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Prime Originator

Chapter 253 - Died With Grievance
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Chapter 253 - Died With Grievance

Two swift kills were enough to freeze the entire battlefield on the streets of Upper West District momentarily.

The city guards, nobles, and palace guards were locked in a passive disadvantage against disciples of Bloodfiend Sect, but with Leon's timely arrival, the tides of battle were turned in their favor.

"It's the prince! The prince is here with us!"

A city guard rejoiced.

The spirits of the people were immediately lifted with the prince's presence. What an honor it was to fight alongside royalty.

"He is the prince? Forget the others and kill the prince! The head of Crawford royalties is worth more than the lives of ten thousand others!" A 5-star inner disciple barked with frenzy.

The subsequent attention of all ten outer disciples and four remaining inner disciples of Bloodfiend Sect were shifted to Leon. Their eyes glowed with crimson greed.

The sect will reward them handsomely for the death of every Crawford royalty they contributed towards.

In the entirety of the declining Crawford Kingdom, there were only three remaining Crawford royalties. The Queen was out of the question and the King was always secured in the safety of the Inner Palace, where another Transcendent resided.

They would not be able to find a better opportunity than now to earn some great contribution points!

Explosive strength burst out of their bodies as they kicked away their opponents and all charged at Leon from different directions.

[Burning Blood]!

Burning Blood was a secret skill of burning their blood vitality to gain a momentary burst of strength that exceeds their usual limits, allowing them to fight opponents one to two levels above themselves.

None of the Bloodfiend Sect disciples hesitated to use this secret skill in order to kill the prince! Their skin glowed with a crimson sheen and bloody steam oozed from their open pores.

"Hahaha! The first blood of Crawford royalty will be drawn by me!" A 4-star inner disciple roared in early celebration, completely unfazed by the two dead inner disciples.

Leon was just lucky to catch the two unfortunate 3-star inner disciples off guard. The art of assassination was just like that, allowing someone to kill stronger opponents through sneak attacks.

That was what every Bloodfiend Sect disciple was thinking. Nothing more, nothing less.

The 9th step outer disciples, on the other hand, did not have any hope of delivering the fatal blow and only hoped to gain contribution points by participating in the kill.

Being the center of the blood cultivator's concentrated attack, Leon frowned for a different reason.

Too weak!

Leon secretly complained. These opponents died too quickly for him to gain any insights into the Way of the Spear.

Only when he is fighting equally powerful opponents to his heart's content would he have a chance of increasing spear mastery.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

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"Watch out!"

The city guard cried with alarm, seeing the prince had yet to move. He immediately regretted exposing the prince's status to the enemy.

Who knew that his words would attract all the enemy and cause the prince to fall into a dangerous situation?!

Just when countless blood-crimson blades were about to land on Leon, his body vanished from the spot in an instance.


The asphalt ground cracked in his place.

"Where did he go?!" A 4-star inner disciple roared with frustration. So close! Just a little faster and the prince's head would have been his!

Everyone looked around furiously.

"Above! He is above!"

A 9th step outer disciple quickly shouted.

In the sky, Leon was gripping the black spear tightly over his head and descending with increasing momentum from a height of 100fts.

"Hahaha! foolish brat, you want to die that badly, huh?! Let me send you on your way then!"

The 5-star inner disciple guffawed.

It was very difficult to maneuver in the air without any accompanying skills or ability. Logically, this should be a rookie move, and the one on the ground should be the one holding the absolute advantage over the person in the air.

If nothing unexpected happens, the stupid brat was going to die very soon! At least, that what the inner disciple thought.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

The hearts of the inner disciples were beating harder, the closer Leon got to the ground for an unknown reason. A sign of impending doom filled their being with hair-raising chills and their expressions soon turned horrid.

Even the surrounding people from the Crawford Kingdom became appalled.

Oh no! The prince is going to sacrifice himself!

Everyone thought Leon was going to trade his life to take down the other.

He did not show any signs of slowing down. He had completely disregarded defense and focused entirely on his attack!

"Are you crazy?! You want to take us down with you?! Dream on!"

The inner disciples and outer disciples all retreated out of the way with abrupt changes in expressions, thinking they had decisively lost in a contest of guts against a brat!

Little did they know, Leon was completely confident in coming out unscathed even if they followed through!

He only needed to concern himself with the inner disciples. The 9th step outer disciples were completely incapable of inflicting any damage on his tempered body!


Leon slammed into ground great force and sunk the already cracked asphalt ground into a small crater.

A glint flickered in eyes of the palace guards, nobles, and city guards at the opportunity the prince presented to them as the disciples of Bloodfiend Sect retreated towards them with their backs!

