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Prime Originator

Chapter 331 - Battle At Darkmoon City
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Chapter 331 - Battle At Darkmoon City

After the Bone Army spotted the Darkmoon Tribe, they continue to charge with full momentum. The battle had already started when they were summoned from the Black Swamp and given the order to kill all humans.

The Bone Army was relentless and inexhaustible. They did not know what it means to tire. Their only will is the will to execute commands given to them.

As the Bone Army closed in on Darkmoon City, the people of the Darkmoon Tribe did not stay idle either. They had been waiting on the city walls ever since the colossal demon figure's powerful voice rippled across the surrounding regions.

"The Bone Calamity is here! Let us show them the might of our Darkmoon Tribe. Charge out with me, Brothers and Sisters!" A bulky man with a terrifying scar on his face shouted in a deep but penetrating voice.

The person with the terrifying scar on his face was one of the Great Warriors of Darkmoon Tribe. Under his leadership, the Darkmoon Tribe people leaped off the city walls and charged at the incoming Bone Army fearlessly.

"Everyone, follow Big Brother Scarface's lead!"


With an earthshaking war cry, the Darkmoon Tribe people had their blood pumping with excitement as their battle spirits were raised to the peak.

The warriors of the Darkmoon Tribe were not used to fighting passively. Even if their Darkmoon Tribe of 20 thousand odd warriors were vastly outnumbered by the million-strong enemy, they would not shy away from the battlefield.

How can they display their valor if they stayed behind on the city wall while everyone else was fighting at the forefront of the battlefield?

The competitive spirit of the warriors did not allow them to fall behind. When one person charged, the rest followed. No one stayed behind.


A shadowy figured dropped from the sky and landed at the forefront of the battlefield with a heavy boom. As the dust settled, the tall figure of Chief Valencia holding her Tyrant Bone Halberd became visible.

"Hahaha! The warriors of my Darkmoon Tribe do not shy away from a battle of such grand scale. How can I, the Chief, dare to fall behind them?!" Chief Valencia spoke wildly on the battlefield.

Her overpowering presence immediately dampened the pressure of the incoming Bone Army and raised the morale of the Darkmoon Tribe to greater heights.


"The Chief is here to join us!"

The Darkmoon Tribe warriors all cheered.

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"Hahaha! Even the Chief has joined us! You all better not embarrass yourself, ya hear me?! Show these wretched things that are neither dead nor alive the might of the Darkmoon Tribe's warriors!" Another warrior spoke in a deep and powerful voice.

This person was another Great Warrior of the Darkmoon Tribe. He wielded an excellent battle mace that kind of looks like a giant garden lamppost, but the sheer weight and power behind this weapon was not to be looked down upon.

Although the Great Warrior made the weapon look light as a feather, the battle mace weighed 3000-jin.

Many warriors had physical strength exceeding 3000-jins, and this might not seem like a lot of weight, but just because a weapon can be lifted, it did not mean it could be used.

To use the heavy battle mace as easily as the Great Warrior, they would need a physical strength of 30000-jins or greater.

"Big Brother Blackbear is also here!"

"Ahh, I am so excited! Under Big Brother Blackbear's lead, everyone!"

These warriors were not in the same location as Chief Valencia. As such, they naturally followed under Great Warrior Blackbear's leadership on the battlefield.

They were on the southeast side, while the main Bone Army came from the southmost direction. However, the Bone Army quickly spread out to surround their Darkmoon City.

Very shortly, both sides collided with great force as they battled furiously!


Great Warrior Blackbear swept away dozens of Bone Soldiers with a mighty swing of this excellent battle mace. The Bone Soldiers were not his opponent at all!

"Hahaha! Come! This is not even enough for me to break a sweat! At this rate, I alone can take on a 100 Bone Knights!" Blackbear boasted boisterously. His voice could be heard a few dozen miles away!


On the southmost parts of Darkmoon City's outskirts, dozens of Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights alike were shattered into splinters by an even more tyrannical strike. At the same time, hundreds more were swept away by the generated wind pressure.

This attack came from a casual swing of Chief Valencia's Tyrant Bone Halberd. The weight of this weapon did not seem inferior to Blackbear's battle mace and might even exceed it!

