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One Wild Night

Chapter 834 The Talk Show (1)
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834  The Talk Show (1)

The plush velvet armchairs sat empty under the stark glare of the stulights. Anticipation crackled in the air as a hush fell over the audience.

The morning's episode of the prestigious Eric Howell Live promised an exclusive.

As the cameras rolled, Harry strode onto the stage oozing a confident aura. Flanked by Candace, her composure a stark contrast to the tremor in her hands, and Andy, whose fierce determination masked a vulnerability, the tpresented a portrait of a beautiful family.

"Welcback, everyone," Eric Howell's booming voice filled the studio. "Today, we have a special episode in store for you. Joining us are Harry Jonas, Co-CEO of I-Global Group, along with two beautiful ladies, Candace Jonas, and Andy Jonas. Harry, thank you for choosing our show to share this very personal journey."

"Thank you, Eric," Harry replied, his voice steady and confident. "It is a pleasure to be here."

Alicia, the co-host known for her disarming warmth, turned to the sisters. "Thank you both for joining us. It takes courage to share your story, and we appreciate you being here. It's a gift to your viewers," she said, her voice warm and inviting.

Candace offered an hesitant smile, her gaze flitting between the audience where Matt was seated, and the cameras. Andy, however, held Alicia's eyes, a flicker of defiance sparking within them.

Jade, who was seated beside Matt in the audience, held her breath as she looked at them, feeling very nervous even though she wasn't the one on the stage. The last tshe had been here was to witness Rebekah's downfall, and she had calong with a bowl of popcorn to entertain herself, but this tshe hadn't even been able to touch her breakfast.

Everyone seated there meant a lot to her, and she was specially worried about Candace since she knew how nervous Candace was.

"Let's start from the beginning," Alicia began, her gaze soft yet probing. "Mr. Jonas…"

"Just Harry is fine," Harry cut her or ex

"Just Harry then," Alicia joked, and everyone laughed.

"In recent times there has been rumors about your relationship with the recently convicted Sara Walker. Sclaim she is your biological mother, others claim she is your older lover, and there are swho say she was your late mother's friend. Can you clear the air and tell us the nature of your relationship with her?" Alicia asked with a curious smile.

Harry gave her a nod as he leaned back in his seat, "Sara walker is my biological mother," Harry said, and both Eric Howell and Alicia exchanged a surprised look.

"Sara Walker is your mother? For real? She denied that rumor when it first cup, and if I remember correctly, you always said your mother was late and you were raised by only your father, who never remarried. Am I wrong?" Eric inquired.

"No, you are not wrong. That was exactly what I thought all these years. My father madebelieve she was dead. I only found out the truth stago," Harry said quietly.

"That must have cas a shock to you," Alicia said with a thoughtful expression, and Harry smiled wryly.

"That is quite an understatement. The discovery was earth-shattering," he admitted with a sigh, "But thanks to having the best quality of people around me, I was able to find my balance," Harry said, and his eyes sought Jade's in the audience.

"Before we delve further into your relationship with Sara Walker, we would like to know your relationship with these  beautiful ladies. Stago, Ms Candace Jonas was seen walking down the red carpet by your side and it caused quite the buzz in the media since everyone was curious to know who she was. Can you tell us about your relationship with them?" Alicia asked and Harry turned to smile at Candace and Andy.

"They are both my elder sisters," Harry said, and everyone looked at them in surprise, including Jade whose jaw dropped.

Elder? She mused, and met Harry's amused gaze, while Candace and Andy who had been a bit tense looked at Harry.

Forgetting the cameras as Harry had wanted her to, Candace scowled at him, "I thought that was meant to be a family top secret?" She asked, and Harry grinned.

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"He did say he didn't want you to have anything over him," Andy reminded Candace and the three of them laughed.

"Did you say sisters? Elder sisters?" Eric asked in disbelief, and Harry smiled.

"As a matter of fact, Candace is my twin sister," Harry clarified.

