you

think of me, Joshua? Of course I remember everything you told me, but there's a reason I came all the way here to

pick you guys up...

"If you don't want Luna to be upset for leaving with me, you can just be upfront with me or even feel free to invite

Luna along... Please don't think of me as such a despicable person