Chief Valencia was like an overlord on the battlefield. Every swing of her Tyrant Bone Halberd would crush dozens and send hundreds more flying.

The previous concerns about the future had vanished entirely from her face. Only the will to do battle was left.

The worries of the future shall be left in the future.

Right now, all she was concerned about was finding a worthy opponent on the battlefield! None of the Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights were her opponent!

She cleaved her way through the Bone Army like she was clearing out the trash. Her strikes were domineering and overpowering while her momentum was unstoppable!

She only had one target in mind. The Bone Kings! Only the Bone Kings are worthy opponents! The rest was a waste of her time! Those can be left to her tribesmen!

The Bone King in the back of the Bone Army carefully eyed Chief Valencia with its chilly gaze. The red light in its empty eye socket sparkled with increasing intensity as it watched the lone human quickly mowing down its soldiers.

"Hmph! Arrogant human! Let me be your opponent!"

A terrible aura of death exploded from its body as it shot forward with alarming speed. In an instance, it closed the distance between then and swept out with its awfully large bone weapon!

"Hahaha! Just what I was hoping for!"

Chief Valencia met the Bone King's attack head-on.


A powerful shockwave was generated from their clash and swept away the surrounding Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights, and cleared a large space of empty land for them to fight.

"Stay back! This human is mine!"

The Bone King issued its order, and the Bone Army no longer focused on Chief Valencia. They resumed their attack on the other humans before them.

While the Darkmoon Tribe was busy fighting, similar situations were playing out at other human tribes.

Apart from the Darkmoon Tribe, twelve other human tribes had also settled their homes on the Infertile Plains. But of these dozen human tribes, there were only two other tribes that lived neighboring the Black Swamp.

They were the Blackwind Tribe and Crimsonfog Tribe.

These two tribes were also of similar strength to the Darkmoon Tribe and had a population of 20 thousand warriors.

However, at this moment, the Blackwind Tribe was struggling to fend off the Bone Army that headed their way. They were under siege by a 2.1 million strong Bone Army.

Among this 2.1 million Bone Army, there were 1.8 million Bone Soldiers, 300 thousand Bone Knights, and 21 Bone Kings.

Blackwind Tribe failed to take the initiative of the war and were forced on the defensive side. Unlike the battle at Darkmoon City, the Bone Kings had been very proactive in their fight against the Blackwind Tribe.

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They were able to hold on tenaciously under the leadership of their tribal chief, Blackarrow, but the situation was not looking good.

If they cannot break the status quo, they will eventually be worn out by the Bone Army's relentless attack.

"Dammit, why are there many Bone Kings?! This Bone Calamity is much stronger than the last one!" A Great Warrior for the Blackwind Tribe spoke with complaint as he busily hacks down numerous Bone Soldiers that tried to climb the city wall.

"The Bone Calamities had always been getting stronger each time it struck us, but it was never strong to this extent! I fear that our Blackwind Tribe had taken the brunt of the Bone Calamity's attack!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! And you wonder why that is the case, huh?! Our Blackwind City is too goddamn close to the Black Swamp! I have suggested relocation many times, but you guys always shoot me down! Ya bastards are all too greedy for treasures! Now, look where it landed us!"

"Do you think relocation is easy?! Everything had been fine until the Bone Calamity happened! They better not let me find out which bastard triggered it! I'll fricking skin him alive and torture him for 100 days before I quench my burning fury!"

Somewhere on the Infertile Plains, not too far away from the Weeping Forest…


"Are you alright, Leon? That's like the 7th time you sneezed already." Lumi asked with amusement rather than concern.

"After what I did, I wouldn't be surprised if some people are cursing me right now." Leon shrugged after rubbing his itchy nose.


He sneezed again.

In fact, it was not just some people cursing him. It was a lot of people cursing him! So much that he could drown in them!

"People's curses can cause you to sneeze?" Lumi asked with a dubious expression. Wasn't that just a superstition?

"Actually… I am allergic."

"What are you allergic to?"

"Curses. Curses directed at me."


"Ahem, jokes aside, I might really be allergic to something," Leon said as he recalled the strange flower, he picked up not long ago.

Anything that can grow on this seemingly barren and uncultivatable land had to be something extraordinary.