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One Wild Night

Chapter 680  What Egg?
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Chapter 680  What Egg?

Sonia, who had followed Lucy into Tom's bedroom, was torn between wanting to vent with Lucy and calming her down since she knew that Lucy had every right to be upset.

She wasn't even Lucy, yet she was blowing very hot herself after listening to what Evelyn had to say.

If she didn't want her husband getting upset at her, she should've not meddled in the first place. Even though Lucy had not asked Lawrence to report himself, she was pretty sure Desmond would have found out about it and would have still gotten upset, so why put the blame on Lucy?

How could Evelyn, who was supposed to be a mother that would pull the family closer together, be the one acting in a way that was causing so much unnecessary drama all because she was too proud to accept that she was wrong and apologize?

"You can vent if you want to," Sonia told Lucy since she seemed too calm.

"I think I've said all I need to say for tonight. I'm sorry you got dragged into it because of me," Lucy said, and Sonia waved it off.

"Don't be. You have no idea how much I had to hold back myself from snatching the phone from Bryan and scolding Evelyn myself. I can't believe Evelyn is trying to blame you for the result of her actions. How could she keep saying all the wrong things when all she had to do was apologize?" Sonia said, sounding more pissed than she intended to, so she rose up and began to pace to work off the steam.

Lucy smiled. This was probably one of the best things about the both of them dating two brothers. She felt much better knowing her best friend was on her side. Sonia's loyalty was unquestionable.

"I'm glad you didn't do that. The last thing I want is for you to have any problems with her on my account. Especially now that you are getting married to Bryan soon. We don't want you to be on her bad books too," Lucy said, and Sonia, who had been pacing around the room, stopped to scowl at Lucy.

"Who cares about being on her good book? In case you haven't gotten the memo yet, she just got herself on my bad book for pulling this shit tonight! And I told Bryan we are both going to have a problem if he dares to take his mother's side! You are my best friend, and whoever is against you is against me!" Sonia said in annoyance, making Lucy giggle.

"Is it the pregnancy hormone? You look more pissed than I am. Quit overreacting," Lucy said, wanting to make light of the situation so that Sonia wouldn't be so upset in her state.

"I am pissed! I expect you to be too!" Sonia hissed, and Lucy giggled.

"Did you come in here to get me riled up, or are you here to calm me down? Besides, it's your first time in the master's suite," Lucy reminded Sonia, knowing the best way to distract her from her annoyance was to arouse her interest in something else.

Unlike the other bedrooms in the house, Tom's was designed as a suite, and even though you could see the bedroom from the little living room immediately you walked into the bedroom, you needed to go into the bedroom to see all of it and the balcony.

"Yeah. I know. But I'm too annoyed to care about that for now. I'm certain there will be other opportunities for me to see it. I'm just so disappointed in Evelyn for causing all this mess. All she had to do was apologize. But she is too proud to do so and…"

"Evelyn isn't proud," Lucy cut in, and Sonia scowled.

"The very first time we met, she apologized to me for something I had no idea she even did (Chapter 263). She isn't proud. I think she is very upset over her misunderstanding with Desmond, and it is making her illogical. I don't think they usually have serious issues like this," Lucy said with understanding.

"Really? So, you're not mad at her?" Sonia asked in disbelief, and Lucy sighed.

"I thought I was earlier, but seeing you mad at her made me try to reevaluate the situation so I could calm you. And I think I can understand why everyone is acting the way they are acting right now. Mind you; I'm not saying it is alright for them to do any of this. I'm just saying I can understand where they are all coming from. So, can you please stop being so mad? We don't want a baby with anger issues," Lucy joked, and Sonia's hand moved to her abdomen, and she sighed.

"And you don't care that because of her, your private business is now public knowledge. I still can't believe that Bryan and Jade are gullible enough not to see what their mother is doing and how she has successfully turned the issue from what it is and made it about you not wanting to get married," Sonia said, getting back to the subject.

Lucy had been surprised to hear Bryan ask her about her decision not to marry Tom. She couldn't say her feelings had been hurt when she found out Evelyn had been the one to tell Bryan about it. It was no news that the Hank family had a problem with keeping secrets, the only exceptions for her being Tom and his dad.

"You can't blame them. I think they were just too shocked by the news to care about anything else. It doesn't mean they have been distracted from the main issue," Lucy said in their defense, and Sonia scowled.

"Why are you defending them? I thought we were both supposed to be mad at them?" Sonia asked, and Lucy grinned.

