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Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 Becky was surprised. “Raymond sent a legal letter on her behalf? Does she know him? How?”

Zola vented her anger on her. “Why are you so shocked? Her ex is loaded, so of course she knows


Becky did not realize Zola was venting at her. She was still in awe. “Why did her ex help her out?

They‘re divorced.”

“You‘re so annoying! Ask Emma if you want to know that!” Zola raised her voice and roared at her.

Becky finally realized she was venting at her, so she shut up. Zola stood up and chased her away in

annoyance. “I had enough for a day. Go home.” She went into her study and slammed the door shut.

Becky bit her lip and left Zola‘s house. Everyone had it hard, and the workplace was the harshest place

of it all. She was unfortunate enough to work for Zola, so she had to suffer

Emma had no idea Raymond had sent the content creator a legal letter on her behalf. She was

shocked when she saw him deleting the video and apologizing to her. It was surprising that he backed

down so quickly. Paid creators usually held out for a long time. They would keep slandering their victim

no malter if the content was true or false. They would just hop back in with another username if they

were warned or banned

Cerys came back from work, and Emma was surprised. She said apologetically, “You‘re early. I haven‘t

made dinner yet.”

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After Emma inoved in with Cerys, she would make dinner every night if Cerys did not have any

appointments. Still, she would be home late even without any appointments, as she had a lot of work. It

was surprising that Cerys did not have overtime, and she was home early.

Cerys smiled, “Mr. Bateson let me off early. He wants me to see if you need any help.”

Huh? What the hell is he doing? And since when do I need anyone‘s help? I got through a goddamn

divorce. I can handle a case of cyberbullying.

“I didn‘t have much work, so I came back after I was done with them.” She continued, “You don‘t have

to make dinner tonight. I ordered delivery.”

Since Cerys said that, Emma did not insist.

She told Cerys about the creator‘s apology. Cerys looked surprised. “Oh, you don‘t know? Mr. Bateson

told Raymond to send that creator a legal letter.” She thought

‘Trevor would tell her, but it was obvious that Emm had no idea about this. What is the boss thinking?

Why didn‘t he take credit for this?


Emma was at a loss for words. She knew who Raymond was. Just like Zachary, he was Trevor‘s friend

and business partner. Raymond was the one handling all the legal matters concerning the company.

She knew Raymond was famous. So he sent that content creator a legal letter? No wonder he backed

off so quickly.But why did he help me? It‘s more than enough that he printed the transaction records

out. That Lurned the tables around. “Um…” Emma had no idea what to say. Guess I‘ll have to get him

that gisi soon.

Cerys gave her a mysterious look. “Mr. Bateson cares about you a lot.”

Emma froze up, and she looked down. “Maybe he‘s worried about the script. It‘d get delayed if I get

roped into this too much.” $he smiled.

So dense. Cerys said, “I‘ll get changed. We’ll have dinner once the delivery is here.”

While Cerys was getting changed, Emma texted Trevor, ‘Mr. Bateson, Cerys told me you got Mr.

Washington to send the creator a legal letter. Thank you so, so much! She put a lot of emphasis on the

‘thank you‘ so that Trevor knew how sincere she was.

Trevor texted back, ‘I don‘t need thank yous. I need more tangible stuff! Hurry up and treat me to lunch.

Emma texted, ‘Sure. Guess I‘ll have to ask Cerys to buy that pen for me. I can‘t go out now. What if I

get recognized?

Cerys popped open a bottle of wine after she took the delivery. They chatted as they had dinner.

Emma asked, “I won‘t be able to go out soon, so can you buy a pen for me?”

“A pen?” Cerys was confused.

“Yeah.” Emma nodded. “Your boss helped me out big time, so I need to give him something in return. I

thought about it, and a pen or a fountain pen would be the best.”

Cerys almost spat her wine out. She knew that was not what her boss had in mind. Cerys quickly said,

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“Are you sure that‘s what he wants?”

Frustrated, Emma said, “What else can I do? I can‘t treat him to a meal. Crystal would kill me. A gift is

the best I can do. It‘s better for everyone.”

Cerys was at a loss for words. Emma‘s concerns were valid. Crystal hated her. She would harass

Emma if she knew Trevor was starting to get close to her again. She knew Trevor and Crystal‘s

relationship had not been good lately, but there was no way she could bring that up. Cerys agreed, “I‘ll

get it first thing tomorrow morning.”

Emma said gratefully, “That‘s great. Thank you so much.” A moment later, she said. “I know the brand

of that fountain pen he usually uses. Get one from that shop, and give it to him for me.” It was a luxury

brand, but Emma had to buy it. Trevor was a man of great stature. She had to get him a pen that was

worth his status.

Cerys agreed, but she felt like laughing. She wanted to see the face her boss would make when he got

that gift. You don‘t see the boss getting tricked every day. I have to savor

After the video was deleted and the content creator apologized, the cyberbullying case finally came to

an end. Simon and Steven were cursed and insulted. Someone even found out about their gambling

addiction and obscene spending. They became public enemies, and they had to hide from the public

eye. Drats. We just got the money. We‘re supposed to be spending it.

Simon was furious. “How did this happen? Why did it turn out like this?”

Steven squinted. “Raymond stepped in. Trevor must be involved.”

Simon snorted, “What is he doing? They‘re divorced. Why is he being so nice to her? He‘s even nicer

to her than before they were divorced.” !!