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One Wild Night

Chapter 839 Journal And Flash Drive
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Chapter 839  Journal And Flash Drive

The moment Amy arrived at the airport in Heden, she didn't bother going hto her mother, instead she took a cab and headed straight to the Garwood estate.

Although she was still feeling very anxious about facing Miley's parents considering her last experience with them, but she wanted to see them first and find out if she could help out with the funeral arrangements.

As the cab pulled up to the imposing iron gates, she clasped both her hands together as though that would calm her.

As the Georgian mansion cinto view and she beheld the manicured lawn and fountain, she couldn't help but remember all the times she had ran about this place with Miley or even taken evening strolls together.

Tears blurred her eyes, and she quickly brushed the tear that rolled down her cheeks away, not wanting to be seen in such an emotional state.

She was sure that everyone inside was in a state of mourning. There was no need for her to go in there and show them how sad she was. She had to pull herself together for Miley's sake.

"Are you not getting down?" The cab driver asked, breaking into her thoughts, and immediately she dipped her hand into her handbag and paid him before getting down.

As she walked to the door with her little luggage box, she couldn't help but wonder what Lucas must have thought of the place when he visited.

She shook her head to get rid of thoughts of Lucas. She didn't want to think of him right now. She took a deep breath as she knocked on the door.

Formerly she wouldn't need to knock and would just open the door and walk in because they were like one big family. But now, she was reluctant to do so.

"Amy! You are here. I'm so glad you could make it. How have you been?" A uniformed maid greeted as she opened the door and Amy forced a smile.

"I'm fine. Are they in?" Amy asked, not wanting to chit chat since she knew the maid would want to gossip.

"Yes. Mr Garwood is in his study, and Mrs Garwood is upstairs. Cin," she said, and Amy followed her in.

"You know, when we heard about what happened, I kept telling everyone that there was no way you would try to cheat the young mistress. She loved you like a sister and I know you loved her too…"

"Can we please not talk about that? Let them know I'm here. Please," Amy said politely, and although the maid wasn't pleased, she gave Amy a nod and left to do as Amy had requested.

Amy did not sit down or go beyond the foyer even though she knew every nook and cranny of the house like she knew the back of her hands. She stood right there like a visitor, waiting to know if she was fully forgiven and understood or if she had merely been invited based on formality.

As she stood there, she remembered all the times her and Miley had stood here together. She remembered the first ther mother brought her to the house and how she had met Miley.

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"Amy," Mrs Garwood called softly in a voice that threatened to break into a sob at the slightest provocation.

Amy turned to look at Mrs Garwood, and one look into the woman's grief stricken face, tears gathered in Amy's eyes and she went on her knees.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for causing you so much heartache and pain," Amy cried and immediately Mrs Garwood went to her, tears dropping from her eyes as she placed both hands on her shoulders to pull her up.

A choked sob escaped Mrs. Garwood's lips, but she held firm. "Amy, honey, get up. This isn't your fault," She said as she pulled Amy up.

Amy shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, it is! I should have told you. Miley madepromise not to, but I should have known better. I should have fought harder for her."

Grief and a flicker of anger clouded Mrs. Garwood's eyes. "Miley was a stubborn child, Amy. We both know that. But you loved her, and she loved you. Blaming yourself won't bring her back," she said as she embraced her.

The embrace was long and tight, a silent understanding passing between them that transcended words. Amy could feel the raw grief radiating from the older woman, a grief that mirrored her own.

When they finally pulled apart, Mrs. Garwood's eyes, red-rimmed and swollen, held a glimmer of the forgiveness Amy had desperately craved, as she led Amy into the sitting room.

"Miley's friend, Dr Lucas, told us everything," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "About Miley's wishes, and how you honored them."

Relief washed over Amy, momentarily easing the suffocating weight of guilt. "He did?"

"Yes," Mrs. Garwood confirmed, her grip tightening on Amy's shoulders. "He told us about Miley's wishes and how strongly she felt about keeping her condition away from us. We were angry, Amy, so very angry. But Lucas... he made us understand. It doesn't make it any easier, but we understand better now."

Shprickled at Amy's skin. "I should have told you. I know that. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you..."

"We know, darling," Mrs. Garwood said, her voice softening further. "We know. And honestly, a part of us understands. It must have been incredibly difficult for her, and for you too."

A shaky breath escaped Amy. "It was. It was the hardest secret I've ever kept. She didn't want you to worry, and she didn't want you to hold her back from doing all she wanted either."

A tear escaped Mrs. Garwood's eye and traced a path down her cheek. She wiped it away with the back of her hand. "We miss her terribly, Amy. Although she hasn't been here in months, the house feels so empty knowing we will never hear her laughter in it again."

"I miss her too, Mrs. Garwood," Amy choked out, tears finally spilling down her own face. "More than you can ever know."

Mrs. Garwood pulled Amy into a tight embrace, the scent of her perfand regret filling Amy's senses. They stood there for a long moment, clinging to each other, the shared grief forging a fragile bridge of understanding between them.