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"I'm not defending them. It is what it is. I'm just trying to rationalize things, so I understand why they asked the question. And I'm not mad at them. I just needed to seize that opportunity to draw the line and make it clear I wouldn't tolerate any more meddling from any of them," Lucy said, and Sonia sighed as she sat down on the couch beside Lucy.

"I can see why you are her favorite daughter-in-law to be. She is going to be so ashamed of herself and regret this action when she finds out you are more open now to the idea of marriage to Tom," Sonia said, and Lucy smiled.

"I don't plan to say a word of it to Tom anytime soon until I'm done with my therapy, so it has to stay between us until then," Lucy said, and Sonia nodded.

"Sure. I understand. God, Lu! Your self-control needs to be studied in college. I thought I was coming in here to calm you, but you calmed me instead. Heaven knows if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't be sitting here so calmly rationalizing shit. I'd have called her out for this nonsense she pulled. If her kids are not sensible enough to do…"

The rest of her words trailed off when Tom opened the door, and Lucy bit back a giggle when Sonia flushed in embarrassment, wondering whether Tom had heard what she had just said.

Sonia knowing that they needed privacy to talk, quickly rose, "Talk to you later," Sonia said to Lucy as she quickly left the bedroom.

Tom walked further into the room, looking at Lucy without saying anything as he went to sit beside her on the spot Sonia had vacated.

He felt really sorry that his family was making things hard for her, and he blamed himself for it. If only he had handled the situation like he should have, then his mother wouldn't have made this about Lucy.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry things had to go this way because I failed to handle it properly," He said as he took Lucy's hand in his.

"You don't have to apologize, love. It's not your fault that things turned out this way. I don't blame you, Tom, and I don't blame them either. I understand that they are your family and are only looking out for you in the best way they can. I just want them to be able to respect our relationship and not interfere unless either of us asks them to," Lucy said softly.

"Aren't you mad?" He asked, and Lucy shrugged.

"Maybe earlier, I was mad a little, but I'm not mad anymore. I'm kind of glad this is all happening," She said, and Tom raised a brow.


"Well, seeing how your mom is reacting to it because your dad is mad at her, I don't think she would want to interfere in our business again and risk having problems with him. And I got my chance to confront Bryan and Jade. Now everyone would know that your girlfriend is not easy to mess with," She said, and Tom smiled.

"Thank you, Jewel," Tom said as he drew Lucy closer for a kiss.

"I should be thanking you for letting me do this my way and not trying to protect them," She said after they broke the kiss.

"I'm sorry my mom told them about your decision," Tom said, and Lucy shrugged.

It didn't matter that much to her now. Especially as she was reevaluating her choices.

"That is not important right now. They were bound to find out about it sooner or later. Besides, it gave me the opportunity I needed to vent," Lucy said, and Tom gazed at her silently for a moment.

"You are indeed my priceless Jewel," Tom said, and she smiled.

"How did you handle it with them anyway?" Lucy asked with interest.

"I only told them not to interfere. And I made it clear I will be mad if they side with her on this," Tom said, and Lucy sighed.

"This wasn't the evening we bargained for, was it?" She asked, and Tom shook his head.

"It wasn't what I bargained for. I thought I was finally going to be having a good night's sleep after being unable to sleep for the last couple of nights," Tom said, and Lucy scowled.

"Too bad. That wasn't what I bargained for myself," She said, and Tom raised a brow.

"Now I'm curious to know what you bargained for," Tom said with a small smile, and Lucy grinned.

"Well, I planned to do something crazy with you tonight to celebrate the DNA result being negative," Lucy said, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Crazy? How crazy?" Tom asked when he saw the mischief in her eyes.

"I don't think I should tell you that anymore since you made it clear you would rather sleep," Lucy said with a coy smile as she rose, and Tom grabbed her hand as he rose up too.

"C'mon!" He said excitedly, and she giggled.

"You should go to bed…"

"How do you expect me to sleep easy when you just told me you had other plans? Besides, I thought you had plans with the girls," Tom said, and she raised a brow.

"When has my plans with the girls ever stopped my plans with you? Besides, that was supposed to make it even crazier and more interesting," She said with a smirk.

"Just what were you planning, Jewel?" Tom asked in amusement.

"You really want to know?" Lucy asked, and Tom rolled his eyes.

"Of course! I won't be asking if I didn't want to know, would I?" He asked, and she grinned.