All sorts of attacks were made to target the heart, neck, and heads, while some attempted to directly bisect the evil bloodsuckers in half.

A few unfortunate outer disciples died on the spot after having a sword lunged into their brains, but many others managed to survive.

The inner disciples were alerted of the danger and managed to twist their bodies to avoid fatal blows, but the seven surviving 9th step outer disciples weren't so lucky.

Some had their hearts impaled, some had shallow cuts on their neck, and one of them had a sword lodged halfway through their waist as the blow was blocked a bit slow but not too late! At least, they still had half their waist to hold their upper and lower body together!

"Argh! You annoying fleas, I'll kill you first!"

The surviving Bloodfiend Sect disciples were enraged, while the few city guards, nobles, and palace guards all widened their eyes with horror.

What's going?! Why aren't these monsters dying?!

Before a few surviving bloodsuckers could counterattack, Leon had already followed up with his next attack by lunging forward and lop off the heads of one 9th step outer disciples and two 4-star inner disciples with the tips of his spearhead in a single clean twirling motion.

"These blood cultivators all have strong blood vitality! You have to cut off their heads to kill them swiftly!" Leon warned the others.

The people beamed with enlightenment, while the remaining six outer disciples and two inner disciples had changes in expression.


Another three heads belonging to two 9th step outer disciple and one 4-star inner disciple suddenly flew through the air.

A split-second distraction was all it took for Leon to quickly reap another three lives.


The last surviving 5-star inner disciple roared with indignation. He blasted the palace guard obstructing him away with a palm strike and quickly turned with a horizontal slash.

If not for Leon already lunging at him, he would have had time to kill the palace guard otherwise.

The trajectory of the blood-crimson sword from the 5-star inner disciple was aligned with Leon's own neck, but all he did was swap the black spear to his left hand and lunge it towards the 5-star inner disciple's head while raising his own right arm to block the sword blow.

"You're fucking crazy!"

The 5-star inner disciple almost had his eyes popped out.

Madman! You are a fucking madman! Do you think your right arm is made out of Obsidian Metal?! Because of you, we are both going to die!

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Anyone would have retreated in Leon's situation, but not him. The defensive capability of his right arm was after all, comparable to 9-star graded materials.

Clang! Poof!

Two subsequent sound was heard. One loud like the clashing of metals and one was soft like the drilling of steel through flesh.

The 5-star inner disciple plopped dead on the ground with his eyes wide in disbelief and indignation. He had died with grievance.

None of the opponents had ever fought the way Leon did. In fact, no one was capable of such a feat unless they had a monstrously tough physique like Leon.

It was simple and straightforward, but also savage and unrefined like barbarians.

The surrounding people were shocked silly and stared at Leon dumbly.

"Finish off the rest of them!"

Leon's voice in their ears, before they snapped out of their stupor.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Only the 9th step outer disciples were left, and this was something the palace guards could handle.

Shortly after, all the disciples of the Bloodfiend Sect within the Upper West District were killed thereafter.

They had all gathered at this particular street for some reason, but the chaotic situation in the other districts was more widespread.

He was not worried about the Royal Palace with Grandpa Don there, and no chaos seemed to have broken out in the Lower Districts.

The Lower District was just recently rebuilt. There was no place to hide there, but the number of bloodsuckers that had been hiding in the Upper District made Leon's heart run cold.

There hadn't been any reports of missing people or homicide cases in the Upper District after the Capital Crisis incident with spiders, meaning these blood cultivators hadn't been secretly sucking people's blood for their cultivation.

Leon didn't think these blood cultivators could resist such temptation for so long unless they had a supply of Blood Pills or simply been put to sleep until now.

The thought of all these blood cultivators suddenly appearing during Capital Crisis made Leon sweat. Although Don would have been able to eventually eradicate them all, the casualty up until then would have been very great.

Leon rummaged through the dead bodies of the blood cultivators and found a more advanced version of the [Blood Refining Art] on the body of the 5-star inner disciple. There were also some basic versions of the [Blood Refining Art] on the dead bodies of the outer disciples.

He pocketed them all into his Worldspace. It would become a headache if someone secretly took one and cultivated it in secret.


Leon glanced at the corpse of an outer disciple, who was one of the first to die after having his heart pierced.

He made his way over and stepped on it and felt the corpse slightly shivered. His eyes grew cold and raised his spear.


The 'corpse' suddenly cried in alarm under Leon's foot, but the struggling ceased after Leon embedded his spear into the person's head.

Leon gave the outer disciple some credit. He had almost overlooked this outer disciple that pretending to be dead in a very inconspicuous spot.

"Clean up these bodies. Make sure to cut off the heads of any intact corpse."

After giving out his instruction, Leon waste no further time and departed immediately to assist the other districts.