"Oh, my God! This is huge!" Alicia said excitedly as she looked from Candace to Harry and back again.

"I think I can see the resemblance now. Can you see it, Eric?" She asked, and Eric looked from Harry to Candace who were smiling.

"I think so," Eric said, and then shook his head.

"Are you messing with us, Harry? Or is this for real?" Eric asked suspiciously and Harry chuckled.

"Don't I have better things to do with my tthan to con your show to mess with you?" Harry asked, and Eric nodded.

"You are right. I believe you," Eric said and then Alicia's jaw dropped dramatically as of something just hit her.

"If you are twins, does that mean Sara Walker is your mom too?" Alicia asked Candace, and feeling relaxed by all the jokes already, Candace nodded.

"And you?" Alicia asked Andy, and she shook her head.

"No. Sara Walker is not my mother. Candace and I have been together since our childhood days at the orphanage. I was recently adopted by Aaron Jonas," Andy explained, and Alicia frowned.

"Did you just say, orphanage? Why would Candace be at the orphanage when both her parents are alive and doing quite well?" Alicia asked, and Harry gave Candace a nod to speak.

"And if you don't mindasking, if you are Sara's daughter, does that mean you are the daughter whose organ she intended to harvest illegally that ended in her arrest?" Eric asked, and Candace nodded as Andy reached for her hand.

"Yes, I was the one whose organ she tried unsuccessfully to harvest. And up until a couple of months ago, I never knew anything about my biological family. I was just an orphan and the only family I had was my brilliant seven year old son and my sister, Andy," Candace said quietly.

"If it's not too much to ask, can you tell us how you got to know about your biological family? And how got reunited with them?" Alicia asked in a soft voice.

"I would also like to know how you ended up at the orphanage," Eric added.

"It's a long story…"

"I'm pretty sure it's an interesting one, and I'm here for it. We are all here for it. Right, Eric?" Alicia asked, and Eric nodded.

"Yes, Candace. We would love to hear all about it," Eric said and Candace drew a deep breath.

"Like I already said, until sweeks ago, I knew nothing about my biological family. It all started when I met my boyfriend, Matt Swift…" as soon as the words left her lips, her eyes widened in surprise when she realized what she had just publicly announced, and her gaze went to Matt who was grinning from the audience, and she shook her head and pressed her lips together.

"Matt Swift? The actor, Matt Swift, is your boyfriend?" Eric asked in surprise.

"I guess that explains why he is in the audience," Alicia said with a grin.

"I guess you just took your relationship to the next level," Andy whispered to Candace and Harry chuckled.

"There is a lot to unpack in this morning's episode. I'm beginning to feel like it should be a series," Eric said and they all laughed.

"I agree with you. There is so much to talk about," Alicia said with a nod.

"That was a slip…"

"Are you saying he isn't your boyfriend?" Eric asked, and Candace shook her head.

"No. That's not what I mean. I'm just saying I… that is not part of this interview," Candace said, feeling flustered.

"Alright. Maybe we can have you both as guests stin the nearest future," Eric said and Candace shook her head.

"Don't count on it," Candace muttered to Harry's amusement.

"Please go on with what you were saying before that very significant slip," Alicia said, steering the conversation back to the discussion.

"I… we were on the run. Or perhaps I should say, we were in hiding, Andy and I. Not from the law, but from my son's father…"

"You should probably explain why we were in hiding," Andy cut in, still holding onto Candace's hand in silent support.

"True. I was going to ask that. Also, you started earlier by saying it all started when you met Matt Swift. I'm a little confused," Alicia said and Candace nodded.

"I think it would be better to start from the beginning as Andy suggested. That way it's easier to explain the role Matt played in helpingfind my family," Candace said and went on to talk about how they left the orphanage hand took up a waitressing job at a bar where she met Jero (chapter 183).

She explained the kind of life Jero led, without making any reference to the Legion Cartel. She talked about how they ran away after testifying against Jero and having him locked up.