"Alright. Kiss my forehead, and I will tell you," She said, and Tom kissed her forehead, amused by the show she was putting up.

Lucy pointed to her left cheek for him to do the same, and he did. And then she pointed to her right cheek, the tip of her nose, her chin, her neck, and then her lips.

Tom could tell she was doing all this to make sure he was okay, and he showed his appreciation for the gesture by playing along.

As he kissed her lips, he deepened the kiss, and his hands reached to grab her boob and her ass, making her laugh as she quickly pulled away.

"Okay. Alright. You're doing far more than I asked for," She said with a giggle, and Tom smiled as he watched her.

"You know I can't resist you. So, are you going to tell me now?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Well, I wanted us to do this earlier, after dinner, before the mood got ruined. Remember that egg?" She asked, and Tom frowned.

"What egg?" He asked, and she looked at him, wriggling her brows suggestively as she waited for him to figure out what she was talking about.

"C'mon Lu. I have a lot in my head right now and can't play guessing games…"

"Really? I guess you're not interested enough, then. One would think you'd easily guess the egg I'm talking about since it's the only one in this room," Lucy said with a pout, and Tom looked at her for a moment before his eyes widened in disbelief.

"The vibrator?" He asked, and she grinned as she bobbed her head, surprising him even more.

"But you said you didn't want to put any inanimate thing inside you when I asked you to do it (Chapter 297)," He reminded her.

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"Well, that was then. I want to give it a try now. I want us to try something new," She said with a grin, and Tom watched her in disbelief.


"You didn't discard it, did you?" She asked, and he shook his head.

"Good. We can always try it some other time. The evening is ruined already. I mean, you are upset, and I don't think you're up for any of this, so I should probably let you sleep…" She let the rest of her words trail off with a pout as she batted her lashes at him.

"No fucking way!" Tom exclaimed, making Lucy giggle.

"Where are you learning all this from?" Tom asked in amusement.

"I suppose it comes naturally to me. Tell me, how do you feel now?" Lucy asked, and Tom smiled.

"It's hard to remain upset when you are like this," He said, and she smiled, pleased that he was okay.

"Good. I'm glad that you feel better now. I'm going to be Sonia's maid of honor, you know? And it is my duty to make sure everything goes smoothly. Candace informed me they would be leaving for Sogal by weekend, and since she came over tonight so we can all plan the wedding, I need to make sure we all stick to the plan so that her leaving Jamal tonight wouldn't be in vain," Lucy said, and Tom nodded.

"Alright. I will wait up for you as promised earlier," He said, and she smiled.

"I think we need to relieve the tension since everyone is sort of upset. So, why don't you come downstairs as well? I will gather everyone together," She suggested, and Tom raised a brow.

"And the egg?" He asked, and she grinned.

"That's the fun part. I'm going to put it on, and you can operate the remote controller while we are out there. I'd love to see how much self-control I have," Lucy said, and Tom chuckled.

"I would love to see that, too," He said with a grin.

"Alright. Go get it, and I will put it on before going out to gather the others. I also think you should give your dad a call before you come downstairs. Only you can calm him right now," Lucy said, and Tom merely smiled as he looked at her, letting his gaze convey his thoughts.

He felt like he had run out of compliments to give to her. She was amazing in every way possible.

A couple of minutes later, Tom watched as Lucy inserted the egg inside her, and immediately after she was done adjusting her clothes, he pressed the power button as he had always wanted to do, and Lucy gasped when she felt the vibration, making them both laugh.

"How does it feel inside you? Does it feel like me?" He asked, and she shook her head.

"No. It feels weird walking around with this, but I'm sure I will adjust soon enough," She said as she headed for the door.

"I'm going out now. Be careful with that, and don't let the others see it," She warned, and he grinned.

"Sure," He promised as he watched her leave.

Once she shut the door behind her, Tom sat on the bed and sighed as he thought about what he had overheard her and Sonia say earlier before he could walk into the bedroom.

So, he had not been wrong, and she was becoming more open to the idea of getting married to him? What changed? Was it because of Kimberly and Dawn? He mused.

Hearing that had contributed most to the uplifting of his mood, and even though he had really wanted to ask her about it earlier, he had decided not to since she had made it clear to Sonia that she wanted to wait until after her therapy before discussing it with him.

He was going to patiently wait for her until she was ready to talk to him about it. And while waiting, he was going to be the best and most supportive boyfriend he could possibly be to her and give her even more reasons to want to marry him, Tom decided happily.