Finally, Mrs. Garwood stepped back, wiping at her eyes. "Would you like stea, Amy? And perhaps something to eat? You must be exhausted from your trip."

"A glass of water will do," Amy replied, her voice hoarse. "Thank you, Mrs. Garwood."

A flicker of a sad smile touched Mrs. Garwood's lips. "There is no need for formalities, dear. We've always loved you like a daughter and you are still family. And I'm sorry that I let my pain and anger get the best of me. I should have trusted you enough to not doubt your love and loyalty to Miley."

The weight of their unspoken bond settled on Amy. Tears streamed down her face, a mixture of grief and relief. The dam had broken, and the pent-up emotions of the past couple of weeks since Miley collapsed in her arms cflooding out.

Mrs. Garwood led her to a nearby armchair, offering a comforting hand on her shoulder. As Amy sobbed, the years of shared laughter and memories with Miley played in her mind. The house, once a symbol of joy, now echoed with the absence of her friend.

"What can I do?" Amy finally managed to choke out, wiping her tears with a shaky hand.

"Pull yourself together while I get you a glass of water," Mrs Garwood said before walking away.

By the tshe returned a short moment later with a glass of water, Amy stood looking at the framed photos on the wall, each one a snapshot of a happier time, a twhen laughter filled the house and Miley's smile was a constant feature.

A fresh wave of grief threatened to engulf her, but she forced it down, determined to be strong for Mrs. Garwood and for Miley's memory.

"Here," Mrs Garwood said, and Amy took the glass from her thankfully.

"Let's go to the study to meet my husband," she said after Amy was done drinking, and together they headed there.

Entering the study, Amy found Mr. Garwood seated behind his desk, his face etched with grief. He looked older, his shoulders slumped in defeat. Seeing him like this, Amy's heart ached.

"Honey," Mrs. Garwood announced softly, "Amy's here."

Mr. Garwood looked up, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and anger. But as his gaze met Amy's, a flicker of understanding replaced the anger. He rose from his chair, his movements slow and stiff.

"Amy," he said, his voice hoarse. "Thank you for coming."

"Thanks for lettingcdespite what I did," Amy said shamefacedly.

"Come. Sit down and tellall that my baby did and how she spent her last active moments," he said, gesturing to her to sit down, and both Amy and Mrs Garwood sat down.

"I don't know where to start…"

"You can start from the moment you found out about her health," Mrs Garwood suggested and Amy went on to tell them everything without sparing any details.

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The Garwoods laughed and cried as they listened to Amy's story. She told them how Miley had wanted Lucas and how she had tried to matchmake her with Lucas.

By the tAmy was done with her story, Miley's mom was sobbing while her husband wrapped his arms around her as he comforted her while also battling with his own tears.

"Thank you, Amy. Thank you for being with her all through," Mr Garwood said, and Amy sniffled as she reached into her handbag for Miley's journal and a flash drive.

"You should have this," Amy said, and they looked at her in confusion.

"I cupon it as I was packing her stuff at my place. It belongs to Miley. It seems she started keeping a journal from the moment she found out about her health. I haven't read through it. I couldn't bring myself to do that. I believe it's more for you than it is for me. And the flash drive contains all the pictures and videos of her I was able to capture in the tI spent with her," Amy said and tears fell from Mrs Garwood's eyes as she took the journal and flash drive from Amy.

"Thank you so much, Amy. This means a lot to me," she said and Amy nodded.

"Forgivefor asking. But about the surrogacy…"

Amy shook her head, "I'm not pregnant. It didn't work out," she said without meeting their gaze, "And I'm sorry I…"

"We are the ones who are sorry. Your only offense was selflessly going along with all our princess wanted. We are sorry for being so harsh and unfair," Mr Garwood said and Amy nodded without saying anything.

"What about the jerk that wanted to marry her for money? I hope he is not bothering you?" Mr Garwood asked, and Amy shook her head, not wanting to bother them.

"He is bothering you, is he not?" Mrs Garwood asked suspiciously.

"You don't have to worry about it. I reported him to the police already," Amy said and the couple exchanged a look.

"Don't worry. I will take care of it and make sure he never bothers you again. Miley put you in this mess and it's only fitting that we get you out of it," Mr Garwood said and Amy sighed deeply, grateful for their forgiveness and kindness.

"Thank you. Can I know the plans for the funeral? Is there something I can do," Amy asked and they went on to tell her about the funeral arrangements.

"You will be staying here for the duration of your stay, right?" Mrs Garwood asked, and even though Amy had planned to go hto her mother initially, she nodded.

"Good. You can use your usual bedroom. Go in to have srest. You can go up to see her bedroom when you're ready. I've been in there every day since she passed on," Mrs Garwood said sadly.

"I will do that. Thank you," Amy said as she rose to leave.

As Amy walked away, she couldn't help but feel even more grateful to Lucas for helping her sort things out without being asked.

As the door shut behind Amy, the Garwoods settled down to take a look at the content of the flash drive, desperate for whatever would connect them to their daughter.