When it was tto talk about being a stripper, Candace's breath hitched. Her grip on Andy's hand tightened.

"In order to take care of bills, we…"

"It's okay, Candace. I'm sure it must have been hard on you. You don't have to give us the details of all you had to do," Alicia said as she leaned forward in her seat and took Candace's second hand.

Tears gathered in Candace's eyes, and surprisingly there were tears in Andy's eyes too as she reached out and brushed Candace's tears away.

"I want to say it. I need to say it and get it out," Candace said, and Harry smiled at her proudly and Matt also smiled from where he sat.

Candace took a deep breath, "We worked as exotic dancers. I was a stripper."

"An exotic dancer? For real? And here I was thinking you were going to say something terrible. Not to trivialize how you feel about it, but I think exotic dancing is a beautiful art."

"Right?" Andy asked enthusiastically.

"Right. And it isn't illegal. I mean, you're an entertainer. I really don't see anything wrong in having a beautiful body and having people pay to see you dance in your own skin. I mean, you have a son, right? Yet your body is still so beautiful that you can work as an exotic dancer? You should be proud! I go to the beach and people seein my bikini but no one is paying for it. But an exotic dancer gets on the stage in a bikini or whatever costand money falls from every angle. It's really not fair," Alicia said incredulously.

"You never can tell. Maybe if you do sdance moves in your bikini money will fall," Andy suggested and Alicia laughed.

"I will need to learn ssexy moves from you then," Alicia said and Andy pursed her lips as though considering it.

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"I will have to charge you for it," she said and Alicia laughed.

"Unlike Candace, you don't seem troubled by the occupation," Eric observed, and Andy nodded.

"Am I supposed to be worried? Contrary to the negative stereotype that has stigmatized the career, exotic dancing is not the sas prostitution. And exotic dancers are not drug addicts or uneducated. Most of the ladies I've worked with are either doing it because it is their passion and for others like Candace it is to earn good money to take care of themselves and pursue a degree," Andy said and Eric nodded, looking at her with interest.

"What about you? Why did you do it?" He asked, and Andy smiled.

"For the fun of it and the money. I started the job first and convinced Candace to do the ssince the pay was good and it would enable us take care of our little boy and Candace's college expenses," Andy said, and Alicia looked at Candace with interest.

"You are in college?" She asked, and Candace nodded.


"She is studying law," Andy said proudly while Harry simply sat back, and listened to the interactions with a smile.

"Wow! Law? That's impressive," Alicia said and Candace smiled shyly.


"What about you?" Eric asked Andy.

"What about me?" Andy asked lost.

"Are you in college too?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No, I'm not. I've been saving up to go into music," Andy said and Eric's brow shot up.

"Music?" He asked with interest, "Want to be the next Cardi B?" He asked and she laughed.

"Nah. Cardi B is Cardi B, and Andy is Andy. I don't want to be anyone. I want to be me," Andy said and Eric smiled.

"Andy has the best vocals I've heard. I get goosebumps listening to her sing stimes, and I can't wait for the world to enjoy what she has to offer," Candace said with a proud smile.

"Aww. Now you makereally want to hear her sing," Alicia said and turned to Andy.

"What kind of music would you like to do? Want to give us a glimpse of what we should be expecting from you?" Alicia asked and Andy grinned.

"For real? You wantsing?" She asked, and Eric nodded.

"Yes. We would love our stage to be the first to witness what you've got," Eric said and Andy grinned.

"Why don't I do that when we are done? I think we are getting sidetracked from the whole subject of the interview," Andy suggested, and they nodded.

"That's right. There is just so much to talk about. Harry, your sisters are as interesting as they are beautiful," Eric said, and Harry chuckled.

"You can say that again," Harry said with a proud smile.

"Let's take a little break, and when we get back, Candace can tell us how she ended up at the orphanage and got reunited with her biological family. I can't wait!" Alicia said excitedly.


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